
hindu n.1.印度人。2.信奉印度教的人。adj.1.印度教的...


For hindu worship , they have one drummer and one bugler 好像他們一般的祭祀都有一個吹喇叭的, ,一個打鼓的。 。

Where he meets siva , the hindu god 去見印度神濕婆

Some of the indian sufis were greatly influenced by hindu customs 一些印度蘇菲派受到印度教習俗的極大影響。

4 this structure is decorated with carvings of many hindu deities 這個結構上面有很多興都神像的雕塑裝飾著

Across the passes of the hindu kush , 越過興都庫什山口

The inner panels show scenes from the hindu epic , the ramayana 黨內面板顯示畫面從印度教史詩,羅摩衍那。

Samadhi is a term used in hindu and buddhist yogic meditation 三摩地是印度教和佛教瑜伽冥想使用的術語。

3 hindu temples and muslim mosques stand alongside chinese temples 華人廟宇的旁邊矗立著興都廟和回教堂

They invoked hindu scripture to justify their position 他們援引印度教的經文為他們的立場做出合理解釋。

Ordered by the majority of hindus who cannot eat meat or fish 大多數信奉印度教的旅客均選擇此特別餐。

It is a holy site for hindus and buddhists alike :位于金邊之南,建于10世紀,為婆羅門教及佛教勝地。

Ifit ' s halfas real as the hindus say 就像印度人說對了一半

The asian age newspaper said hindu priests were outraged 《亞洲年代》報道說印度教祭司們義憤填膺。

Political resurrection of hindu nationalism in the 1980s 試析20世紀80年代印度教民族主義的政治復興

“ i ' d like to get out of here , “ says the hindu boy weakly “我想離開這兒。 ”印度人有氣無力地說。

Ifit ' s halfas real as the hindus say . . 就像印度人說對了一半. .

The asian age newspaper said hindu priests were outraged 亞洲年代報道說印度教祭司們義憤填膺。

For hindu widows only . she would marry another 100她會再婚的。

They invoked hindu scripture to justify their position 他們援引印度教的經文為他們的立場辯護。