
guy 短語和例子guy1n.1.〔英國〕蓋伊福克斯 (Guy ...


Any guy who holds on to his own files is asking for trouble . 任何人保存他自己的檔案,只是招惹麻煩。

You could call in the twelve guys who had access to the report . 你可以把看到報告的十二個人都叫來。

Her guy 's real cool . 她的男朋友真帥。

“this guy looks like he can be a mean sonofabitch. “ 看這小子的模樣,弄得不好恐怕倒是很扎手的。

The driver asked: “know where the guy hangs out mostly? “ 司機問:“你知道這家伙經常呆在那兒嗎?

I seldom see such a guy . 這種人真是少有。

The guy may be a nut . 這家伙可能是個怪人。

What is wrong with old age if the guy is healthy ? 如果他身體還好好的,年紀大些又有什么關系?

You are pretty regular guy . 你真討人喜歡。

Keep a close eye on the guy . 盯住這個家伙。

The accusation against guy liddell was palpably absurd . 對蓋伊利德爾的指控顯然荒唐透頂。

That is one handsome guy . 那是個漂亮的小伙子。

There were fifty other guys who lined up right behind us . 排在我們后面還有其它五十個人。

Did you at least total the guy that hit you ? 對那個揍你的家伙,你至少已經向他報復了吧?

The other guys are considered “sick“ or “bums“ . 其他的人則被看成是“病態”或“廢物”。

Until this point he had not dare to fire the guy . 在此之前,他還是不敢把這個人解雇的。

What a contrary guy red was . 雷得老兄也太愛抬杠了。

This guy often stirs up troubles . 這家伙就愛干煽風點火的勾當。

Art romeo was a good guy . 阿特羅密歐是個好小伙子。