
hitler Hitler , Adolf 阿道夫希特勒〔1889-1...


So he abandoned his project and hitler once again escaped assassination . 因此他放棄了他的計劃,希特勒又一次免遭暗殺。

Bormann had at last found a way to undermine my standing with hitler . 博爾曼最終找到了破壞我在希特勒心中形象的方法。

The excited discussion finished with a definite order by hitler . 這場激烈的爭辨,最后由希特勒發一道明確命令而結束。

It was hitler who tersely forbade me to undertake any missions for the army . 希特勒用寥寥數語不許我為軍隊承擔任務。

Adolf hitler failed with his blitzkrieg to defeat the western alliance . 阿道夫希特勒未能用閃電戰擊敗西方同盟國。

It forced hitler to make immediately the last decisions of his life . 這迫使希特勒馬上作了他一生中最后的一些決定。

Hitler made no inroads on the famous state art collections of france . 希特勒沒有侵犯法國各著名的國立藝術收藏所。

Once russia collapses, the last chance to stop hitler will be gone . 一旦俄國垮臺,抑止希特勒的最后機會就沒有了。

It is still more shadowy to guess what hitler would have done . 要猜測希特勒會采取什么行動,那就更難令人捉摸了。

Hitler loved to reel off figures of divisions available for combat . 希特勒老是吹噓,他有多少個師可以投入戰斗。

Late in the afternoon of this bloody day, hitler returned by air to berlin . 在這血洗日的下午,希特勒飛回柏林。

If fact, by this date hitler had already turned his glare to the east . 事實上,這時希特勒已把目光轉向東方了。

Germany can have peace if she gets rid of hitler and his regime . 德國只有擺脫希特勒和他的統治,才能獲得和平。

After vehement discussion hitler overruled his army chiefs . 經過激烈的辯論后,希特勒壓制住了他的陸軍統帥們。

Bormann had at last managed to rouse hitler from his lethargy . 博爾曼終于成功地激怒了處于冷漠狀態的希特勒。

To his surprise, hitler showed no resentment or anger . 使他感到意外的是,希特勒竟未表示憤恨,也沒有發脾氣。

Hitler intoxicated himself with thoughts of far-reaching operations . 希特勒為這種單刀直入的軍事行動所陶醉。

This heavy slab of oak now stood between the bomb and hitler . 這時笨重的橡木厚板就橫在炸彈和希特勒之間了。

After hitler came into power in germany, einstein went to america . 希特勒在德國上臺后,愛因斯坦去了美國。