hindquarter n.(牛、羊、豬等的)后腿肉。
n. (牛、羊、豬等的)后腿肉。 “hindquarter amputation“ 中文翻譯: 髂腹間切斷術“hindquarter cut“ 中文翻譯: 半胴體后半段的肉“gordon-taylor hindquarter operation“ 中文翻譯: gordon-taylor后腿手術“king-steelquist hindquarter operation“ 中文翻譯: king-steelquist后腿手術“hindorie“ 中文翻譯: 欣多里“hindoria“ 中文翻譯: 欣多里亞“hindquarters“ 中文翻譯: 后軀; 后乳房“hindorff“ 中文翻譯: 欣多夫“hindraf“ 中文翻譯: 委會“hindorf“ 中文翻譯: 欣多夫“hindrak“ 中文翻譯: 欣德拉克“hindoreanu“ 中文翻譯: 亨多雷亞努
hindrance |
In this research we have selected 4 pigs which exhibiting obvious muscular hypertrophy in the hindquarters , and 4 pigs with normal phenotype . we extracted total rna from their longissum tissue . part of the clpg cdna have been obtained by rt - pcr , but we did n ' t find the a g substitution as indentified in sheep 在本實驗中,我們選取了4頭在臀部具有明顯肌肉肥大表型的豬和4頭正常豬,并從它們的背最長肌中提取了總rna ,通過rt - pcr的方法得到了部分clpg1的序列,但是我們并沒有得到a g的單堿基突變。 |
Moving even slightly backwards , irregular or jerky steps with the hind or font legs , no clear diagonal steps , crossing either the fore or hind legs , or swinging either the forehand or the hindquarters from one side to the other , getting wide behind or in front and too many forward steps are serious faults 即使是稍稍向后退,后肢踏步不規律或不平穩,沒有明顯的對角步,前肢或前后肢交叉,前軀或后軀左右搖擺,前肢或后肢張開,或是太多往前的踏步等都是嚴重缺點。 |
In another instant rostovs horse dashed up against the grey horses hindquarters , almost knocking it over , and at the same second rostov , not knowing why he did so , raised his sword , and aimed a blow at the frenchman . the instant he did this all rostovs eagerness suddenly vanished 頃刻之間,羅斯托夫的戰馬的前胸已碰著那個軍官的馬屁股,差點把它撞個四腳朝天,就在同一瞬間,羅斯托夫自己也不知為什么,就舉起佩刀,照著那法國人劈去。 |
Previous findings from our laboratory have demonstrated that simulated microgravity may result in atrophic changes with depressed vasoconstrictor responsiveness in hindquarter vessels , and hypertrophic changes with enhanced vasoconstrictor responsiveness in cerebral arteries of rats 本實驗室前期工作已發現,模擬失重可引起大鼠后身動脈血管發生萎縮性改變和收縮反應性降低,而腦部血管則發生肥厚和收縮反應性增強。 |
The halt is obtained by the displacement of the horse ' s weight to the hindquarters by a properly increased action of the seat and legs of the rider , driving the horse towards a softly closed hand , causing an almost instantaneous but not abrupt halt at a previously fixed place 立定是靠騎手適度加強騎坐和腳的操作,使馬體重量移向后軀,驅使馬朝向騎手柔軟封閉的手上,因而在幾乎瞬間但又不突然的在預定的位置上停穩。 |
Those mornings in the cattlemarket the beasts lowing in their pens , branded sheep , flop and fall of dung , the breeders in hobnailed boots trudging through the litter , slapping a palm on a ripemeated hindquarter , there s a prime one , unpeeled switches in their hands 被打上烙印的綿羊,吧嗒吧嗒地拉著屎。飼養員們腳登釘有平頭釘的靴子,在褥草上踱來踱去,對準上了膘的后腿就是一巴掌,打得真響亮。 |
In 1983 , a ram lamb exhibiting obvious muscular hypertrophy in the hindquarters was born into a commercial dorset flock in oklahoma . the ram produced offspring expressing the same phenotype , which is referred to as callipyge ( greek : calli - beautiful + - pyge buttocks ) 在1983年,在奧克拉荷馬州的陶賽特羊群中降生了一只公羊,它的臀部表現出明顯的肌肉肥大現象,它的后代也表達這樣的表型。 |
It is an aim of training to establish a flexible rubber bridge , contact between the front and the rear of the horse ; to create impulsion by well engaged hindquarters into the hands of the rider 訓練的目標之一是建立一個有彈性,似橡膠一樣的橋梁,讓馬的前部和后部保持聯系,讓馬匹訓練有素的后部產生的動力可以傳遞到騎手手中。 |
Leg yielding can be performed ' on the diagonal ' in which case the horse should be as nearly as possible parallel to the long sides of the arena , although the forehand should be slightly in advance of the hindquarters 偏橫步可以在場地的 '沿對角線 '做,這時馬體應當盡可能平行于場地的長邊,而前軀可以稍稍在后軀之前。 |
He is quick and light on his feet , and when in the show ring should be gaited on a loose lead at a moderately fast trot , exhibiting good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters 他的步態輕盈暢快,當比賽的時候應寬松的牽引他使其保持適度急速的步伐,展示出前軀良好的伸展性和后軀強大的動力。 |
Anticipation or precipitation of the movement , resistance to or evasion of the hand , deviation of the hindquarters from the straight line , spreading or inactive hind legs and dragging fore feet are serious faults 動作提前和慌忙,抗銜或避銜,后軀偏離直線,后肢伸開或動作無力,以及前肢拖地,都是嚴重失誤。 |
It stood upon twelve oxen , three facing north and three facing west and three facing south and three facing east ; and the sea was upon them , and all their hindquarters were within 25海立在十二只銅牛背上,三只向北,三只向西,三只向南,三只向東;海在牛上,牛尾都向內。 |
It is characterised by a pronounced engagement of the hindquarters , a more accentuated flexion of the knees and hocks , and the graceful elasticity of the movement 其特點是后軀有力的深踏,膝關節和飛節充分彎曲,動作優美,富有彈性。 |
Hindquarters : strong and flexible , well angulated stifle . legs short . ample bone carried right down to feet . hocks straight when viewed from behind 后肢:強壯且靈活,后膝關節角度適當。后腿短。骨量足,后視時,肘關節與地面垂直。 |
Hindquarters : strong and flexible , well angulated stifle . legs short . ample bone carried right down to feet . hocks straight when viewed from behind 后軀:強壯且靈活,后膝關節成角自然。大腿短。骨寬,直下至腳。后視時,跗關節直。 |
A mer - horse , with the head and forequarters of a horse and the hindquarters and tail of a giant fish ( fb ) 生活在海里,上半身是馬,包括馬頭和半截馬身;下半身是魚,體形龐大的半截魚腹和魚尾(神奇動物) 。 |
Mer - horse , with the head and forequarters of a horse and the hindquarters and tail of a giant fish ( fb ) 生活在海里,上半身是馬,包括馬頭和半截馬身;下半身是魚,體形龐大的半截魚腹和魚尾(神奇動物) 。 |
Quicker ! rang out the word of command , and rostov felt the drooping of rooks hindquarters as he broke into a gallop 發出了口令,羅斯托夫覺察到,他的“白嘴鴉”尥了一下馬蹶子,疾馳起來了。 |
The horse must take weight off of the front by lowering the hindquarters in order to elevate himself 馬為了提升自己必須通過放低臀部來移除前肢承擔的重量。 |