
hipster n.1.消息靈通人士,趕時髦的人。2.機靈的人。3.美國...


Shop for jeans , flared jeans , hipster jeans , bootleg jeans , classic cut jeans , low rise jeans , bellbottom jeans , stretch jeans , 8 ) maternity jeans , straight cut jeans and more 去購買牛仔褲吧,喇叭牛仔褲、超低腰牛仔褲、小喇叭牛仔褲、傳統樣式牛仔褲、低腰牛仔褲、大喇叭牛仔褲、彈性牛仔褲、孕婦牛仔褲、直筒牛仔褲以及更多。

Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , skin - tight hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body 時髦細高跟鞋、時尚緊身牛仔褲和可愛手提包等如今的時尚服飾看起來很時髦,但對你的身體可不一定有好處。

Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , skin - tight hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body 時髦細高跟鞋時尚緊身牛仔褲和可愛手提包等如今的時尚服飾看起來很時髦,但對你的身體可不一定有好處。

Today , it ' s still a youth - oriented neighborhood , serving hipsters with experimental music clubs , independent theaters and cutting - edge fashion 如今,這里仍是一個以年輕人為主導的街區,以實驗派音樂俱樂部、獨立劇院以及前沿時尚為潮流人士提供著服務。

Today ' s fashions , such as slinky stilettos , hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body 時髦細高跟鞋時尚緊身牛仔褲和可愛手提包等如今的時尚服飾看起來很時髦,但對你的身體可不一定有好處。

S , such as slinky stilettos , hipster jeans and cute hand - held purses , may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body 時髦細高跟鞋時尚緊身牛仔褲和可愛手提包等如今的時尚服飾看起來很時髦,但對你的身體可不一定有好處。

In 1960s england , the vespa shuttled around the sharp , suit - wearing hipster group known as the mods 1960年代的英國,偉士牌在一群西裝筆挺的時髦雅痞摩登一族間廣為流行。

You ' ve come to the place where the sophisti - cats and hipsters 你們呆的這個地方有狡猾的小貓還有爵士樂的愛好者們