
hinterland n.1.腹地,內地。2.〔 pl.〕窮鄉僻壤。3.可依賴...


Hinterland economy is the basis for port and city . it is the important sources for the port and the bases for industrial conversion 經濟腹地是港口和城市的基礎,是港口重要的貨源和產業轉換基地,是港口興衰的關鍵。

Above all , the article sees about the status quo of beiliang port and its hinterland , and analyzes the grain transportation 文章首先考察了北良港區及其經濟腹地的發展現狀,并對糧食的運輸情況進行了詳細的分析。

From 1928 until 1931 mao , with zhu de and others , established rural soviets in the hinterlands , and built the red army 在1927年八七會議上提出槍桿子里面出政權,不久領導秋收起義,建立第一個農村革命根據地。

Never mind that in chinese music ' s teeny - bop hinterland , idol status is rather a result of a winsome smile than serious music 在華人音樂的青少年世界里,偶像的地位藉由迷人的微笑來塑造,而非認真的音樂。

His friend and mentor wales lee sends him , girl reporter maggie and bachu s boy friend back to thailand s hinterland to find budda s eye 回港后,原發覺血咒亦開始發作,心知不妙,故找萬能的衛斯理幫忙。

There ' s no evidence that innocent women and men were harvested from the hinterlands and sold into slavery or to provide flesh for sacrifice 沒有證據表明,無辜的人會從農村被抓去賣作奴隸或祭品。

For the out doors and golf enthusiasts , the scenic hinterland and premier golf courses are close by 戶外運動及高爾夫球愛好者還會欣喜地發現酒店附近建有風景如畫的自然空間以及高級高爾夫球場。

Dabieshan hinterland of pure chinese herbal medicine , good quality , fair prices . dedication services for the delivery 大別山腹地純正中藥材,品質優良,價格公道。熱忱的服務,公司負責送貨。

Strong links with its hinterland , the pearl river delta , one of the most rapidly growing regions in the world 香港與鄰近腹地,特別是全球發展快速地區之一的珠江三角洲,建立了緊密的聯系。

The basic law drafting committee was composed of related personages and legal experts both from the hinterland and hong kong 基本法起草委員會有內地和香港的有關人士和法律專家做組成。

Hong kong has a burgeoning and sophisticated services economy servicing a large hinterland and regions nearby 香港的服務業發展蓬勃,且日趨成熟,為中國內地和鄰近地區提供完備的服務。

Guangzhou as the central city in the pearl river delta economic zone and her role in the development of the economic hinterland 廣州在泛珠三角經濟區中心城市的定位與經濟腹地拓展研究

In the northeastern hinterland of hong kong , the pat sin leng - eight fairies in chinese mythology guard the land 八仙的故事家喻戶曉,新界東北部剛好屹立著一列山形獨特的八仙嶺。

Additionally , the native banks close - related to economy in hinterland went bankrupt continually 同時,與內地經濟及工商業聯系相對緊密的中國傳統金融機構?錢莊出現了持續的倒閉。

As a service - oriented economy , hong kong needs a vast hinterland market to promote its economic development 香港是以服務業為主的經濟體系,需要大的市場腹地推動經濟發展。

The port should be linked up to the hinterland by rail so as to ease up the congestion at the boundary crossing points 應以鐵路連接港口及內地,減輕邊界關卡的擠塞情況。

The airline is poised to launch its service of 20 flights in south india ' s hinterland formally next week 德干航空公司準備下周在印度南部的內陸地區正式開通20條航線。

The harbour will become the tourism node of the territory with good linkages with the hinterland , “ professor yeung said 海港與腹地有良好連系,會成為本港旅游中心。

The level of housing development that could be sustained in the hinterland area would be examined in this study 這項研究將會探討腹地地區可以支持的房屋發展的水平。