
hijack vt.=〔口語〕 high-jack.


European pressure groups ( anti stem - cell , anti - software ) hijack process 歐洲的一些反對組織(反干細胞組織、反軟件組織)將趁火打劫?

The recession of stock market should take account of the suicide hijacks in the u . s . a 股市跌落應考慮到美國的自殺性劫機事件。

We “ ll hijack it 我們可以募集資金

He is deserving of the highest praise for his conduct during the hijack 由于他劫機時的表現,他應當得到最高的贊揚。

Unencrypted messages can be hijacked in transit and read or altered 未加密的信息可能在傳輸中被截獲、偷看或竄改。

Two hijacked airplanes struck the world trade center in new york city 兩架被劫持的飛機撞擊了紐約的世界貿易中心。

Call orrin spence and tell him that brad is trying to hijack my coalition 告訴奧林?斯本瑟布拉德意圖劫持我的組織

The recent hijacking has shifted attention away from internal problems 最近的劫機轉移了人們對國內問題的注意力。

A fourth hijacked plane crashed in the eastern state of pennsylvania 第四架被劫持飛機在賓希法尼亞州的東部爆炸。

Ok . he and three of his friends are gonna hijack an armoured truck 是這樣,他和他三個朋友打算搶劫一輛裝甲貨車

“ it could make it almost impossible for someone to hijack a plane . 你要做的就是走過安全門,然后就能登機。 ”

An anti hijacking system for an airplane to be operated during flight 在飛行期間飛機上的一個反劫持作業系統。

The hijack was organized by a group of opponents to the government 劫持事件是由一個反對政府的小集團組織的。

The hijack is organized by a group of opponents to the government 劫持事件是由一個反對政府的小集團組織的。

I think they ' re hijacking the piane . i think my daughter ' s a hostage 我認為他們想劫持飛機我想我女兒是人質

A study of hijack in the han dynasty 漢代劫持事件考察

They planned to hijack a plane 他們計劃劫持一架飛機。

I dislike you , have little technical skills , as hijack “我最討厭你們這些劫匪了,一點技術含量都沒有。 ”

A brief discussion on the negotiation work in the case of hostage hijacking 淺議劫持人質案件中的談判工作