hilarity n.歡樂,高興;熱鬧,狂歡。
n. 歡樂,高興;熱鬧,狂歡。 “hilariu“ 中文翻譯: 希拉留“hilarious“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.愉快的;熱鬧的。 2.有趣的,妙的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “hilarius“ 中文翻譯: 希拉里烏斯; 希拉留斯“hilarion“ 中文翻譯: 希拉里翁; 伊拉里翁“hilarlymphnodeenlargementinsarcoidosis“ 中文翻譯: 結節病性肺門淋巴結腫大“hilario nsue alene“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉里奧恩蘇埃阿萊內“hilarorifice“ 中文翻譯: 種臍乳“hilario“ 中文翻譯: 伊拉里奧“hilarregion“ 中文翻譯: 種臍部位“hilarie burton“ 中文翻譯: 海莉・伯頓
hilary |
Amid the general vacant hilarity of the assembly a bell rang and while all were conjecturing what might be the cause miss callan entered and , having spoken a few words in a low tone to young mr dixon , retired with a profound bow to the company 正當舉座說笑尋歡作樂之際,鈴聲大作,眾人遂紛紛猜測。須臾,卡倫小姐步入,對青年迪克森先生躡嚅數言訖,向與座者深打一躬,然后退去。 |
All hilarity aside ( and i know by your email * that you do find me side splittinglly funny ) this particular gift to you is one i have a moral problem with , but i feel i must confess to being addicted 所有歡鬧之后(通過你的郵件我知道你發覺我極其會搞笑) ,我要給你的特別禮物是,可能有道德問題,但是我覺得我必須承認一直著迷于的東西。 |
Around the table reigned that noisy hilarity which usually prevails at such a time among people sufficiently free from the demands of social position not to feel the trammels of etiquette 席間的氣氛是愉快的,無拘無束的,這是在社交集會時司空見慣的現象,大家太快樂了以致擺脫了一切拘謹禮儀的束縛。 |
His highly original performances of profound wackiness and array of off - the - wall inventions take the arts of combining comedy with music and magic to unparalleled heights of hilarity 他的表演屢屢出人意表,新穎手法層出不窮,古靈精怪,荒誕不經,把逗笑藝術,結合音樂、魔術及滑稽動作提升至新高峰。 |
When morel had drunk some vodka and eaten a bowl of porridge , he suddenly passed into a state of morbid hilarity , and kept up an incessant babble with the soldiers , who could not understand him 莫雷爾喝了伏特加和一碗稀飯之后,突然異乎尋常地快活起來,不停地對那些聽不懂他的語言的士兵嘟嘟嚕嚕。 |
But the result on the buckingham palace balcony was undoubtedly one of general hilarity - to all but the queen . as all eyes focused on prince philip as the source , her majesty was not amused 但在白金漢宮的露臺上這樣做,結果鐵定就是招來一場歡鬧王室成員全體笑翻,只有女王不在此例。 |
Today was different . she had a sense of hilarity . she felt an uncontrollable spasm of the muscles on her face . realizing that she was smiling at herself , she blushed 今天和以往有點不同,她感到心情很舒暢,她感到臉上的肌肉的抽搐和一種不可控制的情緒。她微微的笑了,有點臉紅。 |
It was as though in this circle the utter insignificance of these prominent persons was so completely accepted that the only attitude possible towards them was one of good - humoured hilarity 這群人似乎一口斷定這些公務人員都是微不足道的,對他們的唯一的態度只能是善心的訕笑。 |
He fixed his eye on me longer than i cared to return the stare , for fear i might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible 他死盯著我,盯得我都不愿意再回瞪他了,唯恐我會耐不住給他個耳光或是笑出聲來。 |
But the result on the buckingham palace balcony was undoubtedly one of general hilarity - to all but the queen 但在白金漢宮的露臺上這樣做,結果鐵定就是招來一場歡鬧? ?王室成員全體笑翻,只有女王不在此例。 |
But the result on the buckingham palace balcony was undoubtedly one of general hilarity - to all but the queen 但如果這發生在白金漢宮的露臺上,毫無疑問,會讓王室上下當場笑翻,當然女王除外。 |
The suspense , hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in ' till the bittersweet enthralling end 懸疑、歡喜和誘惑讓你沉浸其中,直到苦樂參半吸引人的的結局。 |
People were at their wits end how to make merry and to finish the night with fitting hilarity 大家不知道怎樣才能快樂起來,怎樣才能盡情歡樂地度過這一宵。 |
But there was no hilarity in the little town that same tranquil saturday afternoon 也就是在同一個星期六的下午,鎮上雖然寧靜,但人們的心情卻很沉重。 |
1965 , 4 min , a thirsty man adrift at sea finds three drops of water to gag - filled hilarity :漂流的男人在船桅找到三滴水,拼命要送進口里。跳 |
The movie , “ trains , planes , and automobiles ” treats this with hilarity and poignancy 電影“火車,飛機和汽車”是以歡娛和熱情慶祝這個節日。 |
It s a huge dose of hilarity ! it s poppit to go ! poppit to go 這是一款益智游戲,玩家將可以進入繽紛的氣球世界,于休閑時間動動腦筋。 |
The announcement was greeted with much hilarity and mirth 這一項宣布引起了熱烈的歡呼聲 |
It seems to me that he grew more erect as the fraternal hilarity increased . 我覺得隨著沆瀣一氣的歡鬧的高漲,他也變得越發端莊了。 |