
hiker n.1.徒步旅行者。2.〔美俚〕高空電線檢修工。


“ don ' t be too relieved , ” answered the second hiker . “ i ' ve been lost for three weeks “別太放松了, ”第二個野游者回答, “我已經迷路三個月了” 。

The hiker , who was primarily right - handed , has been learning how to write with his left hand 這位右撇子的旅行者,一直在學習怎樣用他的左手來寫字。

Following the zigzag course of the river was more difficult than the hiker had anticipated 徒步旅行者發現沿著曲折的河流走的難度比他想象中的高。

The scene is silent , the snow undisturbed except for the tracks left by the hikers 四周寂靜無聲,除了這兩個步行者留下的足跡之外,雪地完整無損。

An emerging problem during the year was the robbery of hikers inside country parks 郊野公園行山人士被劫案件是港島總區年內面對的新問題。

Travelers should provide space for other hikers if taking breaks along the trail 在小路上休息時,旅行者應該為其他徒步者保留通過的空間。

All hikers must be briefed on the route to be taken and regarding any possible danger spots 所有隊友必需充份了解行程路線及潛在的危險。

To ensure safety , at least one person in the party should be a trained or experienced hiker 宜有行山教練或資深遠足者同行,以策安全。

Inferior equipment was precisely the reason some hikers refused to continue the climb 正是設備的低劣才導致一些徒步旅行者不愿繼續攀登

The hikers were exhausted and all but frozen when they were found 當人們發現這些徒步旅行者的時候,他們已經累壞了,而且幾乎凍僵了。

Your task is to guarantee coming within range of the hiker ' s signal as quickly as possible 你的任務是盡快進入這位旅行者的訊號?圍。

Rescuers are focusing their search today on 2 other missing hikers 援救人員目前已經把搜救的重點放到另外兩個失蹤的徒步登山者身上。

Anyway , it seems there ' s always some lost hunter , hiker or boyscout in the news 然而,迷路的獵人、徒步者和童子軍的故事屢見不鮮。

Rescuers are focusing their search today on 2 other missing hikers 援救人員目前已經把查找重點放到另外兩個失蹤的徒步登山者身上。

It is a 11kilometer uphill climb for the hikers from kunpun base camp 徒步旅行者自欽榜大本營出發,需攀登大約十一公里可以到達。

Except winters , mount jade is always a favorite place for mountain hikers 一年之中除冬季天候較差的時節之外,皆有山友前來攀登。

B : you have your head in the clouds . only expert hikers can do that 你一定是暈忽了。那只有那些專家級的登山運動員才能做到的。

The picturesque cheung sheung plateau is a favourite spot for hikers and campers 故此,說西貢墟是一個國際美食總會亦不為過。

Accidents happen to even the most experienced and best prepared hikers 即使最有經驗及最好的裝備的徒步者,都有可能發生事故。