
gymnast n.體操教員,體育家。


The sport of diving began in europe in the early 1800s when swedish and german gymnasts took their acrobatics to the beach to practise their jumps and twists over water 跳水運動開始于19世紀早期的歐洲,當時瑞典和德國體操選手在海面上練習跳躍和翻轉。

Nemov ' s score was booed by spectators for 10 minutes bringing the competition to a standstill until the gymnast appealed for the crowd to calm down 觀眾對于涅莫夫得分不滿的噓聲持續了10分鐘,這使比賽一度中斷,直到涅莫夫本人要求觀眾冷靜下來。

Power yoga this is a powerful workout requiring strength and flexibility . if you want to look like a gymnast then this is for you 力量瑜珈在瑜珈的修習體系中,更注重身體力量的內在控制和平衡的理念。運動后您會發現并重新審視自己的身體能力。

Think of all those robotic east german sprinters , romanian gymnasts and chinese swimmers churned out by state - backed programmes 想一想東德那些機器人一樣的短跑選手,還有被國家集訓隊生產出來的羅馬尼亞的體操運動員和中國的游泳選手吧。

Yes , i prefer gymnastics to athletics or swimming . it ' s so beautiful to watch . the gymnasts have so much control and discipline 是的,跟田徑或者游泳比起來我更喜歡體操。體操看起來非常漂亮。體操運動員有這么強的控制力和紀律性。

The 15 - year - old jiang was the only gymnast to surpass 60 points in the women ' s all - around finals . she was ranked third in preliminaries 15歲的江鈺源是唯一在女子全能決賽中得分超過60分得體操運動員。她的預賽成績排在第三。

But by the time she was 15 it became pretty apparent that she was going to be too tall , so she wouldnt have the right moves to be a gymnast 15歲那年,她明顯地是比體操運動員的一般身高略高一點,似乎她的夢想永不能實現。

Just as the young gymnasts persevered in jump boys , he hopes that he , too , will be able to persevere as a movie director 就像那些小小體操選手在《翻滾吧男孩》中堅忍不懈,他也希望能夠一直在導演這個工作不斷堅持下去。

Yes , i think i prefer gymnastics to athletics . it ' s so beautiful to watch . the gymnasts have so much control and discipline 是的,跟田徑比起來,我更喜歡體操。體操比賽看起來非常美。體操運動員的控制能力是如此地強。

Yes , i prefer gymnastics to athletics . it ' s so beautiful to watch . the gymnasts have so much control and discipline 是的,跟田徑項目比起來我更喜歡體操。體操看起來是那么優美。體操運動員有如此強的控制和協調能力。

Yoga this is a powerful workout requiring strength and flexibility . if you want to look like a gymnast then this is for you 瑜珈是靜力的肌肉練習,運動后您會發現并重新審視自己的身體能力。

With simulating the swing - up movement of a gymnast , a series swing - up and balance movement is also designed in this dissertation 模仿單杠體操運動員的上杠動作設計了一套擺起倒立動作。

At 27th olympic games , in which sport did chinese gymnasts win the gold medal in for the first time in the history 在第27屆奧運會上在哪個體育項目上中國體操運動員首次獲得金牌?

From the result , we found that there is obvious difference between gymnast and other professional group 結果發現,體育從業人員的職業聲望評價與社會其他職業群體有著明顯的差異。

Diving developed further as an athletic discipline in 17th - century europe , when gymnasts practiced their acrobatics over water 跳水在十七世紀進一步發展成為一種體育運動。

Cried silver , leaping back a yard , as it seemed to me , with the speed and security of a trained gymnast 西爾弗叫道,跳后了一碼,在我看來,迅捷平穩,猶如熟練的體操家。

A gymnast needs willpower and determination , intelligence and creative expression of feeling 體操運動員要有堅強的意志、決心、機智靈敏,并有對情感的創造性表達能力。

She had as her goal to become a world - class gymnast so she trained and worked hard 作為體操運動員,她接受嚴格訓練。她很努力,盡力使自己成為出色的體操運動員。

She had been an excellent gymnast before the accident , which disabled her 資源介紹: 4 .在那次事故使她致殘以前,她曾是一名優秀的網球運動員。