
hippo n.〔俚語〕河馬(= hippopotamus)。


The next morning we had well expected to see the lions enjoying their hippo breakfast ; however the waterhole was empty 第2天早上我們滿以為會看到獅子的盛大的早餐會,但水坑里什么也沒有。

One economist talks hopefully of the “ cheetah generation ” taking over from the “ hippos ” 有一位經濟學者滿懷希望地講道,肯尼亞的年輕人是征服了“河馬一族”的“獵豹一代” 。

20 p . m . : seventh class : sculpture . uh oh , i think my model of the horse looks more like a hippo 下午1 : 20 :第七節課:雕刻。糟糕,我想我做的馬的模型看上去像河馬。

This sprawl of wilderness is home to world ' s largest concentration of zebras , hippos and giraffes 這片遼闊的荒野是斑馬、河馬和長頸鹿在全球最大的聚居地。

Many animals thrive in their near - nakedness . elephants , rhinos , and hippos do n ' t have fur 比如人們熟知的大象犀牛以及河馬,它們的身上也都幾乎沒有毛。

Jenny , sarah thinks that hippo ' s parents are on vacation . that they ' re coming back 珍妮,薩拉以為西波的父母去度假了他們還會回來

Hippo : i think it ' d better not show the young audiences the killing film 河馬:我覺得還是不要把這些殺戮的畫面播給小觀眾看為好。

A hippo in the western canyon causes concern , as one can easily capsize a raft 探險隊途中遇上河馬,一頭河馬便足以弄翻橡皮艇。

Crocodile , elephant and hippo search along the river bank and soon met monkey 鱷魚,大象和河馬沿著河堤搜索,很快遇到了猴子。

Happy as a hippo 做只河馬也很快樂

You make sure hippo has a night - light so he doesn ' t get scared in the dark , ok 別忘了開著小夜燈西波晚上就不怕了,知道嗎?

Hippo is a lutheran 西波是個路德會眾

Can i name him hippo 我可以叫它西波嗎?

This hippo is a best choice to the children below ten years old 這個河馬公仔送給10歲以下的小朋友是個不錯的選擇。

Exactly . like the hippo 對極了,要象河馬一樣

Crocodile and elephant searched along the river bank and soon met hippo 鱷魚和大象沿著河堤搜尋,很快遇到了河馬。

Introduction : fly many unpleasant life ! hippo actually smoking , it bombed freezing 河馬居然在吸煙,把它炸掛掉吧!

Where can you find hippos 在哪兒能找著河馬?

It is the dragon ( winged lion ) and hippo kingdoms that speak forth today 今天是龍(飛獅)與河馬王國向大家講話。