himalaya n.喜馬拉雅山(脈)。
n. 喜馬拉雅山(脈)。 “himalaya clause“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅條款; 喜馬拉亞條款“himalaya mountains“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅山“himalaya movement“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅運動“himalaya singh“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅星; 喜馬拉亞星“himalaya teasel“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅續斷; 續斷“himalaya tiger“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅山之虎“ms himalaya“ 中文翻譯: 藏文輸入法“the himalaya mountains“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅山“alpine-himalaya elt“ 中文翻譯: 阿爾卑斯“call from himalaya“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅呼聲報“himalay(s)“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅山脈“himalay whiskered bat“ 中文翻譯: 高顱鼠蝠“himalansaari“ 中文翻譯: 希馬蘭薩里“himal pukar“ 中文翻譯: 喜馬拉雅呼聲報“himaki“ 中文翻譯: 日卷; 檜牧
himalayan |
Amongst us you will not meet with any of those episodes with which your adventurous existence has so familiarized you ; our chimborazo is mortmartre , our himalaya is mount valerien , our great desert is the plain of grenelle , where they are now boring an artesian well to water the caravans 在我們這里,您遇不到任何在您的冒險生活里常常遇到的那種插曲。馬特山就是我們的琴博拉索山,凡爾靈山就是我們的喜馬拉雅山,格勒內爾平原就是我們的戈壁大沙漠,而且他們現在正在那兒掘一口自流井,以便沙漠里的旅客能有水吃。 |
Its results approve the yanqi basin is a mesozoic - cenozoic compressive basin ( revival foreland basin ) in the tianshan composite orogenic belts . the tectonic evolution in mesozoic - cenozoic can be divided into three stages : the weakly compressive stage in the early to middle jurassic , intensively compressive stage in the late yanshan cycle , and face to face compressive stage in the himalaya cycle 根據構造變形及盆地沉積特征,論述了焉耆盆地中、新代構造演化的三個階段,即早、中侏羅世弱擠壓階段、燕山晚期強烈擠壓階段和喜山期對沖構造發育階段。 |
There existed several strong reformation of late - yanshan movement and himalaya movement the generation , development , disappearance and reformation are tightly related to tarim block , tianshan belt and tethyan tectonic zone , especially tianshan belt , which makes the great difference between present and original basin 該盆地形成后經歷了燕山晚期和喜山期構造運動的多期強烈改造;其產生、發展和消亡以及改造與塔里木地塊、天山構造帶、特提斯構造域的演化息息相關。其中尤以天山構造帶的活動影響最大,從而造就盆地今古面貌差異巨大。 |
Three famous newspapers including the kathmandu post in english , and the kantipur daily and himalaya times in the local language , and the tv station kantipur , which serves the largest audience of any station in the area , all reported news of master s art exhibit 三家知名報社加德滿都英文報kathmandu post及兩家當地語文報kantipur daily與himalaya times ,以及聽眾最廣的kantipur電臺都報導了師父畫展的消息。 |
Another guest at our booth , products manager liu yu - hsien of himalaya records , who listened to master s music cds , had a special preference for her original vocal compositions . through their melodies , he said , he can feel her love and desire for world peace 喜馬拉雅山唱片公司產品經理劉宇軒先生在聽了師父的音樂cd后,特別喜歡師父的音樂創作,透過其中的音樂旋律,他感受到師父的愛心及對人類和平的祈愿。 |
Glaciers in himalaya feed many large rivers in asia such as ganges , indian river , brahmaputra river , mekong river , nujiang river , yangtse river and yellow river , all of which guarantee the living water supply for a population of billions 喜馬拉雅山的冰山是亞洲許多大河的水源,包括恒河,印度河,布拉馬普特拉河、眉公河、怒江、長江和黃河,這些河流保障了數億人口生活用水的需求。 |
Her ebony brows have the form and charm of the bow of kama , the god of love , and beneath her long silken lashes the purest reflections and a celestial light swim , as in the sacred lakes of himalaya , in the black pupils of her great clear eyes 一雙亮晶晶的大眼,深藏在修長的睫毛下,在那黑色的瞳人里,閃灼著圣潔的光華,猶如喜馬拉雅山圣湖的水光, |
The scope of performing party is broader than actual carrier in hamburg rules , but narrower than performing carrier in the u . s . cogsa 1999 . the definition of performing party enacts the himalaya clause 履約人的范圍相比漢堡規則的實際承運人有所擴大,但比美國cogsa1999的履約承運人有所縮小。履約人的規定將“喜馬拉雅條款”從法律上固定下來。 |
Aouda fastened her great eyes , clear as the sacred lakes of the himalaya , upon him ; but the intractable fogg , as reserved as ever , did not seem at all inclined to throw himself into this lake 她那兩只象喜瑪拉雅山圣湖湖水一樣清澈的大眼睛,在凝視著福克先生的眼睛。可是這位永遠那樣規規矩矩冷冷冰冰的紳士,半點也不象是會掉進這湖里去的人。 |
Simple questions like which books to include , how to quote our sources , when to meet , and how to deal with deadlines , became often more in - surmountable , than the next mountain peak in the himalaya 簡單的問題像是該包括哪些書、如何引證我們的資料來源、什麼時候碰面、以及如何在期限內完成,常變得比喜馬拉雅山的山峰更難克服。 |
Its the same as what ive told you : going to the himalayas is of no use . you should stay here , and work with your own himalaya . master points to the wisdom eye 同樣,我也告訴過你們,到喜馬拉雅山去沒什么用,倒不如留在這里,在自己的喜馬拉雅山師父指著智慧眼處修行待在目前的地方就好,在原地了悟上帝,因為上帝無所不在。 |
In 2004 , the rubin museum opened its doors to visitors in new york with a display of objects , paintings and textiles from the vast and culturally diverse area surrounding the himalaya mountains 在2004年魯賓博物館向紐約的參觀者敞開了其大門,并展出了來自于喜瑪拉雅山周邊遼闊、具有文化差異的地區的物品包括油畫和紡織品。 |
In 2004 , the rubin museum opened its doors to visitors in new york with a display of objects , paintings and textiles from the vast and culturally diverse area surrounding the himalaya mountains 2004年,魯賓藝術博物館迎來了紐約游客,向他們展出了喜馬拉雅山周圍文化各異的廣大地區的物件、繪畫和紡織品。 |
In himalaya period , the basin was compressed . as tertiary deposits increased , jurassic source rocks started secondary hydrocarbon generation , thus resulting in the activation and reconstruction of the petroleum system 燕山運動中晚期,侏羅系大規模沖隆及剝蝕,侏羅系源巖生烴作用終止,含油氣系統被破壞。 |
Surrounded by the majestic himalaya , sherpas walk along a stone wall in the verdant hillside village of namche bazar , nepal , a last stop on the way to mount everest 在雄偉喜馬拉雅山的環抱下,夏爾巴人在沿著一堵石墻走著,這是位于尼泊爾那姆奇集市山腰上的一個綠色村落,是通往珠穆朗瑪峰路上的終點。 |
Oh , “ blessed one , your noble qualities ( virtues ) murmur in such place , in cold water of moon rays , in scrub jungle in himalaya and in varanasi holly place so called migadaya ” 喜馬拉雅山與瓦拉納西之間有個鹿野苑,喔!佛陀啊!你那高貴的品格,如同月光下的清涼之水,在這叢林里輕柔地顯現! |
Then he left the himalaya mountains , descended into the valley of rajputana , and went towards the west , reaching to diverse of peoples the supreme perfection of man 第五節:然后他就離開尼泊爾與喜瑪拉雅山脈,下山到拉哲普丹那山谷,向西而行,向各色人等傳授至高無上的完美法門。 |
The highlight of this route is the world ' s hithest peak of everest . mean - while , the different views of south and north himalaya offers a unique experience 世界最高的珠穆朗瑪峰是這條線路上最大的吸引點,更可欣賞喜瑪拉雅南北截然不同的風光。 |
The igneous bodies are mainly metasomatic type in china . through zhongtiao circle to yantsi circle , himalaya circle , the magma activitie 與基性、超基性巖有關的銅鎳硫化物礦床,從地球物理場上,一般與航磁的感磁場有關。 |