
hijacker n.〔口語〕= high-jacker.


“ he told us [ the cia ] he hated the 9 / 11 hijackers because he believed they had killed innocents in violation of the quran 美國一名不愿透露姓名的前高級情報人員說: “他告訴我們(即中情局)說,他恨透了發動911襲擊的那些劫機分子,因為他們濫殺無辜,有違古蘭經教義。

Domain hijackers have been known to send out ma tra fer requests hoping that a small number of people will actually accept the tra fer request 網名小偷會寄發大量要冬移轉網名的電子郵件出去,期待有一小部份的人會糊里糊涂的接受那封要求準許移轉他的網名的電子郵件。

In the days after september 11 , mr bush referred to the 19 hijackers as “ those folks “ . when talking of al - qaeda , he promised to “ smoke “ em out “ 9 11 “之后不久,他把9位劫機犯稱為“那群伙計“ ,還發誓要把本拉登“從山洞里面熏出來。

They noted that the united arab emirates served as a base for the hijackers who took part in the september 11 , 2001 terrorist attacks on the united states 他們意識到阿聯酋長國是2001年911美國恐怖襲擊事件中劫持飛機罪犯的基地。

Attacks when hijackers crashed airplanes into the world trade center and the pentagon , airport security has been tightened at u . s . airports 自從9月11日世貿中心和五角大樓遭到被劫持飛機的襲擊之后,美國加強了對機場的安全控制。

The capsule is releasable through opened bomb bay doors having attached thereto a parachute for safely returning the hijacker within the capsule to earth 彈射座艙透過有附加的降落傘的開啟可劫持者安全地釋放地球上安全的地方。

Authorities today released a chilling handwritten letter that investigators believe helped to prepare the hijackers for their deadly suicide mission 美國官方今天公布了一封被認為是指導劫機者進行自殺式任務的手寫書信。

It is widely suspected that the hijackers had used air timetables , amongst other things , to coordinate their attacks 普遍的懷疑看法是,除了其它一些東西外,劫機者還使用了航空時刻表,用以協調他們的襲擊。

Hoping to elicit more information from the public , the fbi thursday released new photographs of two of the suspected hijackers 為了從公眾那獲取更多得資料, fbi星期四公布了兩個劫機嫌疑人的新照片。

Passengers were ordered by the hijackers to use their mobile phones to call their families to tell them that they were going to die 乘客們被劫機者命令用他們的移動電話告訴自己的家人即將赴死。

It quickly became obvious that the united states was under attack and that the airliners were being used as weapons by hijackers 顯而易見的,美國正遭到攻擊,而飛機也成為劫機犯的攻擊武器。

It was heard that one of the hijackers noted that hong kong had to pay for stopping the bombing of pink parrot bar 其中一名脅持份子聲稱香港需為阻止粉紅鸚鵡酒巴爆炸付上代價。

Imagine those 19 hijackers with other weapons and other plans - - this time armed by saddam hussein 試想那19名劫機分子如攜帶其他武器,采取其他陰謀手段- -這一次是薩達姆

Atta is believed to have been a ringleader of the hijackers , but it is not known whether he wrote the letter 阿塔據信是劫機者中的頭目,但目前不清楚信件是否出自他手。

If you thought the hijackers shed their blood for their country , then think of what good it did 如果你認為劫機者為自己國家灑下熱血,那么想想,這樣做有甚么好處?

It would not compromise with hijackers , who were executed even if they gave in 而按照“原心定罪”的原則,受劫持者的違法行為大都能得到寬大處理。

If the hijackers are allowed to taste blood , who can say where their fury will end 如果讓劫機者嘗到甜頭,誰能說準他們的暴行會到什么地步才結束?

Germany government lawyers say he provided tactical support to the september eleventh hijackers 德國政府的律師說,他曾為911事件出謀劃策。

The hijackers are thought to have wanted to crash the plane into the u . s . capitol 有關方面認為,劫持者原本想用這架飛機撞擊國會大廈。