hobnob vi.(-bb-)1.共飲,開懷對飲。2.懇談;親切交往...
vi. (-bb-) 1.共飲,開懷對飲。 2.懇談;親切交往 (with; together)。 n. 聚會,懇談。 adv. 隨意地。 “hobnob with“ 中文翻譯: 親密“hobnailed boots“ 中文翻譯: 釘靴“hobo“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. hobo(e)s) 〔美俚〕 1.(隨季節流動各地的)流動工人。 2.(白坐火車到處流浪的)無業游民,流浪漢。 n. -ism 流浪生活。 “hobnailed“ 中文翻譯: 平頭釘的“hobo belt“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕加州的香櫞栽培區。 “hobnail; large-headed nail“ 中文翻譯: 大頭釘“hobo home office as your back office“ 中文翻譯: 將家庭辦公室當作后方辦公室“hobnail texture“ 中文翻譯: 鞋釘結構“hobo limited“ 中文翻譯: vi. 過流浪生活。 “hobnail liver“ 中文翻譯: 【醫學】(肝硬變引起的)鞋釘肝,門靜脈性肝硬變。
hobo |
Were you lucky enough to own more than $ 515 , 000 , you could hobnob with the top 1 % ( although this is a “ far from exclusive club ” , containing 37m adults ) 如果你足夠幸運,財富存量在515 , 000美元以上的話,你就可以和只占世界人口1 %的超級富翁們平起平坐了(盡管這是一個“遠非進入門檻極高的俱樂部” ,包括3700萬個成員) 。 |
And while communist representatives were hobnobbing with chiang kai - shek ' s officials in nanking , shanghai and peiping , the soldiers of both sides were ripping one another apart on the fields of manchuria and north china 當國共雙方的代表在南京、上海及北平談判的時候,雙方軍隊正在滿洲及華北的戰場上互相廝殺。 |
Were you lucky enough to own more than $ 515 , 000 , you could hobnob with the top 1 % ( although this is a “ far from exclusive club ” , containing 37m adults ) 如果你足夠幸運,收入在515 , 000美元以上的話,你就可以和只占世界人口1 %的超級富翁們平起平坐了(盡管這是一個“遠非入會限制嚴格的俱樂部” ,僅有3700萬個成員) 。 |
Playing cards , hobnobbing with flash toffs with a swank glass in their eye , drinking fizz and he half smothered in writs and garnishee orders 玩紙牌,跟那些戴著時髦的單片眼鏡華而不實的紈?子弟一道開懷對酌,痛飲香檳酒。其實,傳票和扣押令紛至沓來,幾乎使他窒息。 |
At first , it is true , when clare s intelligence was fresh from a contrasting society , these friends with whom he now hobnobbed seemed a little strange 說真的,起初克萊爾從一個完全不同的社會來到這里,他感到同他朝夕相處的這些朋友呆在一起似乎有點兒異樣。 |
But to the majority of singlish speakers , i urge you to hobnob with those who speak good english , whether they are locals or foreigners 至于大多數講新加坡式英語者,我奉勸諸位多同講標準英語的人士交往,不論其為本地人或外國人。 |
A girlfriend who happens to be hobnobbing with a german officer 碰巧這個舊情人正和一個德國軍官打得火熱 |
I ' ve been hobnobbing with the directors at the office party 我在公司宴會上一直跟董事們相酬酢。 |
Hobnob with movie stars , own a bank , that type of shit 結交電影明星,還擁有一家銀行什么的 |
He used to hobnob with the rich and famous 他過去常與富有而著名的人交往。 |
I used to hobnob with the rich and famous 我過去常與富有而又著名的人交往。 |
He hobnobbed with them, drank with them, and loved to hang around them . 他與這些人密切交往,在一塊喝酒。他很愛同他們一起鬼混。 |