
hive n.1.蜂巢,蜂房,蜂箱。2.蜂群。3.蜂巢狀物。4.熱...

hive nest

Fool ! you ' ve damaged the hive 蠢材,你打爛蜂房了

The specified hive is not valid 指定的配置單元無效(

A hive cannot exist without a queen 蜂房不可無蜂王

Bees that have hived in our grove go to seek honey in theirs 在我們樹里做窩的蜜蜂,飛到他們林中去采蜜。

The construction site of a new school was a hive of activity 一所新學校的建筑工地上一片繁忙緊張的景象。

Oh no , hive me lobster every time 哦不,我只喜歡龍蝦。

Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms 有些會引起過敏或皮疹,但也可能沒有任何癥狀。

Why is she going back into the hive 為什么她返回到蜂房?

Oh no , hive me lobster every time 哦不,分給我龍蝦就好。

The beekeeper opens the upper door and examines the super of the hive 養蜂人打開頂巢查看蜂箱的上端。

It is late for the hives already “現在去賣蜂箱已經晚了。

Is required and the credentials must be stored in the hklm hive )并且憑據必須存儲在hklm配置單元中。

Hey , i ' ve got the hives for you 嘿,我給你買了hives的專輯

The chinese bee apis cerana ten - frame hives 中華蜜蜂十框蜂箱

Then i want you to show me the hive . we ' ll lay low till tonight 我要你給我看看我們睡到明天的老巢

It was deserted as a dying , queenless hive is deserted 它是空的,就像衰敗的失去蜂王的蜂巢一樣。

Us beekeepers report a decrease of 70 % of their hives 美國養蜂人報告說他們的麻蜂數量下降了7成。

These can then be pulled off the hive 這些能從蜂箱上被扯下來。

The whole hive flew after the queen bee 整個蜂巢跟著蜂王飛舞。