
hobo n.(pl. hobo(e)s) 〔美俚〕1.(隨季節流...

hobo belt

Proposal : use unused school building and surchage teacher to build school of children of a few hobo more , facilitate ab extra wu is versed in enter a school of personnel children nearby , also can promote the communication between school time and competition ; bring into the school educational superintend and director to guide network , unqualified to evaluating school , supervise and urge its deadline is rectified and reform ; to the enterprise contribute money aid learn behavior , branch of wu of industrial and commercial duty gives derate company revenue award appropriately inside particular fixed number of year ; groom to receiving the president of school of children of the member that receive worker of ab extra wu , teacher to strengthen , improve the educational education quality of these schools ; educational service should strengthen the research that teachs new trend new characteristic to children of foreign worker worker , combinative psychology coachs , aggrandizement thought ethic , start is good at the same time parent school , solve the parent ' s bewilderment and problem 建議:利用閑置校舍和超員教師多建一些流動人口子弟學校,便于外來務工人員子女就近入學,也可促進校際之間的交流與競爭;將學校納入教育督導網絡,對于評估不合格的學校,督促其限期整改;對企業的捐資助學行為,工商稅務部門在一定年限內適當給予減免企業稅收獎勵;對接收外來務工人員子女學校的校長、教師加強培訓,提高這些學校的教育教學質量;教育行政部門要加強對外來工子女教育新動向新特點的研究,結合心理輔導,強化思想道德規范,同時開辦好家長學校,解決家長的困惑與問題。

Married yo age the expenses of birth control operation of hobo , of useful project unit , by burden of the unit that use worker worker ; of idle project unit , pay by oneself first , street perhaps agency proves the government of people of villages and towns that shows house dwelling place by its , be in by oneself the government of people of villages and towns of seat of its census register is street perhaps agency submits an expense account 已婚育齡流動人口的節育手術費,有用工單位的,由用工單位負擔;無用工單位的,先由本人支付,憑其現居住地的鄉鎮人民政府或者街道辦事處證實,由本人在其戶籍所在地的鄉鎮人民政府或者街道辦事處報銷。

The 2nd chapter basically set what population development plans to make with carry out , population and the funds safeguard that family planning enterprise develops , population and education of family planning conduct propaganda and the basic principle that hobo family planning manages 第二章主要規定了人口發展規劃的制定與實施、人口與計劃生育事業發展的經費保障、人口與計劃生育宣傳教育以及流動人口計劃生育治理的基本原則。

“ strawn - hamilton s his name - hyphenated , you know - comes of old southern stock . he s a tramp - laziest man i ever knew , though he s clerking , or trying to , in a socialist cooperative store for six dollars a week . but he s a confirmed hobo 一個流浪漢我所見過的最懶的人,雖然他在一家社會主義的合作社里做職員或者說勉強湊合作著做,每周六塊錢,可他是個積習難改的占普賽人,是流浪到這兒來的。

Martin dispensed royal largess , inviting everybody up , farm - hands , a stableman , and the gardener s assistant from the hotel , the barkeeper , and the furtive hobo who slid in like a shadow and like a shadow hovered at the end of the bar 馬丁出手闊綽,請大家都喝:幾個農場幫工一個馬夫旅館花匠的下手酒店老板,還有一個像幽靈一樣溜進來像幽靈一樣在柜臺一頭游蕩的。偷偷摸摸的流浪漢。

Over the course of 11 songs , listeners are transported to bethlehem and the virginia countryside ; they bathe in new mexico moonlight and hear the world whizzing by from the inside of a hobo ' s train car 聽過專輯中的11首歌曲,你仿佛作了看到了伯利恒的耶穌誕生地;仿佛欣賞到弗吉尼亞的鄉下風景;又如沐浴在新墨西哥州的月光之下;也會有種坐在流浪漢的旅行車里,傾聽著世間萬物飛過車窗。

So he jumped on a freight train , like a hobo , to get all the way to alaska . there he got a job pumping the water out of the mines , but it was hard work . the pumps kept breaking because of the stones that came through the lines 于是他搭了一列運貨火車,像一個游民一樣,來到阿拉斯加他是對的,他找到一份抽水的工作,但卻經常弄壞水泵,因為水里常夾集著碎鐵和石子,他感到十分厭煩。

Chapter 2 first analyse the world urbanization model about hobo , then discuss urbanization model in the pearl river delta from the point of urbanization motive power , economy increasing model and hobo gathering model 第二章首先分析世界城市化的一般模式,然后從投資模式、經濟增長模式、外來人口聚集模式三個方面探討珠三角城市化的多種模式。

Tom hanks stars in and robert zemeckis directs this instant holiday classic filmed in dazzling performance - capture animation that makes every moment magical . “ seeing is believing “ says a mysterious hobo who rides the rails with you 執導,魔法施展于每一個畫面,令人嘆為觀止,就連神秘的流浪漢也驚訝于眼前所見,叫你同樣相信真的夢幻成真。

He still slept in his little room at maria s , but the sight of his new clothes caused the neighborhood children to cease from calling him “ hobo “ and “ tramp “ from the roofs of woodsheds and over back fences 他仍然在瑪利亞家的小屋子里睡覺,但是那一身新衣服卻使附近的孩子們停止了躲在柴房頂上或騎在后門柵欄上叫他“二流子”或“癟三”了。

The author finds : the hobo urbanization level basically is the same between dongguan , nanhai and guangzhou , shunde , though the former is the typical extensive model , the latter is the typical intensive model 發現粗放型經濟增長模式為主的東莞、南海與集約型經濟增長模式為主的廣州、順德,其外來人口城市化水平幾乎是不相上下。

The author find : on the basis of identical economy scale , the district development level basically is the same , though hobo are many in dongguan and nanhai , hobo are few in guangzhou and shunde 發現在經濟規模基本相同的情況下,涌入大量外來人口的東莞、南海,其戶籍人口生活水平、經濟發展水平甚至略高于外來人口較少的順德。

The children of the neighborhood recovered from the awe of the grand carriage which once had visited martin , and from safe distances they called him “ hobo “ and “ bum . 附近的孩子們擺脫了從拜訪馬丁的大馬車所引起的敬畏之情,躲在安全的距離以外叫他“二流子” “癟三” 。

Beneath the glitz of the recent olympic facelift is a whole underworld of multiethnic druggies , hobos , gangsters and the job our intrepid hero takes pizza delivery boy 外賣仔每天拿著pizza在沒人聞問的城市游民之間游走,掠過一個個光怪陸離的故事。

Hobo leaves census register seat , answer in what often reside dwelling place living how long by reside a dwelling place to have family planning statistic now 流動人口離開戶籍所在地,在常居住地居住多長時間的應由現居住地進行計劃生育統計?

Main catching and processing product : hoso head on , shell on bamboo shrimp , fresh frozen swimming crab , hoso red shrimp , fresh frozen hobo , fresh frozen pomfret , etc 主要加工品:有頭車蝦,活凍梭子蟹,有頭紅蝦,活凍風管魚,凍鯧魚等。

To strengthen hobo family planning government works , safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of hobo , effectively control population grows 為了加強流動人口計劃生育治理工作,維護流動人口的合法權益,有效地控制人口增長。

Hobo is in yo age to set what already was handled because of disobeying family planning , can be still you handled in another ground again 育齡流動人口在一地因違反計劃生育規定已受到處理的,在另一地還會再次受到處理嗎?

Chapter 5 deeply discusses those superficial factors and deep mechanism of hobo urbanization model in the pearl river departure the world law 第五章比較深入探討了珠三角城市化模式偏離世界規律的表層因素與深層機制。