
gymnasia n.gymnasium 的復數。


Cfd numerical simulation of viscous flow around zhuzhou gymnasium 株洲體育場館的計算流體動力學數值模擬

Motive and aestheticism in attending gymnasium and bouncing sports 淺析參加健身健美操運動的動機與美感

Naming ceremony of gymnasium at uc 聯合書院體育館命名典禮

We ' re streaking . we ' re going up through the quad to the gymnasium 我們在裸奔。我們要跑過院子去體育館

He goes to the gymnasium every afternoon to sweat off some weight 他每天下午去健身房以減輕一點體重。

Jinqiao megafit was rated as a 5 - star gymnasium in shanghai 恭喜金橋美格菲榮獲5星級健身運動俱樂部評級

The little team that could , average joe ' s gymnasium , underdogs throughout , 這個不知名的喬大叔隊的奪冠

In - door swimming pool , sauna , gymnasium 健身房桑拿游泳池

A : excuse me . can you tell me the way to the college gymnasium 勞駕,您能告訴我去大學體育館的路嗎?

He go to the gymnasium every afternoon to sweat off some weight 他每天下午去健身房以減輕一點體重。

5 . it combines gymnasium , relax , amusement in 健身娛樂品茗。

Gymnasium equipment - sports mats - specification for combat mats 體育館器械.運動墊.格斗用墊子規范

Got a press conference set up around the front of the gymnasium 記者招待會已經在體育館前準備好了

Swimming pool indoor , gymnasium , karaoca , table tennis , billiard room , tennis court 中餐廳,西餐廳。

The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern extremity of the city 這座新體育館位于城市的東端。

He saw sliding out of the gymnasium a few students of class a 他看到a班的幾個學生溜出了健身房。

Are there any gymnasium and swimming pool 有體育館和游泳池嗎?

Average joe ' s gymnasium hopes to drive their vorpal blade snicker - snack 喬大叔隊希望能繼續挺進

I thought they taught boxing in the school gymnasium 我原以為他們在學校的體育館里教授拳擊課。