hoary adj.1.灰白的;(因年老)頭發變白的,白發的。2.陳...
adj. 1.灰白的;(因年老)頭發變白的,白發的。 2.陳舊的,古老的。 3.【植、動】生滿灰白毛的。 短語和例子a hoary head 須發斑白的頭。 the hoary antiquity 遠古。 hoary ruins 古代遺跡。 hoarily adv. hoariness n. “hoary barwing“ 中文翻譯: 紋頭斑翅鹛“hoary bat“ 中文翻譯: 暗灰蝶蝠; 灰紅蝠; 灰蓬毛蝠“hoary hair“ 中文翻譯: 白發的; 灰發“hoary haired“ 中文翻譯: 白發的“hoary marmot“ 中文翻譯: 【動物;動物學】花白旱獺 (Marmota caligata) 〔發現于北美洲〕。 “hoary plantain“ 中文翻譯: 中型車前草“hoary puffleg“ 中文翻譯: 蒼蓬腿蜂鳥“hoary redpoll“ 中文翻譯: 極北朱頂雀“hoary with age“ 中文翻譯: 老得白發蒼蒼“hoary-headed“ 中文翻譯: adj. 白發蒼蒼的。 “hoary bamboo rat“ 中文翻譯: 花白竹鼠; 銀星竹鼠“hoary head crane“ 中文翻譯: 灰頭鶴“hoary willow; fontanesia“ 中文翻譯: 雪柳“hoary-throated barwing“ 中文翻譯: 紋頭斑翅鹛“hoary-throated spinetail“ 中文翻譯: 灰白喉針尾雀“ruddy complexion and hoary head“ 中文翻譯: 童顏皓首“hoary head; old age (指年老)“ 中文翻譯: 白頭“hoarusib“ 中文翻譯: 霍阿魯西布“hoarta“ 中文翻譯: 霍阿爾塔“hoarstone“ 中文翻譯: n. 灰色古石;〔英國〕(特指史前的)界標石。 “hoarseness with pulmonary qi consumption“ 中文翻譯: 金實不鳴“hoarseness with dry cough“ 中文翻譯: 干咳音啞
hoary marmot |
I was yet enjoying the calm prospect and pleasant fresh air , yet listening with delight to the cawing of the rooks , yet surveying the wide , hoary front of the hall , and thinking what a great place it was for one lonely little dame like mrs . fairfax to inhabit , when that lady appeared at the door 我欣賞著這番寧靜的景象和誘人的新鮮空氣,愉快地傾聽著白嘴鴉的呱呱叫聲,細細打量著這所莊園寬闊灰白的正面,心里琢磨著,偌大一個地方,居然只住著像費爾法犯斯太太這樣一位孤單矮小的貴婦人。就在這時,這位婦人出現在門邊了。 |
He expressed once , and but once in my hearing , a strong sense of the rugged charm of the hills , and an inborn affection for the dark roof and hoary walls he called his home ; but there was more of gloom than pleasure in the tone and words in which the sentiment was manifested ; and never did he seem to roam the moors for the sake of their soothing silence - never seek out or dwell upon the thousand peaceful delights they could yield 我聽到過一次,也只有次,他表示自己被崎嶇的小山深深地迷住了,同時對被他稱之為自己家的黑色屋頂和灰白的墻壁,懷著一種眷戀之情。但是在表達這種情感的音調和語言中,隱含的憂郁甚于愉快。而且他從來沒有因為要感受一下荒原舒心的字靜而漫步其中,一從來沒有去發現或談及荒原給人千百種平靜的樂趣。 |
It s a pity he cannot kill himself with drink , observed heathcliff , muttering an echo of curses back when the door was shut . he s doing his very utmost ; but his constitution defies him . mr kenneth says he would wager his mare , that he ll outlive any man on this side gimmerton , and go to the grave a hoary sinner ; unless some happy chance out of the common course befall him 在門關上時,也回報了一陣咒罵, “他是在拚命,可是他的體質頂得住,肯尼茲先生說拿自己的馬打賭,在吉默吞這一帶,他要比任何人都活得長,而且將像個白發罪人似的走向墳墓,除非他碰巧遇上什么越出常情的機會。 ” |
There are a few secular state holidays ( e . g . , independence day ) and some solar holidays , such as the entry of the sun into the sign of aries ( mesa - samkranti ) , marking the beginning of the new astrological year ; the sun ' s entry into the sign of capricornus ( makara - samkranti ) , which marks the winter solstice but has coalesced with a hoary harvest festival , which in southern india is very widely celebrated as the pongal festival ; and the mahavisuva day , which is new year ' s eve 有幾個世俗的國家假期(比如,獨立日) ,還有一些有關太陽的節日,比如太陽進入白羊座的節日(瑪薩?山卡提) ,標記著新的占星年開始;太陽進入摩羯座(瑪卡拉? ?山卡提) ,標記著冬至日,但與一個古老的收割節日接合,在南印度作為豐收節而被廣泛地慶祝,而摩訶維蘇亞節,是除夕。 |
The learned prelate who administered the last comforts of holy religion to the hero martyr when about to pay the death penalty knelt in a most christian spirit in a pool of rainwater , his cassock above his hoary head , and offered up to the throne of grace fervent prayers of supplication 當英勇的烈士即將被處死刑之際,一位學識淵博的教長在主持圣教賜與最后慰藉的儀式。本著最崇高的基督教精神,跪在一泓雨水中,將教袍撩到白發蒼蒼的頭上,向慈悲的寶座發出熱切懇求的禱告。 |
She is a hoary pandemonium of ills , enlarged glands , mumps , quinsy , bunions , hayfever , bedsores , ringworm , floating kidney , derbyshire neck , warts , bilious attacks , gallstones , cold feet , varicose veins . a truce to threnes and trentals and jeremies and all such congenital defunctive music 她是各種疾病盤踞的自發魔窟:瘰疬流行性腮腺炎扁桃體周膿腫拇趾囊腫脹枯草熱褥瘡金錢癬浮游腎甲狀腺腫瘊子膽汁病膽結石冷血癥和靜脈瘤。 |
She made such a report of me to her father , that mr . oliver himself accompanied her next evening - a tall , massive - featured , middle - aged , and grey - headed man , at whose side his lovely daughter looked like a bright flower near a hoary turret 她把我的情況向她父親作了詳盡的報告,結果第二天晚上奧利弗先生居然親自陪著她來了。他高個子,五官粗大,中等年紀,頭發灰白。身邊那位可愛的的女兒看上去象一座古塔旁的一朵鮮花。 |
The origins of this system of medicine are lost in the hoary past , and the body of knowledge that comes under the heading ayurveda constitutes ideas about diseases , diagnosis and cure , which have been accumulated over the ages past 這種醫學體系的起源在久遠的過去已經丟失,歸入阿育吠陀的知識主體是由疾病、論斷和治療等思想組成,比過去的年代積聚的還要多。 |
Now , during a conversation of some two or three moments between the reverend mr . dimmesdale and this excellent and hoary - bearded deacon , it was only by the most careful self - control 此時,當丁梅斯代爾牧師先生和這位德高望重須發灰白的執事談話的片刻之間,牧師只是極其小心翼翼地控制自己,才不致把涌上心頭的有關圣餐的某些褻瀆神明的意思說出口來。 |
Pointing to thornfield hall , on which the moon cast a hoary gleam , bringing it out distinct and pale from the woods , that , by contrast with the western sky , now seemed one mass of shadow 這時月亮給桑菲爾德府灑下了灰白色的光,清晰地勾勒出了它以樹林為背景的蒼白輪廓。而那樹林,在西邊的天際襯托之下,似乎成了一大片陰影。 |
She recognized her perfectly . she was as upright as of old , the hoary campaigner , and that despite her age , and she still had those eyes which flashed when she moved in that proud way of hers 加加還說自己認識她,這個妖精,盡管已屆耄耋之年,腰板依然硬朗,當她擺起派頭來時,眸子依然炯炯有神。 |
It was a very grey day ; a most opaque sky , onding on snaw , canopied all ; thence flakes fell at intervals , which settled on the hard path and on the hoary lea without melting 這是一個灰蒙蒙的日子,降雪前的天空一片混沌,間或飄下一些雪片。落在堅硬的小徑上,從在灰白的草地上,沒有融化。 |
The voice of dark age , of unlove , earth s fatigue made grave approach , and painful , come from afar , from hoary mountains , called on good men and true 黑暗時代的聲音,無情的聲音,大地的疲憊,使得墳墓接近,帶來痛苦。那聲音來自遠方,來自蒼白的群山,呼喚善良地道的人們。 |
The air , afflicted to pallor with the hoary multitudes that infested it , twisted and spun them eccentrically , suggesting an achromatic chaos of things 空中大雪彌漫,一片灰白,連空氣也變得灰暗了,空氣夾著雪胡亂扭動著旋轉著,使人聯想到一個沒有顏色的混沌世界。 |
Tackling this hoary puzzle requires expertise in several fields , including cryptography , linguistics and medieval history 要解決這個古老謎團,必須旁及好幾個領域的專門知識,包括密碼學、語言學和中世紀歷史等。 |
When going in grow some v / arc able - bodied man to wrap babushka , when they are answered already hoary head defends a margin even 去時里長給有的壯丁裹頭巾,他們回時已經白頭還要去守邊。 |
Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head , and honour the face of the old man , and fear thy god : i am the lord 32在白發的人面前,你要站起來,也要尊敬老人,又要敬畏你的神。我是耶和華。 |
The tradition of yoga is a hoary one and has been kept alive by ascetics and hermits 瑜伽的傳統來自十分悠久的年代,通過苦行者和隱士而保存生命力。 |
“ as i in hoary winter night stood shivering in the snow ” ( robert southwell ) “我站在古老的冬日雪夜中顫抖” (羅伯特?索恩韋爾) 。 |