
historian n.1.歷史學家。2.年代史編者,編史家。


Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 今天稍后他還將與史學家以及將軍們會面。

A cultural historian ' s perspective on the subject 該學科領域一位文化歷史學家的觀點。

Revenge stories in amp; lt ; the records of historian amp; gt 中的復仇故事芻論

Three complexes of chinese historians in the 20th century 20世紀中國歷史學的三大情結

An interview to famous historian mr . xu zhuoyun 著名史學家許倬云先生訪談錄

And this is just what the philosophic historians do 通史家們就是這樣做的。

Chinese women ' s art ignored by art historians 被美術史學家們忽略了的中國女性美術家

The event was celebrated by poets and historians 這一事件為詩人和歷史學家所贊頌。

Yet a group of historians soon drafted an outline 但一群歷史學家很快起草了大綱。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 稍后他將接見歷史學家和上將們。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 稍后他將接見歷史學家和諸位上將。 。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 稍后他還會會見歷史學家和將軍。

Historian zhu xueqin visited ceibs embas forum 中歐管理論壇為天津發展出謀劃策

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 后幾日他還要與史學家和將軍會面。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 之后他將與歷史學家及將軍們見面。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 之后他將會見歷史學家及普通民眾。

Later he ' ll meet with historians and generals 接下來他還要與史學家和將軍會面。

Today , although the galileo lives on in many popular writings , among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged . 今天,雖然老伽利略繼續活在許多通俗讀物中,但是在科學史家當中,卻出現了一幅嶄新的,更為復雜的畫面。

American literary historians are perhaps prone to view their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking prominence for uniqueness . 美國的文學史家,也許把他們國家里的景象看得過于偏狹了,很容易把自己的特點誤認為舉世無雙的東西。