highroad 大路,公路;最容易[美好]的途徑(the highroa...
大路,公路;最容易[美好]的途徑(the highroad to ruin 滅亡之道)。 “he is on the highroad to success“ 中文翻譯: 他已走上成功的大路“highrock“ 中文翻譯: 海羅克“highriskpopulation“ 中文翻譯: 極易染上毒癮的人口“highrock lake“ 中文翻譯: 海羅克湖“highrise = high-rise“ 中文翻譯: 高層建筑“highroof“ 中文翻譯: 高車頂“highresolutiongammarayspectrometry“ 中文翻譯: 高分辨射線能譜測定法“highroyds“ 中文翻譯: 傲慢“highresolution“ 中文翻譯: ct高分辨率電子計算機x線斷層成像術“highrun“ 中文翻譯: 深圳市海潤“highquartz“ 中文翻譯: 高溫石英
hight |
Now the hfis ( highroad freight information system ) has almost completed and still has its functions and structures being improved and made perfect through real applications . this system takes the advantage of the internet , and bases on the tcp / ip protocol and mobile communication , can realize the information real _ time collection and transmission from remote points . in the system , the issuance of information can be done through telephone , fax , internet and mobile phone / the hfis uses short _ message gateway to connect the mobile network and internet , and makes the two systems share some public information , and provieds a new method to manage the freight information 目前公路貨運信息發布系統已基本完成,并在投入使用的過程中不斷進行結構和功能上的發展和完善。該系統借助于internet ,以tcp ip和移動通信為基礎,實現異地信息實時收集及傳遞,信息的發布可以通過電話、傳真、 internet和移動手機。系統通過短消息網關將互聯網和移動網連接起來實現信息資源的共享,為貨運信息處理提供了一個新的解決方法,也是國內較早將移動短消息服務應用于貨運信息系統的項目之一,具有一定的示范作用。 |
The paper contains two segments : static and dynamic detection , evaluation and alteration . static monitoring contains apparent and load detection . the model of multi - layer fuzzy evaluation and the bridge using capability grade membership function are used in the appraisal of the bridge technical condition of the highroad criterion technic and maintenance , and then the data and excel of the bridge compontents . the bridge grade membership function can be deduced from the factor theory domain . grade theory domain and the bridge using capacity grade membership function , then by baseding the connection of weigh and factor judgement matrix and judging gradually , finally the bridge comprehensive evaluation synthetical judging grade will be figured out 在表觀檢測中將多層次模糊評價模型和橋梁使用性能等級隸屬函數引入《公路技術養護規范》中的橋梁技術狀況等級評定中,并對此規范中的橋梁部件缺損狀況評定狀況進行修正;通過建立因素論域、等級論域以及根據王光遠教授提出的利用典型函數形式來建立橋梁使用性能等級隸屬函數,通過權重和因素評判矩陣的關系來運算,逐級評判,最終求出橋梁綜合評判等級。 |
This dissertation brings forward a feasible and useful design model of the hfis ( highroad freight information system ) and its realization plan on the basis of some network theories and application technologies such as mobile short _ message gateway , communication protocol , software design pattern , java program languagejnetwork server and cmpp protocol etc . this dissertation gives a full _ scale analysis of freight information process and workflow too 本論文通過對移動短消息網關、通信協議、軟件設計模式等理論知識以及java技術、網絡服務器、 cmpp協議等網絡應用技術的理解和研究,在全面分析貨運信息處理業務流程的基礎上,提出了公路貨運信息發布系統設計模型,以及該模型的實現方案。 |
The control of cost of highroad engineering is an extremely important task ; in the administration of engineering . recently , it is a hotspot problem that how to reform the system of administration of engineering cost . meanwhile , the lost control of engineering cost is being paid attention by whole society 公路工程的造價控制是工程管理中一項很重要的內容,目前,如何改革工程造價管理體制以適應市場經濟發展的需要,是一個熱點問題,同時,工程造價的失控也正引起全社會的注目,因此,加強對工程造價控制的研究,是擺在我們面前迫切需要解決的一個課題。 |
So , to research about highway investment and to carry through quantitative analysis on it has important meaning to accelerate the development of highway . it also can provide some quantitative advice for all grades of states government and enterprises , especially for the transportation to make out the investment on highroad , to make decision and to take forecast 因此,研究公路投資問題,對之進行定量分析研究,對于更好的促進公路業的發展具有重要意義,可以為我國各級政府和企業的經濟決策預測提供數量化方面的建議,更有利于為交通部、各級政府等在做公路投資規劃、決策、預測時提供數量化方面的依據。 |
The dissertation comprehensively analyse the actuality of highroad engineering cost of our province in first time , locate the emphatic stage of cost control , by the numbers form the view of how to select the plan of design and achieve the real - time control of cost in the stage of execution 論文第一次全面分析了浙江省公路工程的造價現狀,找出了造價控制的重點。比較系統地提出了設計方案比選和施工階段實時控制造價的理論體系,具有較高的可操作性,對工程實際有較強的現實指導意義。 |
Combined with the project of “ stabilization and shoring optimizing of high slope in jinliwen highroad “ , this problem was studied and following conclusion was given : 1 . in order to meet the requirements of environment protection , many shoring forms such as sns ( safety netting system ) and synthetic shoring have been developed and applied to slope protection 本文就這一問題,結合“金麗溫高速公路高邊坡穩定支護優化”課題,進行了一些工作,并得到如下結論: 1由于環境保護的要求,近年來,發展了柔性支護( snssafetynettingsystem )和綜合防護等多種支護形式,這些支護形式越來越廣泛的應用于工程當中。 |
Chapter three discuss the actuality of highroad engineering cost of our province through four methods , such as general analysis , comparable conversion analysis of some projects , measure the cost of highway segment and analysis of type , form the viewpoint of the stage of design and execution if the major stage that we must pay more attention to 第三章分別從總體分析、部分路段的建安費可比換算分析、高速公路各部分造價比重分析及典型公路實例分析等方面,多角度、多方位論述了浙江省公路工程造價的現狀,提出了重點控制設計與施工階段的觀點。 |
Fauchery and daguenet headed the column with the muffat ladies and were followed by the count and the marquis , walking on either side of mme hugon , while vandeuvres , looking fashionable and out of his element on the highroad , marched in the rear , smoking a cigar 福什利達蓋內和繆法夫人母女倆走在最前頭伯爵侯爵和于貢太太緊隨其后,落在最后邊的是旺德夫爾,他抽著雪茄煙,神態莊重,可是走在這條大路上他感到有點厭倦。 |
We can offer you the following products : europeanism courtyard gate , stair railing , balcony guardrail , bounding wall guardrail , highroad guardrail , steel wood furniture , ad sign and carries on the non - standard equipment through your design with multi - breeds and fine styles 現可為您提供:歐式庭院大門、樓梯扶手、陽臺護欄、圍墻欄桿、公路護欄、鋼木家俱、廣告招牌、承接來圖加工非標準設備等,品種多樣,式樣精美。 |
The cardiff hill episode sank into instant insignificance , the burglars were forgotten , horses were saddled , skiffs were manned , the ferryboat ordered out , and before the horror was half an hour old , two hundred men were pouring down highroad and river toward the cave 大家套上馬鞍,給小船配好劃手,叫渡船出發,不到半個時辰,全鎮就有二百多個人潮水般順著公路和河流向山洞涌去。 |
As they came out on the trodden highroad , polished by sledge runners , and all cut up by the tracks of spiked horseshoes visible in the snow in the moonlightthe horses of their own accord tugged at the reins and quickened their pace 走上了平整的大路,路面給滑鐵磨得锃亮,在月光映照之下可以看見縱橫交錯的馬掌釘的印痕,這些馬兒不自覺地拉緊韁繩,加快了步速。 |
I know what i have in me ; i know what literature is , now ; i know the average rot that is poured out by a lot of little men ; and i know that at the end of two years i shall be on the highroad to success 我知道自己的能耐。現在我懂得什么叫文學了我知道一大批小人物稀里嘩啦搞出來的那些平庸玩意兒而且相信兩年之后我就會走上成功之路。 |
Mrs chambers held the gate and wished her ladyship a happy holiday . the car slipped out of the dark spinney that masked the park , on to the highroad where the colliers were trailing home 鐵伯斯太太把大門打開著,祝了聲夫人一路平安,汽車悄悄地出了小樹叢幽黑遍布著的大花園,上了大道,那兒礦工們正曳著沉重的步伐歸家。 |
The first chapter sets forth the notable achievement to highway build and the importance to increase the investment to highroad and sums up the main theoretic conclusion 論文的各章節內容安排如下:第一章主要對公路建設所取得的顯著成就以及公路投資力度加大的重要性進行了綜合闡述,對重要的理論結論進行了綜述。 |
Stacks gate , as seen from the highroad , was just a huge and gorgeous new hotel , the coningsby arms , standing red and white and gilt in barbarous isolation off the road 從這路上看起來,史德門只是個龐大的壯麗的新飯店。離路不遠的地方,金碧輝煌的柯寧斯貝飯店,在一種荒寂的情況中聳立著。 |
For more development , the company buy 53 a unit of area at the side of xiangtan tianyi highroad in 2002 , anticipate invest 2 . 03 million constructing modernize hongxinglong industrial park 尊敬的客戶,請您在注冊本站用戶的時候如實填寫注冊信息,這樣有利于我們更好的為您提供優良的服務! |
Along with the extension of highroads into the remote areas , a lot of ancient national cultures used to be in closed position are falling apart rapidly , or have already vanished 隨著公路向邊遠地區的延伸,許多原本處于封閉狀態的古老民族文化或者迅速土崩瓦解,或者已經蕩然無存。 |
Overcome with surprise , nana remained voiceless . “ i suspected it , “ she said at last , slapping her leg . “ i guessed it by merely looking at her on the highroad that day 她終于開口了,一邊拍著大腿, “有一次,我在路上遇見她,一看她那副樣子,我就猜到了。 |