
high-pressure adj. 高壓的;強買強賣的;急迫的,硬干的。2.vt....


The rapid expansion of the bubble of hot, high-pressure gases formed in the underground burst initiates a shock wave in the earth . 由于地下爆炸所形成的熱高壓氣泡迅速澎脹,在地面上便產生沖擊波。

Celia is a part of that greedy, ruthless, moneycoining, high-pressure drug business . 西莉亞也是那貪婪、無情、發橫財、施加高壓的藥品工業的一分子。

The development of high-pressure reforming was a major contributor to reducing the compression load . 高壓轉化對減少壓縮的負荷是一個主要的貢獻。

In the high-pressure system both oxygen and acetylene are used from high-pressure cylinders . 在高壓法中,氧氣和乙炔都取用于高壓瓶。

Gas generator rocket can pressurize a high-pressure feed system . 燃氣發生器能使高壓輸送系統增壓。

The turbine is spun by the high-pressure gases . 渦輪由高壓燃氣驅動旋轉。