
hint n.1.暗示。2.提示,線索。3.微量,少許,點滴。短語...


In his heart he was tempted by the hinted opportunity of applying his invention . 他的心里卻已經被可能會有發揮他的創造性的機會所誘惑。

I kept looking at my watch, but she can't take a hint and it was midnight before she left . 我不停地看表,但她不會意,午夜過后才離開。

I thought they would never go -- some people just can not take a hint ! 我以為他們是永遠也不會走的有些人根本就不明白別人的暗示!

Kepler's third law gave a more specific hint about the nature of the force . 開普勒第三定律給出了一個關于力的本質的更為具體的說明。

He seemed to hint that nothing but the right “values“ was of any consequence . 他仿佛在表示,只有真正的“價值”才有意義。

Roddy often hinted that we would get a substantial reward of some kind . 邏迪還常常暗示我們將得到某種形式的物質獎勵。

He never dropped the smallest hint of it to you or any of your family . 他從來沒向您或您家的任何人透露過一點兒消息。

Mr. scott's smile gave us a hint of his satisfaction with our job . 斯科特先生的微笑暗示他對我們的工作感到滿意。

Carol hinted that the play would be improved by cutting . 卡羅爾一個勁兒暗示說,這個戲經過刪節以后就會更加精采。

Mr. brown looked at his watch as a hint that it was time for us to go . 布朗先生看了看手表,示意我們應該動身了。

He never dropped the smallest hint to you or any of your family . 他并未向你或你家里的任何人透露過一點點口風。

Sir john had dropped hints of past injuries and disappointments . 約翰爵士泄露了一些他過去受傷害和失意的事情。

I owed it to her, therefore, to avoid giving any hint of the truth . 因此,我對她負有義務,避免顯露任何真相。

Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope . 任何腐化墮落的事都使他感到充滿希望。

There was something in the last hint that nettled jeanie's honest pride . 這最后一句話刺傷了珍妮的自尊心。

Neither was there any hint of espionage in hanley's early life . 漢利的早期生活也毫無進行間諜活動的跡象。

James hints that his heroine's demands on life are inordinate . 詹姆斯暗示他的女主人公對于人生過于苛求。

The first hint of bad news came precisely a week later . 壞消息的第一個兆頭,是整整一星期后顯露出來的。

His dapper self-confidence seemed impenetrable to such hints . 這類的暗示似乎動搖不了他堅定的自信。