
hoard n.1.窖藏的財寶,密藏的東西。2.(食品的)貯藏,貯藏...


Is it better to spend your money today or hoard every penny in the bank for tomorrow 現在就把錢花掉好,還是把所有的錢存入銀行以備將來之用好

People curse the man who hoards grain , but blessing crowns him who is willing to sell 26屯糧不賣的、民必咒詛他情愿出賣的、人必為他祝福。

Wealth that you hoard is not yours , wealth that you have given is really yours 你囤積起來的財富并不是你的,你布施出去的財富才真正是你的。

Many people got rich by hoarding up gold until the price had risen more than ten times 許多人通過儲存黃金待其漲價至10倍以上而發了財。

Not surprisingly , some governments choose to hoard aid rather than spend it 一些政府選擇將援助儲存起來而不是花銷出去也就毫不奇怪了。

Wise in the ways of magic , secretive werecats hoarded mysteries and mystical knowledge 靠著對魔法的博學,貓人秘密的保存神秘的知識。

A mafia of well - connected wholesalers are now hoarding the crop 如今,一個由各路關系硬的批發商組成的黑幫組織正在進行著糧食的囤積。

My secret hoard 我的私房錢

It isn ' t easy to hoard enough food to last till the roads are open 因為人們要在等到開路之前儲存足夠的食物并不是一件容易的事。

Ten years of hoarding swag . - and now were finally getting to spend it 我們集了十年的寶貝啊-終于等到了可以享用的時候了

- ten years of hoarding swag . - and now were finally getting to spend it -我們集了十年的寶貝啊-終于等到了可以享用的時候了

But much later , beowulf is killed by a treasure - hoarding dragon 但許久之后,貝奧武夫卻被一條屯聚財寶的惡龍攻擊而喪命。

Art experts say it will take months to assess the value of the hoard 表示,需要花費數月的時間才能確定這些寶物的價值。

“ we have one rockhopper who hoards all the rocks , “ freimuth said 我們這里有一個石頭大佬,它壟斷控制所有的石頭。 f說。

10 years of hoarding swag 我們集了十年的寶貝啊

It isn ' t easy to hoard enough food to last till the roads are open 因為儲存的食物不足以維持到道路開通的那天。

First the money markets seized up , as banks hoarded spare cash 首先,由于銀行囤積了備用金,貨幣市場停止運作。

Pintel : ten years of hoarding swag 十年收藏的寶物

If you hoard things for yourself , your parents ' hearts will be grieved 如果私自藏起,就傷害了父母的心意。