
hobnail n.1.(釘在靴底上的)平頭釘。2.穿釘有平頭釘靴子的人...

hobnail liver

Other reported cases in the prostate include a clear cell carcinoma of the prostatic utricle in a 16 year old boy reported from uruguay and a renal cell type of prostatic carcinoma which lacked hobnail cells and had staining patterns similar to renal cell carcinoma 其他有關前列腺透明細胞癌的報道有兩例,一例發生在烏拉圭的一個16歲男孩的前列腺囊,另一例報道為前列腺癌的腎細胞型,此類型沒有靴釘樣細胞,而是與腎細胞癌相似的染色形式。

The tumor cells are arranged in duct - like structures , irregular nests or infiltrate singly . hobnail appearance , seen clearly in this duct , is a helpful diagnostic feature . the prognosis is generally poor 腫瘤細胞呈管狀結構樣排列,偶爾可見不規則巢狀結構和浸潤改變。下圖中,管內鞋釘樣表現明顯可見,有助于診斷。該類腎癌預后一般較差。

These cysts are lined by epithelium with eosinophilic cytoplasm and a hobnail morphology , and there is often ovarian - like stroma 囊壁由含有嗜酸性胞漿的上皮圍成,上皮細胞呈鞋釘狀,常常有卵巢樣間質。