histopathology n.組織病理學。
n. 組織病理學。 “dental histopathology“ 中文翻譯: 牙組織病理學“histology or histopathology“ 中文翻譯: 組織學“oral histopathology“ 中文翻譯: 口腔組織病理學“histopathology of pollution injury“ 中文翻譯: 污染受傷的組織病理學; 污染損害的組織病理學“histopathologist“ 中文翻譯: 組織病理學說“histophotometry“ 中文翻譯: 組織光度測定法“histopathologis“ 中文翻譯: 組織病理學家“histophysics“ 中文翻譯: 組織物理學“histopathologically“ 中文翻譯: 組織病理學“histophysiological“ 中文翻譯: 組織生理學的“histopathological grading“ 中文翻譯: 組織病理分化“histophysiology“ 中文翻譯: n. 組織生理學。 “histopathological“ 中文翻譯: 組織病理學說的
histophysiology |
The experiments were conducted to compare the immune modulation effects and histological lesions of the il ~ 2 adjuvant to mycobacterium bovis bcg vaccine according to the levels of humoral immunity . cellular immunity and histopathology in immune organs 從體液免疫和細胞免疫水平以及組織細胞水平上比較研究了il - 2對卡介苗bcg免疫效果的調節作用和免疫器官的變化。 |
Histopathology , radiographic studies are helpful in obtaining correct diagnosis ; and it is important to differentiate from malignancy in order to avoid unnecessary extensive surgery or even amputation 病理組織切片和一系列的放射學檢查皆有助于診斷;而細心的與惡性腫瘤?別診斷可避免不必要的廣泛性切除手術甚至于截肢手術。 |
The histopathology showed a superficial plate - like growth in reticulated pattern composed of mostly basaloid cells and some squamoid cells with sebocytes studded in the lower portion of the tumor 組織病理下呈現了網狀架構及表淺性平板狀增生,腫瘤細胞主要是由基底樣細胞和一些鱗狀細胞所組成,且腫瘤下緣有皮脂細胞的分化。 |
Histopathology cytology division the histopathology cytology division provides both diagnostic and screening service to our clients including government clinics and some hospital authority institutions 組織病理及細胞部提供診斷性及普查篩檢的化驗服務,我們服務的對象包括政府診所及一些醫院管理局轄下的機構。 |
Of these which diagnosed by histopathology , 94 cases are from mucous membrane of oral cavity , 108 subjects from lymph nodes , 27 ones from parotid gland , 15 persons from facial dermis and 3 from jaw 經組織病理學證實,其中口腔粘膜結核94例,淋巴結結核108例,腮腺結核27例、面部皮膚結核15例,頜骨結核3例。 |
Excision surgery was performed and the histopathology showed a cutaneous fibrous mass with sparse cellularity , nuclear atypia but without mitotic figures 經手術切除后,在病理組織檢驗下可見到一纖維腫瘤,其中散在著為數不多的細胞;這些細胞具有非典型細胞核,但無細胞分裂現象。 |
One year after the surgery there was a similar lesion developed on her abdomen wall , and the histopathology also showed a pleomorphic fibroma 術后約一年有一類似病灶出現在腹部,切除后病理組織檢查亦顯示是一多形性纖維瘤。 |
In attempt to improve the recognition of this clinical entity , we discuss the histopathology , clinical course , surgical management and prognosis 黏液性癌可發生在內在器官部位,并轉移至皮膚。 |
The histopathology revealed many fungal spores in the hair follicles with supurative granulomatous inflammation 頭皮病理切片檢查發現頭發毛囊有很多的?菌孢子,以及化膿性肉芽組織發炎反應。 |
The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the colon with direct invasion to the liver 組織病理報告顯示大腸惡性纖維組織細胞瘤直接侵犯至肝。 |
Clinical value of endoscopy and histopathology in differentiation of ulcerative colitis and crohn ' s disease 內鏡結合病理檢查在潰瘍性結腸炎和克羅恩病鑒別診斷中的價值 |
Posterior segmentectomy of the liver was done and hepatic angiosarcoma was confirmed by histopathology 病人接受肝臟右后節葉切除術,病理組織證實為肝臟惡性血管肉瘤。 |
Investigation on histopathology and ultrastructure damage of rat liver and kidney induced by mini - dose t - 2 toxin 2毒素致大鼠肝腎損傷的組織病理及超微結構觀察 |
Histopathology of epinephelus akaara injected with the extracellular products from vibrio alginolyticus 溶藻弧菌胞外產物注射赤點石斑魚后的組織病理學觀察 |
Final diagnosis of mfh was achieved based on histopathology and immunohistochemical stains 最后的確定診斷有賴于組織病理切片以及免疫螢光染色等檢查。 |
A histopathology examination is being conducted to establish the cause of death of the bird 我們會進行組織病理學研究,以確定這只鳥的死因。 |
The experimental investigation of bone marrow cytology and histopathology in patients with mds - ra and caa 骨髓細胞學及組織學活檢的實驗研究 |
1 . histopathology and cytology revised march 2007 1 .組織病理及細胞學二零零七年三月更新 |
1 . general histopathology and dermatopathology 2 1 .一般組織病理及皮膚病理檢查 |