
hiss vi.1.(鵝、蛇、蒸氣等)發嘶嘶聲。2.發噓噓聲表示反...


Steam hissed from the kettle ' s spout 蒸氣從水壺口嘶嘶作響地冒出。

The tyres hissed over the damp concrete 輪胎哧溜駛過潮濕的水泥地。

He intends only his own security , only hiss own gain 他關心的僅是自己的安全、自己的利益。

The steam escaped with a hissing sound 蒸汽漏出來時發出嘶嘶的聲音。

“ shut up , ” she hissed softly “閉嘴! ”她輕輕的從牙縫中擠著說道。

A : what if you hear a hissing sound 要是聽到有咝咝的漏氣聲該怎么辦?

A fire hisses if water is thrown on it 把水澆到火上,火就發出嘶嘶聲

The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth 熨斗壓在濕布上時發出嘶嘶聲。

The politician was hissed off ( the platform ) 人們用噓聲把那政客轟下了臺

On hearing the snake hiss , i felt creepy 聽見蛇的嘶嘶聲,我感到毛骨悚然。

He threw the hot iron hissing into cold water 他將熾熱的鐵“咝”地一聲扔進冷水里。

The steam escaped with a loud hissing noise 蒸汽發出很大的嘶嘶聲冒了出來

We can hear the hiss of air escaping from a tire 我們能聽到一只輪胎的嘶嘶漏氣聲。

The crowd greeted the performers with boos and hisses 觀眾向演出者發出一片噓聲

You idiot ! what were you doing ? ! ' he hissed 白癡!你在做什么? ! “他噓聲叫道。

Gas escaped with a hissing noise from the broken pipe 煤氣從破管道中嘶嘶泄出。

Sh ! hissed the count , and he turned to semyon 伯爵發出噓噓聲后又把臉朝著謝苗。

Neither of them spoke for a while. the fire was dying; a few stray raindrops found their way down the chimney and hissed in the cooling coals . 他們沉默著。爐火奄奄一息。零星的雨點從煙囪滴下來,落在逐漸冷卻的煤塊上,發出嘶嘶的聲音。

There was a loud hissing noise as the bull worked its horns free. the tank collapsed like a deflated balloon . 當牛將犄角拔出來時,那坦克發出一陣嘶嘶聲,象泄了氣的皮球似地癟了。