
hiroshima n.廣島〔日本市、縣名〕。


1945 an american aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on the japanese city of hiroshima , killing 78 000 people and gravely wounding another 90 000 一架美國飛機在日本廣島市投下一枚原子彈,炸死7 . 8萬人,另有9萬人重傷。

Gongbei points five minutes before , from hiroshima hong kong ferry terminal 3 minutes , from zhuhai international airport 40 minutes 距拱北關口五分鐘車程,距九洲港客運碼頭三分鐘車程,距珠海國際機場四十分鐘車程。

It was the memory of 1945 hiroshima and nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb , from which originated the term of “ zero ground “ “零地帶”這個術語可以追溯到1945年廣島和長崎遭受原子彈襲擊的歷史時刻。

It was the memory of 1945 hiroshima and nagasaki suffered from the attacks of atomic bomb , from which originated the term of “ zero ground “ 追溯到1945年廣島和長崎遭受原子彈攻擊,從而形成了“零地帶”這個術語。

Most of these prefectures are called “ ken “ in japanese - for example , akita - ken , or hiroshima - ken - although there are exceptions 大多數這樣的行政區在日本稱為“縣” ,如:秋田縣廣島縣,其中也有例外。

Mourners gather every august 6 in remembrance of those who died in the bombing of hiroshima at the end of world war ii 每年的8月6日,哀悼的人群集聚在此追思在二戰結束前夕廣島遭原子彈轟炸時喪生的人們。

Mikio oda of hiroshima prefecture in japan placed sixth in the triple jump at the 1924 olympics in paris 1924年巴黎奧運會,來自日本廣島的織田干雄在男子三級跳遠比賽中名列第六。

These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 這些具有極強輻射的骨架曾經被發現,跟在廣島和長崎發現的一樣。

These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 這些骸骨當中可以發現放射性元素,就像在廣島和長崎找到的一樣。

These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found , on a par with those found at hiroshima and nagasaki 這些骷髏甚至還發現了最多的放射物,就像在廣島和長崎一樣。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 在當年廣島遭原子彈轟炸的同一時刻,所有的悼念者都低頭默哀片刻。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 在當時廣島原子彈爆炸的確切時刻,悼念者低下了頭,進行默哀。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 所有的悼念者在當年廣島炸彈爆炸的同一刻低下頭默哀一分鐘。

All mourners lowered their heads for a moment of silence at the exact moment of the hiroshima bombing 所有人都準時低頭為在長島爆炸中的死難者默哀一分鐘。

1994 hiroshima asian games - 2nd springboard 1996 atlanta olympic games - 1st springboard and platform 1994年在廣島第12屆亞運會跳水賽上,獲3米跳板銀牌

The atomic bombing of hiroshima was considered as the conclusive event of world war 對廣島的原子彈轟炸被認為是第二次世界大戰中的決定性事件。

A french actress arrives in hiroshima to begin work on the remake of “ hiroshima mon amour . 法國女演員來到廣島,準備參與廣島之戀的重拍工作。

The united states dropped one of the bombs on the japanese city of hiroshima and another on nagasaki 美國將其中的一個投向日本城市長崎和廣島。

Natural environmental test of heavy duty coating system in hiroshima of japan and chongqing of china 重防蝕涂裝體系在廣島和重慶的自然環境試驗