hindi adj.印度北部的。n.印地語。
adj. 印度北部的。 n. 印地語。 “hindi gider“ 中文翻譯: 欣迪吉代爾“hindi language“ 中文翻譯: 印地語“hindi milap“ 中文翻譯: 印度團結報“hindi samachar“ 中文翻譯: 印度新聞社“hindi songs“ 中文翻譯: 北印度歌曲“hindi times“ 中文翻譯: 印度時代“hindi wikipedia“ 中文翻譯: 印地語維基百科“hinglish - hindi english“ 中文翻譯: 印度英語“world hindi conference“ 中文翻譯: 世界印地語會議“hindi sahitya sammelan printing press“ 中文翻譯: 印地語文學協會印刷廠“sidiq al sherif al hindi“ 中文翻譯: 西迪克謝里夫欣迪“hindhead“ 中文翻譯: 后頭; 欣德黑德“hindgut“ 中文翻譯: 后腸“hindgard“ 中文翻譯: 欣德高“hindflank“ 中文翻譯: 后脅“hindes“ 中文翻譯: 海恩茲; 海因茲
hindley |
But british language scholar david graddol says english will probably drop in dominance by the middle of this century to rank , after chinese , about equally with arabic , hindi , and urdu , a south - asian tongue closely related to hindi . he points out that the decline will not be in total numbers of english speakers , but in relative terms 但是英國語言學家戴維格雷德爾認為到本世紀中葉英語的主導地位很可能有所下降,位居漢語之后,與阿拉伯語北印度語和烏爾都語一種與北印度語十分相近的南亞語言的地位相差不多。 |
It includes the two at classical germanic languages such as english , german , dutch , and swedish ; the romance languages such as italian , french , spanish , and portuguese ; the celtic languages such as welsh and gaelic ; the slavic languages such as russian , languages , lithuanian and latvian ; the iranian languages such as sanskrit and hindi ; and other miscellaneous languages such as albanian and armenian 它包括兩大最古典的語言,拉丁語和希臘語;日耳曼語族諸如英語、德語、荷蘭語和瑞典語;羅曼語族如意大利語、法語、西班牙語和葡萄牙語;凱爾特語族如威爾士語和蓋爾語;斯拉夫語族如俄語、波蘭語、捷克語和塞爾維亞一克羅地亞語;波羅的海語族如立陶宛語和拉脫維亞語;伊朗語族如波斯語和普什圖語;印度語族如梵語和印地語;另外還有其它各種語族如阿爾巴尼亞語和亞美尼亞語。 |
Other newcomers to the dictionary include cheesy , which means second - rate or inferior ; six - pack , meaning rippling abdominal muscles , and bollywood , which refers to the hindi film industry based in bombay , india . “ we ' ll have terms from immuno - biology to gangster rap , “ says jesse sheidlower , who is head of the project for north america 這次被收錄的新詞還包括“ cheesy “二流的低級的“ six - pack “ ,意思是腹部打褶的肌肉“ bollywood “ ,指位于印度孟買的印度電影業中心。 |
And yet hindi films and italian operas manage to attract huge audiences , despite the fact that many in the audience are unable to understand the language ; it certainly cannot be for the story - line alone , since this is more often than not already known or predictable 然而,北印度電影和意大利歌劇卻廣受歡迎,很多言語不通的觀眾也看得津津有味。這兩種表演藝術吸引之處,當然絕非單單在于橋段曲折,因為觀眾往往在進場前已經知道或可以推想到故事的情節。 |
The leaflets , titled “ what you should know about avian influenza “ , are printed in eight languages - indonesian , thai , takalog , urdu , hindi , nepali , chinese , and english . they contained information on the transmission mode and symptoms of avian flu as well as preventive measures 預防禽流感須知單張以八種語言印制,包括印尼泰國菲律賓巴基斯坦印度尼泊爾中文及英語,內容主要介紹禽流感的傳播途徑及病徵,以及預防措施。 |
Face life with courage subtitled in hindi , the audience was deeply touched by her wise guidance and humorous remarks . throughout the presentation , the audience members seemed to greatly admire master , laughing and clapping their hands and becoming one with her energy 來賓在觀賞師父于英國倫敦的講經dvd勇敢面對生活時,都被師父充滿智慧及幽默的話語深深感動,他們十分敬佩師父,笑聲掌聲不斷,完全融入師父的能量中。 |
But british language scholar david graddol says english will probably drop in dominance by the middle of this century to rank , after chinese , about equally with arabic , hindi , and urdu , a south - asian tongue closely related to hindi 但是英國語言學家戴維?格雷德爾認為到本世紀中葉英語的主導地位很可能有所下降,位居漢語之后,與阿拉伯語、北印度語和烏爾都語(一種與北印度語十分相近的南亞語言)的地位相差不多。 |
“ believe me if there are two beggars in front of you and one of them is lame , you will give the money to the lame beggar , “ the station recorded him as saying in hindi . he then suggests chopping off three fingers from the man ' s left hand 記者錄下了醫生的話: “相信我,如果在你面前有兩名乞丐,其中一名是個瘸子,你會把錢給這個瘸子的。 ”這名醫生隨后還建議說可以切掉記者左手的3根手指。 |
Movies are available with alternative soundtracks in english , cantonese , mandarin , japanese , korean , hindi , french , italian or german ; tv programmes are broadcast in english , cantonese , mandarin , japanese and hindi respectively 我們的精選電影備有各國語言配音,包括英語粵語國語日語韓語印度語法語及德語,令機上娛樂加倍親切。電視節目則以英語粵語國語日語或印度語播出。 |
These languages can only be selected using this installer as their character sets cannot be presented in a non - graphical environment . the new languages are : bengali , dzongkha , gujarati , hindi , georgian , khmer , malayalam , nepali , punjabi , tamil and thai 這些新增語系包含了:孟加拉語宗卡語古吉拉特語印地語喬治亞語高棉語馬拉雅蘭語尼泊爾語旁遮普語坦米爾語及泰語。 |
The bush administration plans to spend 114m in 2007 to fund its national security language initiative , which aims to increase drastically the number of chinese , arabic , russian , hindi and farsi speakers in the us 布什政府計劃于明年為“國家安全語言計劃”提供1 . 14億美元的資金支持。這項計劃旨在大幅增加美國會說漢語阿拉伯語俄語印度語和波斯語的人數。 |
Moreover , you can sample songs in a variety of languages from different cultures : english , cantonese , mandarin , japanese , korean , thai , hindi , tagalog and bahasa malaysian ! there is bound to be some that you would like 您可于我們所有航班上選取多達22個頻道的節目,為您提供英語粵語國語日語韓語泰語印度語菲律賓語及馬來西亞語的精選廣播。 |
In preparation for the expansion of chinese trade and civilization to the ends of the earth , emperor zhu di set up a school of foreign languages such as arabic , persia , swahili , hindi and tamil 1407年,為準備發展同世界各地的貿易和宣揚文明,朱棣皇帝在南京開辦了一所外語學校,教授阿拉伯語、波斯語、斯瓦希里語、北印度語和泰米爾語,培訓譯員。 |
Has many popular tv programmes from around the world . the selection includes popular sitcoms , lifestyle , documentary , and sport programmes in english , cantonese , mandarin , japanese and hindi 節目內容豐富,題材廣泛,包括熱門處境喜劇生活文化紀錄新知及體壇資訊等等,并以英語粵語國語日語或印度語播出。 |
But without educational programs and with the content primarily in english rather than hindi , they mostly did what you might expect : played games and used paint programs to draw 但由于缺少教育計畫,而且內容主要都是英文,而非北印度語,所以你大概猜得到兒童會做什麼:玩電腦游戲,以及利用繪圖軟體畫畫。 |
In the old days , the jarawa used to chase outsiders away with their bows and arrows . in just a few years since the road was opened , many have learned basic hindi , as well as modern vices 但是,自這條公路開通以來的幾年時間里,他們中的不少人不但學會了基本的印地語,而且也沾染上了當代社會的惡習。 |
Mumbai ( reuters ) - a bollywood fan flew all the way to india to return an umbrella belonging to a hindi film star , who left it behind at an airport in south africa , a newspaper reported on thursday 印度媒體報道說,一名寶萊塢影迷為歸還一名寶萊塢電影明星遺留在機場內的一把雨傘物而專程飛往印度。 |
Having studied the way hindi films treat mental illness , dr bhugra finds that too often psychoses are sketchily portrayed : they frequently involve people “ hearing voices ” 在研究了印度電影處理精神病的方式之后,布格拉博士發現,精神失常總是被非常粗略地描寫:它們常常只是讓人們“聽聲音”而已。 |
Mumbai reuters - a bollywood fan flew all the way to india to return an umbrella belonging to a hindi film star , who left it behind at an airport in south africa , a newspaper reported on thursday 印度媒體報道說,一名寶萊塢影迷為歸還一名寶萊塢電影明星遺留在機場內的一把雨傘物而專程飛往印度。 |