
hock n.1.【動物;動物學】(有蹄類的)跗關節(= hock...

hock shop

Tan markings may appear at any or all of the following areas : above eyes as spots , around eyes ( including spectacle markings ) , on each side of the muzzle , on throat , on lower part of front forelegs and extending up the inside of the forelegs , on inside of rear legs showing down the front of the stifle and broadening out to the front of the rear legs from hock to toes , on breeches , and underside of tail 栗色標記可以出現在以下任何部位:眼睛之上如同斑點,環繞眼睛(包括眼鏡狀) ,在口吻邊上,在咽喉部,自前腿部低部由內側向上至前腿上部,在后腿內側向下至膝關節前部再進一步拓寬至跗節關節和趾部,在足部,在尾部內下側。

Tossed to fat lips his chalice , drankoff his tiny chalice , sucking the last fat violet syrupy drops . he spellbound eyes went after her gliding head as it went down the bar by mirrors , gilded arch for ginger ale , hock and claret glasses shimmering , a spiky shell , where it concerted , mirrored , bronze with sunnier bronze . yes , bronze from anearby 當她的頭從酒吧間里那鍍了金字的拱形鏡子旁邊閃過時,他那雙著了迷的眼睛緊緊追隨著她鏡中可以望到的盛著姜麥酒白葡萄酒和紅葡萄酒的玻璃杯,以及一只又尖又長的海螺閃了過去,褐發女侍和更加明亮的褐發女侍一時交相輝映。

This paper analyzed the causation and the superiority of the enterprise ' s management in hock which was evaluated from two aspects that working risk and financial risk , the warning analysis was carried out at the same time , then the question that enterprise should paid attention during management in hock was brought forward 摘要在分析林業企業負債經營產生原因的基礎上,從負債經營的經營風險和財務風險2方面對林業企業負債經營進行評價,同時進行預警分析,提出了林業企業負債經營應注意的問題。

The influence of the yarn guide hock location and the drive disc structure of fa506 and fa506s ring spinning frames on the ends breakage is discussed in the article with countermeasures to lower the yarn guide hock position and revise the drive disc to improve the formed yarn quality put forward 摘要探討了fa506和fa506s型環錠精紡機上導紗鉤位置和桃盤結構對紡紗斷頭率的影響,提出了改進措施,認為降低導紗鉤位置和將桃盤反裝能改善斷頭情況,提高成紗質量。

No wonder , in a recent tv programme , minister of state ow chin hock asked whether anything had gone wrong in our education system and what had made our one - in - a - thousand elite so indifferent to their social obligations without feeling guilty 歐進福政務部長在一個電視節目上也提問,是不是我們的教育出了問題?為什么這一小部分萬里挑一的精英如此漠視自己的社會責任,并且絲毫不覺得理虧?

Estate hock is a estate right is peculiar kind of current fashion , it is to show estate obligee gives law person to be inside proper time , its all estate , transfer the right with proper standard price other bear the behavior of law person 房地產典當是房地產權利特有的一種流通方式,它是指房地產權利人出典人在一定期限內,將其所有的房地產,以一定典價將權利過渡給他人承典人的行為。

Method : we can adopt “ in hock development mechanism “ ; use the “ give after comment “ “ comment after give “ to encourage the person who works very good in practice but with lower diploma 文中對科技人員的“負債開發” 、 “職稱激勵”等方法進行了詳細介紹和分析,對充分發揮科技人員的積極性都將起到重要作用。

Miss douce halfstood to see her skin askance in the barmirror gildedlettered where hock and claret glasses shimmered and in their midst a shell . - and leave it to my hands , she said 杜絲小姐欠起身來,在酒吧間的鏡子里斜眼照了照自己的皮膚;鏡子里盛有白葡萄酒和紅葡萄酒的玻璃杯閃閃發光,中間還擺著一只海螺殼。

It may be true that he has more tolerant instincts than some rivals in the kremlin , and that he is less obviously in hock to the siloviki 也許和克里姆林宮的其他競爭者相比,他更寬容,與“強力部分”也沒有太多的瓜葛,但是除非他出人意料的變成一個更有權力的人物,否則他不可能按自己的意愿行事。

In our country , the integrated usufructuary right system should include five rights : superficies , using right for rural land , servitude , inhabitancy right and hock right 完整的用益物權體系應當包括土地上的用益物權(地上權、農用權、地役權)和建筑物上的用益物權(居住權和典權) 。

Look for a muscular rear , both on the inside and the outside of the legs , with parallel hocks set wide enough so the front feet can be seen just inside the rear feet 不論在后腿的內側和外側,后驅應強壯,平行的兩個踝關節間距應該夠寬,從正后方兩個后足之間可以看到前肢。

The two english versions were translated by yan xianyi couple and england sinologist hocks who made the red academy possess thousands of readers in english countries 由楊憲益夫婦和英國漢學家霍克斯翻譯的兩個英文全譯本在英語國家更使“紅學”擁有千千萬萬讀者。

The deep , moderately wide chest shows strength , the sloping shoulders and well - bent hocks indicate speed and grace , and the face shows high intelligence 深、且寬度適中的胸部顯示出力量,傾斜的肩胛和適度彎曲的飛節顯示出速度和優雅,臉部顯示出非常高的智商。

The company specializes in meat cutting and boning machinery , band saws , slaughter equipment , carcass opening and splitting saws , hock cutters , and skinning machines 查維斯肉類加工機械融合了先進的技術與管理水平,保證了產品卓越的性能與可靠的質量。

Viewed from the side , the forelegs have good reach , while the hind legs have strong drive , with good pickup of hocks . the feet turn neither inward nor outward 從側面觀看,前肢伸展良好,后肢同時擁有強勁動力,飛節跌抬井然.四足既不向內摳也不朝外撅

Original sound track of no . 8 hock shop , featuring 18 theme songs music of the tv drama , including alex to s 2 brand - new songs in 2003 第8號當鋪電視原聲大碟, 2首最新杜德偉20 03深情力作,全碟18首奇幻炫麗扣人心弦,中英法文經典歌曲及配樂!

Tail : bushy , reaching at least to the hocks ; hanging straight down when at rest ; carried level with back or slightly above when moving 尾巴:毛發濃密,至少抵達跗關節處。休息時尾部下垂,走動時尾部向上與背部持平或者略高于背部。

The upper thighs are well - muscled and powerful , the stifles well bent , the hock joint well defined and set low to the ground 后腿上部肌肉發達,強有力,后腿膝關節充分彎曲,裸關節踝關節輪廓分明,距地的位置較低。

The hock , as the hind foot leaves the ground , should first move forward rather than being pulled upwards , but certainly not backwards 當后蹄離開地面時,飛節首先是向前運動,而不是向上提,當然更不會向后動。