
hoa int.1.嗬!〔喚起注意或表示驚訝、滿足、喜悅〕。2....


Among the areas visited were quang ngai , duc pho , pho thuan , pho an , pho ninh , pho vinh , pho cuong , quang tri , quang nam , son ha , nha trang , cam ranh , phan rang , qui nhon , tuy hoa , and duc pho hospital . the initiates reached out to hundreds of families whose lives had been destroyed by the raging floods 同修深入災區,援助了數百戶受災嚴重及遭受生命損失的家庭,足跡遍及廣仁德浦浦順浦安浦寧浦榮浦強廣治廣南山河牙莊甘名汾界貴仁隋華和德浦醫院。

Thses are musicians : van cao since musician van cao was deceased , mrs . cao accepted the money on his befalf with her sincere thanks ; hoang giao , composer of the songs “ ngay ve “ day of return and “ mo hoa “ dream of flower ; musician nguyen thien to , composer of the song “ giao duong im bong “ cathedral with receding shadow ; and poet hoang cam , who had written many very popular prewar poems 他們在戰前的作品很出名,幾十年來備受全國喜愛,其中包含音樂家雯高已過世,其夫人代領并誠心感謝音樂家黃覺回日及花夢的作者音樂家阮善絲靜靜的教堂作者。還有詩人黃琴,創作詩出名在戰前,他與音樂家雯高同被共產控訴所有收到禮物的這些文人及藝術家均很驚訝及感謝。

On june 3 , 2004 , on the bridge that connects china and vietnam in guangxi autonomous region , the small hands of china and vietnam and the big hands of mehr khan , regional director of the united nations children ' s fund ( unicef ) , huang qingyi , vice - president and first member of the secretary of the all - china women ' s federation ( acwf ) and nguyen thanh hoa , vice - chairwoman of vietnam women ' s union closely held together 2004年6月3日,廣西東興市北侖大橋中越國境交界處,中越兩名小朋友的小手與聯合國兒童基金會東亞及太平洋區域辦主任麥爾康、中華全國婦女聯合會副主席、書記處第一書記黃晴宜、越南婦聯副主席阮仕蓮的大手緊緊地握在了一起。

In addition , who reported that there were poultry outbreaks of avian influenza in the vicinity of this family cluster . several media previously reported a large outbreak of influenza - like illness involving 200 local inhabitants of chau hoa commune in quang binh province where a 5 - year - old boy was confirmed to have h5n1 infection 多個媒體較早前曾報導1宗于越南廣平省州和村出現的大規模疑似流感爆發個案,共200名村民受感染,該村早前曾有1名5歲男孩證實感染h5n1禽流感。

The compact disk entitled “ eternal beloved “ features a collection of poems written by supreme master ching hai , which have been put to music by famous composers such as : pham duy , thu ho , le dinh , nhat ngan , le vu , phuong vu and thai hoa . the compositions have been further enhanced by skillful and creative musical arrangements by duy quang and duy cuong , and delivered with the enchanting and heartwarming voices of singers like : duy quang , thai hien , ai van , duy khanh , le uyen , my huyen , nhat ngan and diem lien 的cd是詩人清海無上師的詩詞專輯,由范維秋湖黎榮日銀黎武鳳舞及泰和等知名音樂家譜曲,由海外第一流的歌星維光泰賢愛云維慶黎鴛美玄日銀及艷蓮等歌星以美妙動聽的抒情歌聲演唱,并由維光維強以富創造性的技巧配樂。

Media reported on 22 march 2005 that in chau hoa commune in central quang binh province of vietnam , a 5 - year - old boy tested positive for avian influenza h5n1 last week , and 200 local inhabitants in the same commune had flu symptoms 在2005年3月22日,傳媒報導一名居于越南廣平省中部州和村的5歲男孩,于上星期證實感染h5n1禽流感病毒。其后, 200名于同村居住的村民出現流感病徵。

Richard bonneau from iona , david rees from amberpoint and hoa nguyen from webmethods own their respective companies implementation and were very helpful in testing the application Iona的richard bonneau 、 amberpoint的david rees和webmethods的hoa nguyen擁有他們各自公司的實現,他們為測試該應用程序提供了許多幫助。

Maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one , so that when we finally meet the person , we will know hoa to be grateful 在遇到夢中人之前,上天也許會安排我們先遇到別的人;在我們終于遇見心儀的人時,便應當心存感激

Digital clubbing and hypertrophic osteoarthropathy ( hoa ) are encountered in a variety of intrathoracic , cardiovascular , hepatic and gastronintestinal diseases 摘要在許多肺部、心血管與腸胃系統疾病都會并發杵狀指與肥厚性骨關節病變。

Hoa is especially associated with imtrapulmonary neoplasms and is regarded as an early indicator of primary or metastastic lung cancer 肥厚性骨關節病變的大部分病例都與肺部腫瘤有關,而且被認為是肺部腫瘤發生的早期指標。

Previously reported cases were all initially noted to have rheumatic symptoms of hoa such as bone pain and arthralgia 文獻中的報告病例都是以骨頭酸痛、關節炎癥狀為初始主訴。

Digital clubbing was the only clinical manifestation of hoa , which was confirmed with a bone scan 全身骨骼掃描與胸部電腦斷層證明肥厚性骨關節病變與肺部轉移的診斷。

Dr . max hui - bon - hoa 黃元林博士

We were also intrigued by a visit to hoa lo prison , now a museum 我們被胡志明過去的牢獄生涯激發了興致,它現在是一座博物館。

Hoa : high order assembler 高階組裝器

The hardest - hit provinces are khanh hoa , binh dinh and quang ngai 受災最嚴重的省份是慶和省、平定省和廣義省。