hobble vi.1.蹣跚,跛行 (along; about)。2....
vi. 1.蹣跚,跛行 (along; about)。 2.(說話、行動)疙疙瘩瘩;(詩)不流暢。 vt. 1.使跛行。 2.將(馬的)兩只腳拴在一起。 3.阻礙。 n. 1.跛行;韻律不全的詩。 2.馬的腳絆。 3.〔口、方〕困境。 短語和例子be in [get into] a (nice)hobble 陷入進退兩難。 hobblingly adv. “get into a hobble“ 中文翻譯: 陷于困境“hobble skirt“ 中文翻譯: 膝以下窄狹的裙子。 “hobble-bush“ 中文翻譯: n. 【植物;植物學】榿葉莢? (Viburnum alnifolium)。 “anti-slipping hobble“ 中文翻譯: 防滑馬絆子“hobbits“ 中文翻譯: 半身人; 哈比人; 霍比特族“hobbiton“ 中文翻譯: 霍比屯“hobbledehoy“ 中文翻譯: n. 青少年;(笨拙的)小伙子。 “hobbit“ 中文翻譯: 哈比人“hobbledehoy study“ 中文翻譯: 青年學“hobbist“ 中文翻譯: adj.,n. = Hobbesian. “hobbler“ 中文翻譯: 無執照的引航員; 跛行人“hobbism“ 中文翻譯: n. 霍布斯的哲學理論。
hobble skirt |
But instead of riding the ps3 as a trojan horse , blu - ray has instead hobbled it by increasing its price and delaying its introduction 但是相對于把ps3看作是特洛伊木馬,藍光則因提高價格和延遲上市阻礙了索尼公司。 |
Rush hour 3 is out , and it disappoints on almost all levels , hobbling about on a lazy script and uninspired filmmaking 《尖峰時刻3 》推出后讓所有的人都大跌眼鏡,松散的情節和平庸的制作就宛若一名走路不穩的跛子。 |
And last night they vowed to go on and win the tournament for him after he hobbled out of the team ' s hotel and returned home 昨晚在他蹣跚的回到球隊旅館并且回國后,他的隊友發誓要為歐文繼續前進,并且贏得冠軍。 |
On top of competition getting increasingly fierce , investors are also hobbled by restrictions and legal grey areas 盡管在日趨激烈的競爭中始終立于不敗,但投資者們也同樣受制于法律的,灰色地帶的各種制約,艱難前行 |
This not only stunts the prospects for women , but also reduces economic growth by essentially hobbling half the potential labour force 這不僅阻礙婦女的前途,而且束縛一半的潛在勞動力,以致減少經濟增長。 |
A joyful smile was etched permanently onto my face when i hobbled to the dingy with bleeding knees from coral cuts 當我帶著被珊瑚劃出血的膝蓋一瘸一拐地回到游艇旁時,臉上綻放出了快樂的笑容,久久不去。 |
Nor can it go for the bottom ? if it second - guessed every dodgy contract , it would hobble its own ability to make loans 它也不可能打擊底層? ?如果它事后批評每一份不誠信的合同,這將妨礙其自身的借貸能力。 |
After hobbling to the sideline for treatment , he went back out and scored one of germany ' s penalty kicks in the shootout 跌跌撞撞到底線接受了治療后,他回歸了場地,為點球大賽奉獻了他的進球。 |
Wallace , hobbled by a strained right foot , was replaced a night earlier in detroit by rookie jared dudley in the starting lineup 華萊士是在與活塞隊的比賽中右腳受傷缺席比賽至今。 |
Bryant was hobbled the rest of the way , although he said afterward he would play tonight against the clippers 雖然科比事后表示會在今晚對快船的比賽中上場,但是他的動作很蹣跚。 |
The biography is hobbled by the doyle estate ' s refusal to permit quotation from numerous documents 由于受到道爾遺產執行方禁止引用眾多檔案的影響,這部傳記未能及時與讀者見面。 |
With restrictive bindings applied to my knees , i was clumsy to the the extent that i could only hobble along 由于膝蓋上綁著限制性的繃帶,我行動笨拙到只能蹣跚而行。 |
The man took heart and , sure enough , on new years ' eve he was able to hobble along to a party 那人聽后振作了精神。果然,除夕時他可以一瘸一拐地去參加晚會了。 |
As for europe , the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets 另一方面,舊大陸上的歐洲國家們被缺乏彈性的產品和勞工市場拖得步履闌珊。 |
As for europe , the old continent is hobbled by inflexible product and labour markets 至于歐洲,這片古老的大陸正被它不太靈活的產品和勞動力市場弄得步履蹣跚。 |
Since cctv carried out eliminate the last system , many documentary programs have fallen into a hobble 央視實行末尾淘汰制后,許多紀錄片欄目陷入了生存困境。 |
He hobbled to the torch , where it stood propped among the firewood , and took a fresh light to his pipe 他一瘸一拐走到插在柴堆上的火炬旁邊,重新點著煙斗。 |
Meanwhile their marginalization in urban labor market also hobbles their citizenization 同時他們在城市勞動力市場上的邊緣化狀態對其市民化也是一種阻礙。 |
And clapping me in the friendliest way upon the shoulder he hobbled off forward and went below 說完他友好地拍了拍我的肩膀,然后一瘸一拐地走開下去了。 |