hilltop n.(小山)山頂。
n. (小山)山頂。 “exposed hilltop“ 中文翻譯: 山頂當風地區“hilltop reservoir“ 中文翻譯: 山頂水庫“hilltop surface“ 中文翻譯: 丘頂面“the castle lies on a hilltop“ 中文翻譯: 這個城堡座落在山頂上“hilltonia“ 中文翻譯: 希爾托尼亞“hillton“ 中文翻譯: 美國煙名“hilltopreservoir“ 中文翻譯: 高山水庫“hilltofullofbumpyandholes“ 中文翻譯: 凹凸不平的山地“hilltops apartments“ 中文翻譯: 山嶺域公寓“hilltorn“ 中文翻譯: 希爾托恩“hillswick“ 中文翻譯: 希爾斯威克
hilly |
On the beautiful snowy hilltop in nagano , they understood each other and he promised that he would like to live with her . . 在長野的那美麗小雪山上,他們最后都能各自的明白對方,他許下諾言,他將會永遠地和她在一起。 |
The tomb is at a site called herodium , a flattened hilltop in the judean desert , clearly visible from southern jerusalem 希伯來大學稱墓穴發現于希律堡從南耶路撒冷可以很清晰地望見這座被夷平的朱迪安沙漠小丘頂。 |
The kid who started a company in his dorm room was building a $ 22 million estate on a hilltop outside austin 這個在宿舍里開始經營公司的小伙子對奧斯汀市外山頂上的地產投資了二千二百萬美元來建造房屋。 |
Hilltop pavilion the pavilion is not far from hung shing ye beach , it is right next to a footpath leading to sok kwu wan 山頂亭(離洪圣爺灣不遠處)設于步行徑旁,沿徑路可步行至索罟灣。 |
I ' m talking to you from the hilltop school marathon . here students are skating to raise money for charity 我正在山頂中學馬拉松比賽現場向你報道。在這兒,學生們正在為慈善事業籌集資金。 |
Since then , the woman has waited , with her baby on her back , on the hilltop , day and night for her husband s return 于是,婦人每天背著小孩走到山上,等待丈夫回來,風雨不改。 |
Once again , they saw the flash of lightning and on the hilltop appeared a radiant lady of beauty 然而,再一次,他們第二度看到光,接著在山頂,他們看見一個全身發光的漂亮女士。 |
It was forever to be the pursuit of that radiance of delight which tints the distant hilltops of the world 這將永遠是對那愉快的光輝的追求,追求那照亮了世上遠處山峰的光輝。 |
The yuan jue grotto at the hilltop was created in a whole rock , so it is quite specious 壁間刻樓臺亭閣,人物鳥獸,花草樹木,幽泉怪石,近似寫實作品,是大佛灣雕刻的精華。 |
Provision of technical services for the 3 hilltop radio stations at victoria peak , mount butler and cape d aguilar 承投扯旗山、畢拿山及鶴咀無線電收發站技術服務合約 |
Raise a banner on a bare hilltop , shout to them ; beckon to them to enter the gates of the nobles 2應當在凈光的山豎立大旗,向群眾揚聲招手,使他們進入貴胄的門。 |
He offered sacrifices and burned incense at the high places , on the hilltops and under every spreading tree 4 [和合]并在丘壇上、山岡上,各青翠樹下獻祭燒香。 |
This fog had been spun from air and free magic and was born on a hilltop far from any water 霧氣在遠離水的一個小山頂上的空氣和肆行魔法中打著旋。 |
We headed to the hilltop for some sparring practice . click on the pictures to download the videos 我們到了山上進行對打練習,按下圖可下載影片檔。 |
Some of the hilltops around the dam are held by private militia hired by american contractors 圍繞水壩的一些山頭由美國承包商雇傭的私人民兵控制。 |
The hilltop park 、 qingdao sea cow football ( beer ) training field , tv station of qingdao , etc 山頭公園、青島海牛足球(啤酒)訓練場、青島電視臺等。 |
The ridge brought easterlies to the surface , with winds veering to the south on hilltops of lantau 其時大氣十分穩定,離地面數百米處有一逆溫層。 |
There had been rumours . talk of his name on a war memorial on a faraway hilltop 前蘇聯紅軍一位二戰老兵1943年因在戰斗中負傷誤被戰友埋葬。 |
Then he got a long , wide board and placed it from the hilltop to the roof 然后他弄來了一塊又長又寬的木板,把它放置在小山坡頂上和屋頂間。 |