
histamine n.【生物化學】組(織)胺。adj.-taminic


During 2005 , the department embarked on risk assessment projects on dietary exposure to dichlorodiphenytrichloroethane of secondary school students , the microbiological quality of edible ice from ice manufacturing plants and retail businesses in hong kong , ochratoxin a in food , nutrient values of local indigenous congee , rice and noodle dishes , disposable plastic containers for take - away meals and histamine in canned fish and tuna sandwiches 年內,本署進行的風險評估研究包括: “中學生從食物攝入滴滴涕的情況” “香港制冰廠和零售點的食用冰的微生物質量” “食物含赭曲霉毒素a的情況” “本地粥粉飯的營養素含量” “測試外賣飯盒雜質釋出量”和“罐頭魚及吞拿魚三文治組胺含量” 。

Results in model group , the symptoms in model group such as sneezing , running nose and scratching nose are obvious , with obviously increased mass cell and degranulation cell in nasal mucosa plasma histamine ; high - dose minkang tablet group and xinqin granules group were similar in improving the general condition and symptoms ; but in the low - dose minkang tablet group , the numbers of mast cell and degranulation cell as well as the content of histamine decreased , with no difference compared to the former groups 各治療組均明顯改善,其中敏康片大劑量組在大鼠的一般情況變化和體征方面與辛芬沖劑組療效相當,敏康片小劑量組在降低肥大細胞數、脫顆粒細胞數及血漿組胺方面較明顯,但與大劑量組和辛芬沖劑組之間沒有統計學意義。

Subsequently . it has been found in all normal cells examined so far except the kidney cells . tctp homologues among the species are highly conserved , which suggest that the protein might have an essential function in cell . lt was reported that tctp caused the release of histamine from ige + basophils and was capable of various functions including calcium binding . metal homeostasis , intracellular signaling and reacting with antimalarial drugs 從植物到動物的各類細胞中, tctp都有廣泛的高度同源性和高度保守性,提示tctp在細胞中有重要的生物學功能。雖然報道認為tctp具有鈣結合、金屬內環境穩定、細胞內信號傳導、作為ige依賴性組胺釋放因子等功能,但其具體生物學功能尚待進一步研究闡明。

In this article we review the current literature on histaminergic neurotransmission in the brain focussing particularly in the brainstem vestibular nuclei , and the role of histamine in brain plasticity during “ vestibular compensation “ , the behavioural recovery that takes place after unilateral peripheral vestibular damage 在本文中,我們綜述了關于腦內(特別是腦干前庭核中)的組胺能神經傳遞,以及組胺在腦可塑性“前庭代償” , (一種單側外周前庭損傷之后發生的行為學恢復)中作用的新近文獻。

Incyte does not actually own the rights to the gene for the histamine receptor in your body but only to an “ isolated and purified ” form of it . ( at times , patent examiners or courts have invoked the u . s 早期的基因專利還依循傳統化學專利的模式,例如因賽特公司并不是真的擁有你體內的組織胺受體基因,而是分離和純化形式的基因(當時專利審核人員或法院還引用了美國憲法中禁止奴役的條文,解釋為什麼不能申請一個真正的人或其身體部位的專利權) 。

In order to study and employ new medicines of histamine and inaugurate a new way for opium types to defend and abstain from the drug addictions , we study the addiction s mechanisms deeply and immanence relations between histamines in the brain and the drug addiction of opium types especially 深入研究成癮機制,特別是腦內組胺與阿片類藥物成癮之間的內在聯系,研究和開發組胺類新藥,為阿片類藥物成癮的防毒戒毒工作開辟新的方向。

In an asthma attack the bronchioles ( tiny airways in the lungs ) constrict , triggering the release of histamine and other chemicals that , in turn , cause inflammation , swelling and the production of extra mucus , making it hard to breathe 在哮喘發作的時,支氣管(肺部的小氣道)收縮,觸發釋放組胺和其他化學物質,從而引起炎癥、腫脹和產生特別的粘液,導致呼吸困難。

Drug name diphenhydramine , ethanolamine class , histamine receptor type 1 blocker . has significant anticholinergic and sedative properties that causes some degree of topical anesthesia by impairing the transmission of nerve impulses 藥名:苯海拉明,氨基乙醇,組織胺受體1型阻滯劑有顯著的抗膽堿能和鎮靜特性,通過阻礙神經沖動傳導引起某種程度的局部麻醉。

Like vitamin c , quercetin has strong antioxidant properties ? but it is also believed to prevent the release of histamine , thus potentially helping to stop inflammation and swelling of airways and the production of excess mucus 和維生素c一樣,槲皮素具有較強的抗氧化性能,但它也被認為可以阻止組胺釋放,從而可能有助于阻止氣道的發炎、腫脹及產生過多粘液。

It is concluded that histamine can modulate the dopamine response of canine tracheal smooth muscle by sensitizing , transiently , multiple receptors in the muscle which are responsible for the contractile response to dopamine 因此,我們認為組織胺可經由暫時性地活化肌肉細胞表面的幾種接受器進而影響狗氣管平滑肌對多巴胺的反應。

In the muscle strips sensitized with histamine , the dopamine - induced contraction was decreased by the antagonist to 2 - adrenoceptors and increased by the antagonist to 1 - adrenoceptors 在這些被組織胺敏感化的肌肉中,多巴胺所引致的收縮可因-腎上腺素接受器的拮抗劑存在而減弱,或因-腎上腺素接受器的拮抗劑存在而加強。

Elevated serum ige antibody , manifested symptoms of nasal hypersensitivity and imme - diate release of histamine in nasal secretions after nasal antigen challenge in guinea pigs are similar to the manifestations of nasal allergy in humans 在過敏化過程中亦有呼吸道敏的現象,顯示此實驗模式可以模擬人類的呼吸道過敏癥。

Conclusion minkang tablet can improve the general condition and symptoms of ar possibly by reducing the numbers of mast cell and degranulation , and the content of plasma histamine 結論敏康片能夠改善變應性鼻炎大鼠的一般癥狀和體征,其治療作用可能與減少鼻黏膜肥大細胞數及脫顆粒細胞數,降低血漿組織胺含量有關。

Saliva and other secretions from these parasites may cause itchy hypersensitivity reactions with the surrounding skin releasing histamine and other substances that cause itching and inflammation 唾液和其它分泌物從這些寄生生物也許導致導致發癢和炎癥的癢的過敏癥反應與周圍的皮膚發布氨基酸和其它物質。

The results of our study demonstrate that , at dopamine tachyphylaxis of canine tracheal smooth muscle , histamine treatment could recover the contraction to dopamine 研究結果顯示,除了增強多巴胺引致的收縮外,組織胺處理亦可在狗氣管平滑肌對多巴胺反應疲乏時恢復肌肉對多巴胺收縮的能力。

In this study , in vitro canine airway smooth muscle preparations were employed to investigate whether histamine - treatment affects the responsiveness of airway smooth muscle to dopamine 在本研究中,我們使用離體的狗氣管肌肉條來探討以組織胺處理是否會影響氣管平滑肌對巴胺的反應。

The general condition , mass cell and degranulation mass cell in nasal mucosa as well as the contents of histamine were determined and compared among all the groups after one week 結果造模組有明顯的噴嚏、流鼻涕和搔鼻等癥狀,鼻黏膜肥大細胞數、脫顆粒細胞數、血漿組胺明顯升高。

New and more effective agents were developed in each of the 3 classical groups of anti - allergic drugs consisting of mast cell stabiliers , anti - histamines and corticosteroids 在傳統三大類抗過敏藥物即肥大細胞膜穩定、抗組胺劑和類固醇激素中,每一類都有新的和更有效的品種。

To confirm that the histamine receptor connects the drug , ampk activity and appetite , the team gave clozapine to mice genetically engineered without a histamine receptor 為證實組胺受體和藥物、 ampk活性、和食欲相關,研究組給經遺傳重組后缺失去組胺受體的小鼠氯氮平藥物。