historicism n.1.歷史主義。2.歷史發展天定論。3.對歷史傳統的崇...
n. 1.歷史主義。 2.歷史發展天定論。 3.對歷史傳統的崇拜。 “historicism of science“ 中文翻譯: 科學歷史主義“new historicism“ 中文翻譯: 新歷史主義“principle of historicism“ 中文翻譯: 歷史皺原理“radical historicism“ 中文翻譯: 徹底的歷史主義“the poverty of historicism“ 中文翻譯: 歷史決定論的貧困“historicalness in ancient greek myths“ 中文翻譯: 古希臘文化中的歷史主義傾向“historicity“ 中文翻譯: n. 歷史性,真實性。 “historically significant experiment“ 中文翻譯: 具有歷史意義的嘗試“historicity of jesus“ 中文翻譯: 耶穌的史實性“historically correct choice“ 中文翻譯: 歷史性的正確選擇“historicize“ 中文翻譯: vt. 使具歷史真實性,賦與…以歷史意義。 vi. 運用史料。 “historically“ 中文翻譯: 歷史上地; 在歷史上,從歷史觀點上說“historicperiod“ 中文翻譯: 歷史時代“historicalinertia“ 中文翻譯: 歷史慣性
historicity |
Start with the comment of levinson , a new historicism critic , on the poem tin tern abbey by william wordsworth , the author tried to understand the history reflected from the poem with the help of jameson ' s viewpoint “ absence of history “ , and to analyze the nature appeared in the poem with the help of the theory of allegory by critic paul de man who did great research work on deconstruction 摘要本文從新歷史主義批評家列文森對于華茲華斯《丁登寺》一詩的批評入手,借助詹明信的歷史“缺場”觀點來理解華茲華斯在這首詩中所反映的歷史,同時借助解構主義文評家保羅?德?曼的寓言理論來分析該詩所呈現的自然。 |
Pound ' s lifelong commitment to designing a pan - cultural program and new historicism ' s recent turn to the study of cultural mobility further suggest that the new historicists share with pound a vision not only for a cultural poetics but also for a poetry that circulates and exchanges meanings across cultures 龐德畢生致力于設計一種泛文化藍圖的努力與近來新歷史主義朝文化可動性研究的轉向進一步表明,新歷史主義與龐德不僅有著相同的文化詩學觀,而且有著相同的詩歌觀,即詩歌可以跨文化傳播和交流其意義。 |
Western historiography originates from its metaphysical academic tradition and logicism while chinese non - logicism or historicism make comments according to certain affairs and focuses on narrating , verifying and understanding , which is strikingly different from western historiography , which seeks for the study of fixed knowledge 西方史學之富有理論源于其形而上學的學術傳統與邏輯(實質)主義的運思理路,而漢語文思考的非邏輯主義(或曰歷史主義)使其不離事而言理,即體用不二,道器合一,史學重在述事、征實與會通,這與西方史學追求確定性知識的探究形成鮮明對照。 |
This paper starts with husserl ' s critique of historicism in philosophy as rigorous science , and analyses his expatiation on the issue in the crisis of european science and transcendental phenomenology , it also summarizes briefly the philosophy of history of husserl ' s views and its revelation to us 摘要該文從胡塞爾在《哲學作為嚴格的科學》中對歷史主義的批判入手,繼而分析他在《歐洲科學的危機與超越論的現象學》中對歷史主義問題的闡述,最后對胡塞爾的歷史哲學觀點及其對我們的啟示進行簡單的總結。 |
Deconstruction and construction are the shared ground for criticism ; the textual and cultural orientations are the divergent point for reflection ; while the turn to cultural poetics is the breaking point that new historicism explored into the vast field of history and culture 正是在與各種后學理論的交鋒中,新歷史主義明確了文化詩學的學術理想從文化詩學的批評方法論和理論旨趣兩方面,對新歷史主義與后現代理論的話語關系作出適當清理,是正確理解新歷史主義話語特征的前提條件,也是文化詩學的譜系學研究的重要部分。 |
In recent years , many scholars all were regard the chinese philosophy by one kind of western philosophy manner , regarding the yin - yang school was so , if “ five morals circulates said “ , some scholars one - sided called it “ historicism “ ; but the author thought the yin - yang school has its own unique philosophy value 摘要近年來,不少學者都是以一種西方哲學的態度來看持中國哲學,對于陰陽家更是如此,如“五德終始說” ,有的學者片面的稱之為“歷史循環論” ;但筆者認為陰陽家則具有其自身特有的哲學價值。 |
We hope this discussion may offer some referenced meanings to china ' s social welfare practice as well as to thinking how to combine the universalism of the concept of citizenship with the historicism of the practice of social rights 我們希望這一探討能為我國的社會福利實踐,以及為人們思考如何將公民資格概念的普遍性與社會權利實踐的歷史性結合起來提供一定的借鑒意義。 |
The foundation - stone of popper “ s political philosoply is his anti - historicism history - view . which can be summarized to three key concepts , namely there is no law in history , history ca n ' t be forecasted and there is no meaning in history 波普爾政治哲學的基石是其反歷史主義的歷史觀,它可歸結為三個核心觀念,即歷史無規律、歷史不可預測和歷史無意義。 |
An analysis of “ flounder ” shows a correspondence betweench g nter grass ' writing and new historicism , i ? e ? , the deconstruction of history in the traditional sense 解讀《比目魚》 ,會發現格拉斯的創作思想與新歷史主義的文學觀有著某種偶然的契合,那就是反撥傳統意義上的歷史,堅持對歷史進行反思和重構。 |
With an awareness of the disfigurement of those philosophical schools such as positivism , historicism and neo - kantianism in the 19 ( superscript th ) century , w 摘要狄爾泰是在意識到十九世紀實證主義、歷史主義、新康德主義等諸種哲學流派的缺陷之后提出他的精神科學構想和詮釋學的方法的。 |
Based on the neo - historicism theories , the paper analyses the female image of xiaojinbao in bi feiyu ' s novel of shanghai 1920 and explains the urban and rural relations 摘要運用新歷史主義理論分析畢飛宇小說《上海往事》的女性小金寶的藝術形象,闡釋作家文學想象中的都市與鄉村關系。 |
Cultural poetics of new historicism rise in the postmodern context of western culture , and develop rather complex discursive formation with other post - ism theories 摘要新歷史主義批評在西方學界崛起的背景是后現代主義,它對后現代理論既有批評方法論的沿襲也有理論論本體的反版。 |
From these four aspects , plural dimensions on the origin of western social sciences are revealed : man , human society , science , social revolution and historicism tradition 由此,我們體會到西方社會科學起源的多個面向:人、人類社會、理性、科學、社會巨變與歷史主義傳統。 |
Alter the 1990s , for the new historicism or the new - timed films and tv , some scholars put forward the solutions for their concern 20世紀90年代之后,許多學者對西方新歷史主義對中國新時期影視的影響表現了一定的擔擾,提出了解決的辦法。 |
This essay explores the family resemblance between the poetics of ezra pound and the critical methodology of new historicism 摘要本文探討了龐德的詩學與新歷史主義批評方法論之間的親緣類同性。 |
Thick description , the new historicism and thick translation translation studies from the perspective of cultural anthropology 從翻譯文化學派觀看中西文化拿來與文化輸出 |
Theoretical quot; anti - historicism quot; - interpretation of marxism from the perspective of science - oriented w estern marixism 唯科學的西方馬克思主義對馬克思的解讀 |
In so far as historicism is technological , its approach is not piecemeal , but “ holistic “ 僅就歷史決定論是一種技術而論,它的方法不是漸進的,而是“整體主義的” 。 |
Universalism or historicism : reconsideration of the four conceptions in contemporary studies of traditional chinese poetics 對時下中國傳統詩學研究四觀念的再思考 |