
hight adj.〔古、詩〕所謂…的,被稱為…的,名字叫做…的。 ...


If you are the big gambler , you may have the chance to be their vip member , once you deposit , 2 , 500 , you will become the vip of club dice and you will receive a present and the hight bonus ratio from them 電匯100以上的購買獎金是購買額的15 。但不能同時和第一回獎金及其他的獎金一起得到。獎金是采購額的10獎金上限250每月計累計最大連2 , 000

The seral znm73x anti - wear material valve made by superior quality anti - wear material from our company , with special condtruction design , hight anti - wear for the wear and corrosive slurry 我公司生產的znm73x系列耐磨料漿閥采用本廠優質耐磨材料,特殊結構設計,適于各類無腐蝕性料漿管道中作節流或截止使用,尤其對含磨蝕性顆粒料漿具有很高的抗磨性。

The name and the code name of the pipeline , pipe material , o . d . and the thickness of pipe , transmitting medium and its temperature , insulator materital and its thickness , the orientation of the pipeline , hight of pipe center 管線名稱代號,管道材質、外徑和壁厚,輸送的介質及其溫度,絕熱層材質及厚度,支吊處管線走向,管中心(管底)標高。

Not only can we supply hight quality tea , we can also provide the lowest price for our customers , if you have any questions or special needs , please don ' t hesitate to contact us , we will be glad to assist you 我們不僅保證產品的優良,而且還提供優惠合理的價格可搭配連鎖專賣或餐飲業的供應,如果您有任何的需求請與我們聯絡。

Scope : in the feld of water conservancy , water and lectricity , hight way , railway water port , and air port , bridge , and enviromenl protection . main usage : anti - filtering , isolating and water erinage 短纖針刺非織造土工布的應用范圍主要是在水利、水電、公路、鐵路、港口、道橋、環保等領域,它的主要作用是反濾、隔離、排水。

The wire corresponds to the thermal class “ h “ ( 180 ? c ) . it has an resistance to heat shock . it is widely used for the can be employed in hight - tempera - ture motors and electrical instuments and apparatus 該產品耐溫等級為h級( 180 ? c ) ,漆膜具有較好的耐熱沖擊性能和軟化擊穿性能,高溫電機和一般電器、儀表均可適用。

Urban plaza is the opening spaces of city . and the plaza must be hight - quantity and multifunctional spacial appearance . the city person ' s outdoor event require the urban plaza urgently 城市廣場作為城市開敞公共空間,作為高質量、多功能的城市空間形態和良好的戶外公共活動場所,已成為人們迫切的需求。

However , there exist the so - called van allen radiation belts at this hight . the solar cells would work there for only several days , even for ‘ radiation hardness ’ si solar cells 但是,在這個軌道高度上存在所謂vanallen輻射帶,在這里即使是“抗輻射”的si太陽電池也只能正常工作幾天時間。

At 3100 years ago , sea level moved approximately up to 5 meters hight that resulted the settlements of xin - cheng system located in the northern area of lan - yang river being flooded 3000年前海水面的上升,使當時的海岸線約上升到5公尺,溪北地區的新城系統的聚落因而被海水所淹沒。

Ego2110 is one type of high speed integration uhf reader , can read intellitag and ata standard tag apply mainly to no parking charges for hight way or carpark Ego2110是一款高速一體化超高頻閱讀設備,可識讀intellitag及ata標準的標簽,主要應用于高速公路不停車收費及停車場。

Because umt is of the line running along the highly intensive real estate , the passenger flows are very hight , which in furs gives the umt operation a powerful guarantee 另一方面,由于軌道交通沿線房地產的高度密集,來往客流相當豐富,也為軌道交通的運營提供了有力保障。

Around 2200 years ago the sea level lower down to the lowest , and another high peak of sea level occurred again moved approximately up to 3 meters hight at 1800 years ago 海平面在2200年前下降到最低點之后, 1800年前再出現一次高峰,海岸線入侵至今日約3公尺等高線處。

( 1 ) do the correction analy between incident time and below entry : mri signal intensity of protruded nucleus pulposus , the size of protroed nucleus pulposus , the discs hight ( 1 )作突出時間與突出髓核信號強度百分改變、突出髓核的大小、突出間盤厚度的相關分析。

Our engency are scattered at homeand abroad , and products enjoyed hight popularity in international market because of its high quality and competitive price 由于高質量和我們獨特的成本控制,我們的產品在海外市場和國內市場都享有很高聲譽,受到廣大客戶的歡迎。

This article across - the - aboard introduces the corpus of meng wentong , and appraises his historiography achievement and shows its ' hight status in modem historiography 全面介紹《蒙文通文集》 ,并對其史學成就予以評述,揭示其在中國現代史學上的崇高地位。

Seedlings of c . chinensis could grow normdly under the light intercross stress of salt and water , bat it was disadvantageous for the growth under hight intensive stress 紫荊能在較低的鹽、旱交叉脅迫下正常生長,但是長時間的高強度的脅迫對紫荊是不利的。

( 2 ) do t - test between the two groups in the below entry : mri signal intensity of protruded nucleus pulposus , the size of protruded nucleus pulposus , the discs hight ( 2 )兩組間突出髓核信號強度百分改變、突出髓核大小、突出間盤厚度均值的比較。

As the cpu in all atx standard pc cases is placed in the same hight from the bottom of the case the vapochill ls can be applied to all standard pc cases 就如同所有的cpu可安裝于所有執行atx標準的相同高度的pc機箱一樣,本品可應用于所有標準機箱

Giraffe ' s pate lie on very high neck , and here is intelligent in gate . intelligent lie on very hight place . so giraffes have a high intelligence quotient ( iq ) 長頸鹿的腦袋在高高的脖子上,腦袋里有智慧。智慧在高高的地方,因此長頸鹿有高智商。