
hobbesian adj.英國哲學家霍布斯的,霍布斯哲學理論的。n.霍布斯...


State of war and sovereignty states are the two opposite ends of the spectrum of hobbesian predicament . ( 3 ) a critical - oriented political education , which advances by and to everyone in the society to identify the harmful capacities of fear and pride and to transform them into the beneficial ones , provides a reliable way to deliver from hobbesian predicament and to open the gate to a possible better political order 自然狀態猶如群居生活中的原色,只有深淺之分,而無存滅之實,人群生活之樣貌與福禍,便在自然狀態與政府治理之兩端持續拉扯起伏,其中的關鍵力量在于每個人的恐懼與驕傲是否獲得內外在力量的掌握,宛如利維坦之雙足,須協調一致,始能穩立而成巨大的驕傲之王。

This article intends to justify the following argument : what of both fear and pride create a leviathan or state of war depends on people ' s deliberations on what a good life is and how it is possible . ( 1 ) the remarkable hobbesian warlike human predicament emerges from the natural depravity of fear for death and of pride or vainglory 摘要本文根據利維坦論說以下主張:自然狀態所展現的人間難題價值與意義層面上的無政府狀態,乃出于群居生活之固有事實,匯聚于相互恐懼及驕傲之言行,而成每個人對每個人的敵對狀態。

Then they have good opportunities to make choices between to remain perilous freedom in state of nature and to become safe servitude in a sovereign state . ( 2 ) hobbesian predicament existed in various kinds of human life with different scales and component of disorder 政治、主權者與國家的產生,源自無法消弭的人之恐懼和驕傲而起的沖突,只能以法律的威嚇與教育的情操養成和轉化,以掌控與隱匿其與人性上之因果。