hobgoblin n.1.妖怪,小鬼;淘氣鬼。2.令人厭惡的東西,怪物。
n. 1.妖怪,小鬼;淘氣鬼。 2.令人厭惡的東西,怪物。 “hobgood“ 中文翻譯: 霍布古德“hobey“ 中文翻譯: 奧貝“hobhouse“ 中文翻譯: 霍布豪斯“hobeur el“ 中文翻譯: 霍伯爾“hobhouse emily“ 中文翻譯: 埃米莉霍布豪斯“hobetsu, hokkaidō“ 中文翻譯: 穗別町“hobhouse, l(eonard) t(relawny)“ 中文翻譯: 霍布豪斯“hobetsu“ 中文翻譯: 穗別“hobi“ 中文翻譯: 赫比“hobert“ 中文翻譯: 霍伯特
hobnail |
But this encompassment of her own characterization , based on shreds of convention , peopled by phantoms and voices antipathetic to her , was a sorry and mistaken creation of tess s fancy - a cloud of moral hobgoblins by which she was terrified without reason 苔絲在一堆混亂不堪的傳統習俗上建立起自己的性格,頭腦里充滿了對她毫不同情的形體和聲音,把自己緊緊包圍起來,但是,這只不過是她幻想中的可憐的錯誤的創造而已是她無故感到害怕的道德魔怪的迷霧。 |
Consistency has been called the hobgoblin of little minds - - but when it comes to your website , it ' s more like a lifesaver , a combination of map and territory that makes a visitor comfortable enough to be willing to stay 一成不變的設計方式已經被設計師稱為思考的妖怪,但是一旦你的網站遵循這樣的規則去設計的話,相信他就像救命神水一樣的神奇,他會使瀏覽者愿意停留在你的網站上去瀏覽你的網站。 |
Machines is their cry , their chimera , their panacea . laboursaving apparatuses , supplanters , bug - bears , manufactured monsters for mutual murder , hideous hobgoblins produced by a horde of capitalistic lusts upon our prostituted labour 那是節省勞力的設備,是褫奪者,是妖精,是為了互相殘殺而制造出來的怪物,是根據一群資本家的欲望,用我們所出售的勞動生產出來的可怕的妖怪。 |
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds , adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines 愚蠢的一致性是頭腦狹隘人士的心魔,卻尤為政客、哲人、牧師所喜愛。 |
David , agreeing that a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds , strives for it in all his writing David認為愚蠢的結合是沒腦子的妖怪所為,并在其寫作中努力追求。 |
Rc : and after that , then am i an honorary hobgoblin 那之后呢,我/就/是一個名譽大地精了么? |
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin o f little minds 愚蠢的始終如一是渺小心靈的妖怪。 |
Lynch deeply . enter a ghost and hobgoblins 聲音低沉地亡靈和妖怪上場。 |
Hobgoblins and trolls are good example of toughs 大哥布林與巨魔是強者的范例。 |
I wonder how the other 10 million unemployed are coping with their personal hobgoblins . 在上千萬的失業者中,我不知道別人是怎樣應付他們個人的可怕處境的。 |
For one moment he had relaxed and fancies had burrowed through like mice or hobgoblins . 他一時放松了警惕,幻想便象老鼠或者妖精似的乘虛而入。 |