hindsight n.1.(步槍的)照尺。2.(對事件等的)事后聰敏,事后...
n. 1.(步槍的)照尺。 2.(對事件等的)事后聰敏,事后的認識 (opp. foresight)。 短語和例子realize with hindsight 事后才懂得…。 knock [kick] sb.'s hindsight out = knock [kick] the hindsight off sb. 〔美口〕壓服某人,使某人畏縮。 “hindsight is“ 中文翻譯: 事后的先見之明“with hindsight“ 中文翻譯: 事后的認識/后見之明“hindsight bias“ 中文翻譯: 后見之明的偏見“with the benefit of hindsight“ 中文翻譯: 事后的認識/后見之明“hindsholm“ 中文翻譯: 欣斯霍爾姆半島“hindshincircumference“ 中文翻譯: 后管圍“hindsjo“ 中文翻譯: 欣德舍“hindshank“ 中文翻譯: 后管骨“hindskog“ 中文翻譯: 欣德斯科格“hindsefelt“ 中文翻譯: 欣德塞費爾特“hindson“ 中文翻譯: 欣德森“hinds lake“ 中文翻譯: 海恩茲湖
hindu |
Thirty - two tears later , with the hindsight of historical perspective and a life of practicing social research on cities , the answer is : yes , there was ; no , there is currently not ; but perhaps , with luck , it will resurge in the twenty - first century , with new concepts , new methods , and new themes , because it is more necessary than ever to make sense of our lives 三十二年復,現在回過頭來看這段親身對于城市的社會研究的參與經驗,答案是:有,不過是以前有;沒有,現在沒有;但是,如果幸運點,會在廿一世紀復活,發展一些新的概念,新的研究方法,以及新的主題,因為都市社會學對于我們對生活的理解比過去更顯鈴要。 |
When the ground engineers arrived , it was discovered that five tyres were deflated automatically by the built - in safety device . eventually , all eight wheel tyres and brake assemblies were replaced before the aircraft was released for service . in hindsight , the tower controller could have been more inquisitive in respect of the hot brake situation so as to assist the pilot to cool down the brakes as much as possible 當ci665離開跑道后,因為機師沒有表示需要停下來,所以航機被指示繼續滑行預備再次起飛,在到達等待點時,機師報告由于航機在緊急煞停時產生高熱導致三個輪胎放氣,在地面工程師抵達進行檢查,發現飛機內置的安全裝置使五個輪胎自動放氣,稍后,該航機更換全部八個輪胎及煞掣組合后,才再投入服務。 |
With the benefit of hindsight , there might have been some lack of foresight on my part , notwithstanding the merits of gradualism , in not introducing an explicit convertibility undertaking for the aggregate balance when it was first created . instead , we had an informal , hence discretionary , convertibility undertaking with a 500 - point cushion in the exchange rate 盡管循序漸進有其好處,但若事后孔明,我可能是有點兒不夠遠見,未能在剛創設總結馀時就推出正式的總結馀兌換保證,而只是設立了非正式,即酌情運作的兌換保證,并在適用匯率與聯系匯率之間定下500點子的距離,以提供緩沖。 |
Meanwhile , life goes on in the kindergarten . someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song : puff the magic dragon , lives by the sea a dragon lives forever , but not so little boys . with hindsight , mcdull believes this could well be the maxim of the flower on the spring field kindergarten alumni 電影由動畫及人物演繹的片段穿插而成,故事講述在春田花花幼稚園一班小朋友畢業長大后,在社會做事的各種各樣故事當年他們胸懷大志,幻想著屬于自己將來的理想職業,可是長大后的他們又會否如愿呢 |
At the time thailand was suffering badly from highly contagious financial turmoil and there was an urgent need for external financial assistance to prevent a deepening of the financial crisis brought on basically , with the benefit of hindsight , by a failure to manage the risks of financial globalisation 億美元融資方案,以協助泰國進行經濟調整。當時亞洲金融危機造成極大的連鎖影響,泰國飽受打擊,亟需外方金融援助以防止危機深化。事后檢討,這場危機基本上是因未能妥善管理金融全球化的風險而起。 |
The real darin himself died tragically young , and the fervent trials and tribulations of his rise and fall is propelled by a movie - within - a - movie conceit , with the older darin and his younger form looking back at his own life in nostalgic hindsight 影片重現傳奇的星海浮沉與感情的跌蕩,三十七年的生命畢竟太匆匆。費里尼式的戲中戲,不同年的主角同時穿梭故事,動人的歌舞大場面猶如積葵丹美再生炮制。 |
“ much of the interest rate premium of the hong kong dollar over the us dollar has disappeared , clearly reflecting with hindsight the extent of the excessive pain that had been so mercilessly inflicted on the community by the manipulative plays . 港元對美元的大部分利率溢價已消失,現在想來這清楚顯示對沖基金的操控市場伎倆無情地令香港市民承受了過度的痛楚。 |
Catholic thought and doctrine has changed countless times over the centuries , and john paul ii apologised for stances taken by his church in the past , acknowledging that what was once thought right was , in hindsight , wrong 天主教思想和教義,多少世紀以來更改過無數次,保羅二世就曾為他的教會在過去所持的立場道過歉,承認一度被認為對的事兒后來再看是錯的。 |
In the history of any financial system , there are inevitably events , possibly disruptive ones of a crisis nature , that indicate , with the benefit of hindsight , that things might have been better organised in a different manner 回顧任何金融體系的發展歷程,我們無可避免都可以事后孔明,發現某些事件甚至影響極大的危機或許可以有其他更好的方法來處理。 |
The seoul and beijing governments have objected to the visits , which they say glorify japan ' s wartime offenses against their countries . the japanese prime minister said the governments will realize in hindsight that they were wrong 首爾和北京政府一直反對小泉純一郎對靖國神社的參拜,認為小泉純一郎的參拜美化了日本對中韓兩國所犯下的戰爭罪行。 |
Every time an object on the screen moved even the mouse probably seemed daunting at the time , and the overhead of making defensive copies probably seemed out of the question . in hindsight , the decision to make 那時,每當一個對象(甚至是鼠標)在屏幕上移動就創建一個新的point的對象創建開銷可能有些讓人生畏,而創建防御性副本的開銷則不在話下。 |
For example , in 2001 , with the benefit of hindsight , those investment managers that were underweight below the benchmark in equity and overweight in bonds should stand a good chance of beating the benchmark return 年,投資經理若降低股票的比重低于基準及提高債券的比重,他們的成績便大有可能超越基準回報。 |
There ' s no such thing as a safe risk . that ' s an oxymoron . all courage is a risk . none of it is safe . the only way to decide is through [ hindsight ] 沒有所謂安全的風險這種事。那是一種自相矛盾的說法。所有的勇氣都是冒險,沒有一種勇氣是安全的。只有(后見之明)才分得出之前的行動(是勇敢大膽或愚蠢魯莽) 。 |
Village chiefs and village elders in hindsight that this is extremely angry , address him in the village unfortunately , the brothers decided to direct and fastest way to identify the perpetrators 村長和村中長老得知這件事后,極為氣憤,直呼是村中的不幸,決定由自己人以最快且直接的方式找出兇手。 |
If you directly confront a friend who may not be ready to hear something , the friendship may be prematurely catapulted to an end over something that may not seem like a big deal in hindsight 如果你面對的朋友對這些毫無準備,友誼可能會過早地結束,即使事后想想并不是什么大事。 |
Against this background , and the widening of interest differentials in favour of the dollar in recent months , the direction of the euro s movement is , with hindsight , hardly surprising 基于這種情況,以及近幾個月對美元的息差擴闊,所以現在回頭再看,歐元貶值其實一點也不奇怪。 |
Those china garment enterprise and people involve in garment trade who have hindsight for the world and future will eventually growth up and join the world leader 那些真正放眼于世界,放眼于未來的中國服裝企業和服裝人士將在這場競爭中成長起來,加入世界強者之林。 |
We all believe the ones that come true - with hindsight . besides , my father spoke to me of this one . so , galan , do we know which child was so marked 等災難降臨了,我們相信都來不及了。況且我的父親曾經和我提起過這件事。那么加蘭,誰是這個身上有標記的小孩呢? |
The report has made comments and drawn conclusions with the benefit of hindsight and not based on the knowledge and information available at the particular time 報告的意見和結論是在事后檢討而作出的,并不是根據當時僅有的知識和資料而作出的。 |