
gym n.〔口語〕1.體育館。2.體操,體育課。

gym shoe

Help me out here . - adri needed it for the gym 你要弄清楚-阿德里需要那筆錢建訓練館

Globo gym hoping to drop an a - bomb on the kamikazes 環球健身隊,對戰日本神風敢死隊

For your safety , please put on your gym shoes 為了您的安全,請穿上運動鞋。

That all changed once i founded globo gym 但是找到環球健身之后,一切都變了

Fully printed pvc ball - gym ball - fully printed pvc ball 全印球-波波球-全印球

The month after next , i do two gym sessions 下下個月,我將做兩次健身運動。

Swimming pools , gym , sports , fitness goods equipment 游泳池體操體育健身物品設備

The basketball players are working out at the gym 籃球運動員們正在體育館進行訓練。

In august , i am in the gym 3 - 4 times per week 到了8月份,我會每周回訓練館3到4次。

Cliff : gyms in america are made for the masses 美國健身房的服務對象是大眾。

Whenever i have free time , i go to the gym 當我有時間的時候,我就去體育館。

L go to the gym , punish myself on the treadmill 我上健身房用跑步機折磨自己

You ' ii find a trainer in this gym or somewhere else . . 你可以在這里或者其他地方. .

Is those gym shorts might be a little tight for you 緊身運動短褲把你勒的太緊了?

She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day 每天她至少花半小時在體育館

So , when you ' re picking players in gym class , 所以記住在體育課的挑選你方隊員的時候

Gwang - ho ! you were on duty during gym , right 光昊!體育課的時候你值班是吧?

Because i bought out the second mortgage on your gym 你來是因為我要收購你的健身館

Globo gym is a beacon of human physical perfection 環球健身是完美身體的指南