
hinder vt.妨害,妨礙;阻止,阻撓。 hinder sb. f...


You are hindering me in my work by talking all the time 你在這兒說個不停,妨礙了我干活

The lay of the ground hindered my view of the sea 地形擋住了我的視線,使我看不見大海。

Heavy snow hindered the construction work 大雪妨礙了這項建筑工程的進行。

Severe weather conditions hindered the rescue 風雨交加的天氣妨礙了營救。

The singers are hindering the development of our country 歌手們阻礙了我們國家的發展

Mark antony must not be harmed or hindered in any way 馬克?安東尼不可以受到任何傷害

You said to remove anything that hinders our unit 你說應該除去所有對部隊有害的一切

His endless talking hinders me from my study 他沒完沒了的談話妨礙了我的學習。

People with big goals will not be hindered by small things 做大事的人,不拘小節

As her once elastic walk had become deadened by time, so had her natural pride of life been hindered in its blooming by her necessities . 她當年那種輕快的步履,因為上了年紀而變成遲鈍,同時她盛年的神采也因為叫境遇所限而沒得到發展。

Kodak company describe the use of a solvent-stabilizer system comprising a class of sterically hindered phenols acting both as coupler solvent and stabilizer . 柯達敘述了一類含有空間位阻酚類作為成色劑和穩定劑。

No other excuse was needed to bardo and romola than saying simply that he had been unexpectedly hindered . 對巴爾多和摩羅拉,用不著別的借口,只要簡單地說逢到了意外的事耽誤了就行。

The man was a disgrace to the council, always interfering and hindering the business . 那個人對市議會來說是個大恥辱,老是搗亂和阻撓工作的進行。

International transfer of knowledge and technology is also hindered by these internal differences . 這些內部差別也阻礙了知識和科技的國際轉移。

Welfare comparisons are also hindered by differences in orientations among economic systems . 經濟制度之間傾向性的差別也會妨礙福利的比較。

If a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition . 有才能為國家服務的人不會因出身低微而受困阻。

If she wants to start afresh. i have only too obvious reasons for not hindering her . 她要是想重新安家立業,那我毫無理由去妨礙她。

This hinders an accurate measurement or estimate of distance . 這就妨礙了精確的測量或估計距離。

We hindered and repressed a great deal of cruelty . 我們防止和制止了許多暴力事件。