histone n.【生物化學】組蛋白。
n. 【生物化學】組蛋白。 “anti-histone“ 中文翻譯: 抗-組織蛋白“h3 histone“ 中文翻譯: h3組蛋白“h4 histone“ 中文翻譯: h4組蛋白“histone acetyltransferase“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白乙酰轉移酶“histone base“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白堿“histone code“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白密碼“histone gene“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白基因“histone h2a“ 中文翻譯: 蛋白h2a“histone h2b“ 中文翻譯: 蛋白h2b“histone h3“ 中文翻譯: 蛋白h3“histone h4“ 中文翻譯: 蛋白h4“histone insulin“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白胰島素“histone kinase“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白激酶“histone methylase“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白甲基化酶“histone modification“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白修飾“histone nucleinate“ 中文翻譯: 核酸組蛋白“histone octamer“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白八聚體“histone repression“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白阻遏作用“nucleinate histone“ 中文翻譯: 核酸組蛋白“octameric histone“ 中文翻譯: 八聚合體組蛋白,組蛋白八聚體; 八聚體組蛋白,組蛋白八聚體“thymus histone“ 中文翻譯: 胸腺組蛋白“anti dna histone antibody“ 中文翻譯: 抗dna組蛋白抗體“arginine-rich histone“ 中文翻譯: 含精氨酸豐富的組蛋白“dna-histone complex“ 中文翻譯: 脫氧核糖核酸-組蛋白復合物; 脫氧核糖核酸與組蛋白復合物“histon“ 中文翻譯: 希斯頓; 組蛋白“histone acetyltransferase hat“ 中文翻譯: 組蛋白乙酰化酶
histopathology |
1 , the histone deacetylase inhibitors were used to feed the larve of the fly , and then the polytene chromosomes were observed under the microscope . the results indicated that the histone deacetylase inhibitors had effects on the morphology of the polytene chromosomes . it is suggested that the acetytion has effects not only on the molecular interaction but also on the structure of the chromosomes 得到的主要結果和結論如下: 1 ,通過用去乙酰化酶抑制劑處理果蠅幼蟲,觀察果蠅多線染色體在熱休克基因處的形態變化,發現去乙酰化酶抑制劑介導的乙酰化水平的升高可引起染色體結構的顯著變化,推測乙酰化修飾不僅影響分子間的相互作用而且還可以影響染色體的高級結構。 |
Epigenetic modification of the genome ensures proper gene activation during development and involves : genome methylation changes ; the assembly of histon and histone variants into nucleosomes and remodeling of other chromatin - associated proteins such as linker histones , polycomb group , nuclear scaffold protein , and transcription factors 這些染色質的再程序化包括dna的甲基化和核小體組蛋白的乙酰化等。組蛋白乙酰化在染色質結構調節、 dna復制、基因轉錄、細胞分化及癌細胞發育都有研究,但在克隆動物中卻是一個有待深入探索的領域。 |
2 , the hsp gene transcription was quantitatively determined by rt - pcr . based on this result , it is concluded that the change of acetylation level at the loci of hsp , mediated by histone deacetylase inhibitors , exerts important functions in hsp gene transcription . 3 , after immunolabeling with anti acelated - lysine monoclonal antibody on the polytene chromosomes of heat shocked flies , fluorescence signals were detected at the hsp loci 2 ,利用rt - pcr技術,對去乙酰化酶抑制劑處理后的果蠅的熱休克基因的表達水平進行檢測,結果表明經組蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制劑處理后的果蠅幼蟲,其熱休克基因的表達高于基礎水平,也就是說去乙酰化酶抑制劑誘導了熱休克基因的表達。 |
In order to investigate the histone acetylation in gene different regions , we used normal cattle 4n1 , 6n1 , 9n3 , cloned cattle xiaobai and 9c4 , with the igf1 and gh genes . we designed 14 and 8 pairs of primers on their dna sequences , respectively 為研究基因不同區域的組蛋白乙酰化水平,我們選取了正常牛4n1 , 6n1 , 9n3 ,克隆牛xiaobai和9c4共五個樣品, igf1和gh兩個基岡作為研究對象,在它們的基因序列上分別設計了14對和8對引物來進行定量分析。 |
Histon acetylation plays an important role in regulation chromatin structure and transcriptional activity . however , there is a lit tle investigation in cloned cattle about histone acetylation . andmore , in many dead cloned cattle , the lung abnormality is mostly obvious 在報道的克隆牛發育異常中,肺臟的異常比較普遍和明顯,而在我們的克隆牛工作中也發現了類似問題,所以我們選用克隆牛肺臟組織作為實驗材料,進行組蛋白乙酰化研究。 |
We do not know what cell cycle - associated proteins are regulated by histone acetylation modification , especially at the checkpoints of g1 / s , s / g2 , g2 / m and mitosis exit . neither do we know about the manner in which histone acetylation regulates the expression of these genes 在真核細胞周期調控的重要檢驗點g1 / s和g2 / m ,以及其他的轉換點s / g2和走出m期的各個過程中,哪些細胞周期調控相關蛋白的表達活性與細胞內的組蛋白乙酰化水平相關 |
4 , compared the influence of two histone deacetylase inhibitors on the hsp70 gene transcription , after changing the time and the concentration of the inhibitors , we found the mechanism of the two histone deaceylase inhibitors is different 4 ,通過比較改變喂食時間和喂食濃度后兩種去乙酞化酶抑制劑與熱休克基因表達水平之間的關系,我們發現tsa與丁酸鹽抑制去乙酞化酶的作用機制可能是不同的。 |
The last seven years have spawned a vast amount of data on the enzymes that remodel and modify nucleosomes and the rules governing how transcription factors interact with the epigenetic code on histones 在過去的7年中,科學研究提供了大量的有關以下兩個方面的數據: ( 1 )具有重構和修飾核小體功能的酶,以及( 2 )轉錄因子如何同組蛋白上的表觀遺傳編碼相互作用的機制。 |
As a test to determine whether such histone modification functionally affected plasticity , the researchers administered a drug to adult mice that would increase chemical modification of histone 為了確定組蛋白的化學修飾是否對大腦可塑性產生功能上的影響,研究人員做了一個試驗,即給予成年鼠服用一種能夠增加組蛋白化學修飾的藥物。 |
They also concluded that the closure of the critical period was associated with a decrease in the ability of isual experience to drie the histone modifications that are necessary for neural rewiring 他們同時說道,神經系統的重新架構有賴于組蛋白的化學修飾,而視覺體驗刺激產生化學修飾的能力下降與臨界期的終止具有相關性。 |
4 . though tsa treatment and western blotting , we demonstrated that acetylation of certain non - histones may also be associated with the regulation of checkpoints in physarum polycephalum . 5 由此認為,類c fos ,類c jun和類ras蛋白對多頭絨泡菌細胞周期各轉換點調控可能與細胞周期調控相關因于蛋白表達水平的變化有關。 |
Recent data have demonstrated that the tails of histones h3 and h4 greatly reduce the speed of transcript elongation through a nucelosome , and tail acetylation suppresses this effect 近來研究表明組蛋白尾部尤其是h3 、 h4四聚體的尾部強烈影響通過核小體的轉錄延伸速率,而尾部的乙酰化修飾可抑制這種影響。 |
Specifically , the researchers found that isual experience in the juenile brains triggered telltale chemical alterations in substances called histones that were not triggered in the adult brains 此外,研究人員還意外發現這一視覺體驗能夠刺激幼鼠大腦里的組蛋白發生化學改變(修飾) ,而成年鼠則無改變。 |
By using tsa treatment , rt - pcr and western - blotting , we established that the histone acetylation modification changed the expression of various cell cycle - related factors ( mrna and protein expression ) at different checkpoints 、類c廠n蛋白和類p53蛋白的表達水平,也改變了兩種r 。 。基upnr 。 |
Chromatin the loose network of threads seen in nondividing nuclei that represents the chromosomal material , consisting of dna , protein ( mainly histone ) , and small amounts of rna 染色質:間期細胞內由dna ,蛋白質(主要是組蛋白) ,以及少量的rna組成的線性復合結構,是間期細胞遺傳物質存在的形式。 |
Upon extensive studies , it has been found that histone acetylation is important in cell cycle regulation . however , little is known about the mechanisms of this process up to date 隨著研究的深入,人們發現組蛋白乙酰化修飾對真核細胞周期調控過程起重要作用,但對其具體的調控機制還了解不多。 |
The activity of intact elongator complex is directed specifically toward the amino - terminal tails of histone h3 and h4 , the predominant acetylation sites are lysine - 14 of histone h3 and lysine - 8 of histone h4 完整的復合物可直接修飾組蛋白h3和h4尾部,其優先乙酰化位點是h3k14和h4k8 。 |
It is a good model for the study on the regulation of eukaryotic gene transcription . in eukaryotes , the acetylation of histones was discovered many years ago 其基因表達包括基礎水平表達和誘導表達兩個層次,代表了一類轉錄調控方式,是研究真核基因轉錄調控的一個很好模型。 |
5 , histone acetyltransferase gene ygcns and histone deacetylase gene yrpd3 were cloned and expressed , which has laid down a foundation for studying chromosome remodeling in vitro 5 ,我們克隆并純化了酵母中的組蛋白乙酞基轉移酶基因gcns和去乙酞化酶基因rpd3 。 |