
gusto n.(pl. gustos)1.愛好,嗜好,趣味。2.熱...


Did not have the visible such big flying snow to play me before for a long time to pile a very attractive snowman to keep my main house gate , with gusto some people saying : it looks like a gate guard to defend our family ' s happy peace and good health , some people said : it is a patron god is guarding the entire villiage working people ' s farmland , some people said : it is 07 year abundant harvest symbol is working people ' s crystallization 好久沒有看見這么大的飛雪玩的津津有味我堆了一個非常漂亮的雪人留在我家門前有人說:它像一個門衛在保衛我們家的幸福安康,有人說:它是一個守護神在看守著全村勞動人民的農田,有人說:它是07年豐收的象征是勞動人民的結晶。

A move had to be made because that merry old soul , the grasswidower in question , who appeared to be glued to the spot , didn t appear in any particular hurry to wend his way home to his dearly beloved queenstown and it was highly likely some sponger s bawdyhouse of retired beauties off sheriff street lower would be the best clue to that equivocal character s whereabouts for a few days to come , alternately racking their feelings the mermaids with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the tropical calculated to freeze the marrow of anybody s bones and mauling their largesized charms betweenwhiles with rough and tumble gusto to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the usual blarney about himself for as to who he in reality was let xx equal my right name and address , as mr algebra remarks passim 該離開了,因為這位讓老婆守活寡的快活的人兒253好像被膠膘在這里了,他一點兒也不急于回到他那頗可懷念眷戀的王后鎮家中去。今后幾天內,要是想知道這個形跡可疑的家伙的下落,老鴇搜羅幾名年老色衰的佳人兒在下謝里夫街那邊開起來的窯子倒是可以提供最可靠的線索。他忽而講了一通發生在熱帶附近的六響左輪槍奇聞,打算把她們人魚們嚇得毛骨悚然,忽而又對她們那大塊頭的魅力加以苛刻的挑賜,其間還大杯大杯地暢飲私造的威士忌酒,興致勃勃地胡亂開一陣心。

First , educating the students “ sense of language to improve their comprehension to language literalness , develop their cognitive ability , and combine the abstract thought with the visual thought , thereby to educate their thinking ability . second , according to the actual circumstance of the vocational senior high school students , to practice training of level of thinking from low to high : to learn - to think , to ask - to judge , and availably educate the thought ability of students , and expand the thought profundity ; third , reverse the deviation that appears in students “ study motivation and interest . in the actual teaching work , stress the practicability and pertinency of teaching , and the visualize and gusto , regular their study motivation , stir up the interest of their study , then attain to develop the purpose of the thought 首先,要培養學生的語感能力,以提高職高學生對語言文字的理解能力,發展他們的認知能力,使抽象思維與形象思維結合起來,從而培養發展學生的思維力;其次,根據職高學生的實際情況,有步驟地實行由低到高的思維層次訓練:學-思、問-辨,這樣可以有效地培養學生的思維能力,開拓思維深度;再次,盡力扭轉學生學習動機、學習興趣出現的偏差,在實際教學工作中,講求實用性與針對性,講求教學的形象性與趣味性,端正職高學生的學習動機,激發他們的學習興趣,以達到發展思維的目的。

It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are so many marriages and decisive battles , and where we all , at certain hours of the day , and with great gusto and despatch , stow a portion of victuals finally and irretrievably into the bag which contains us 我們可能覺得,如果世界上有許多的婚姻和大的戰爭,我們所有的人,在一天中的某個特定時間,懷著強烈的興趣并以最快的速度,把食物不容置疑地塞進我們所生活的地方,我們就能得到許多東西。

It seems as if a great deal were attainable in a world where there are so many marriages and decisive battles , and where we all , at certain hours of the day , and with great gusto and dispatch , stow a portion of victuals finally and irretrievably into the bag which contains us 人在這個世界上好像真可以大有作為,因為世間有那么多聯姻婚嫁,決戰廝殺,因為我們每日都按時急匆匆、樂滋滋地將一份食物一去不復返地塞入我們自己的皮囊。

The gusto angiographic investigators : the comparative effects of tissue plasminogen activator , strptokinase , or both on coronary artery patercy , ventricular function and survival after acute myocardial infarction . n engl j med , 329 : 1615 , 1993 江隆福,游衛華,梁巖,等.直接經皮冠狀動脈腔內成形術與冠狀動脈內溶栓治療急性心肌梗塞的近期療效比較.中國危重病急救醫學雜志, 1998 , 10 ( 1 ) : 35 - 38

Matthews music has moved ryan deeply , it urged ryan , who has a remarkable skill at guitar originally , to set about forming a band of themselves with his best friends in high school , and played the music with great gusto together 馬休斯的音樂深深地打動了萊恩,使得原本就彈有一手好吉他的萊恩,跟他高中的死黨們一起著手組建了他們自己的樂隊,興致勃勃地玩兒起了音樂。

“ practice this time , “ said president bush . powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

He had the hypocrisy to represent a mourner : and previous to following with hareton , he lifted the unfortunate child on to the table and muttered , with peculiar gusto , now , my bonny lad , you are mine 他還有那份虛偽去裝個吊喪者:在跟著哈里頓出去之前,他把這不幸的孩子舉起來放在桌上,帶著特別的興趣咕嚕著, “現在,我的好孩子,你是我的了!

Powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

The red swamp crayfish , for example , has tucked into the paddy fields of the iberian peninsula with gusto , eating rice seedlings and burrowing into the banks of drainage channels , causing them to collapse 例如紅沼澤龍蝦,已經大量入侵了利比里亞半島的稻田,吞食稻苗并且在泄洪渠的堤壩上挖掘洞穴,導致了堤壩的坍塌。

It is a very practical system which focuses on violence of action , intention , and spiritual readiness to face death and life with a similar gusto and want for victory 我的建議:這是一套很實用的技法,注重勇猛的動作、明確的目的、時刻準備面對生死而不但卻的無畏精神,以及對勝利的渴望。

The dardenne brothers “ “ the child “ won the top award saturday at the festival , which celebrates stars and small art house filmmakers with equal gusto 在上周六舉行的頒獎典禮上,達內兄弟執導的影片《孩子》最終摘得金棕櫚大獎,這使眾多明星與非主流電影制作人獲得了同樣的熱情禮遇。

Mr donnelly has spent months pumping hands , wolfing soggy dinners with gusto and begging strangers to let him serve them in the house of representatives 數月以來,唐納利幾乎成了握手機器,還要滿臉堆笑地參加各色沉悶的宴會,并懇請那些陌生人能讓他進入眾議院以便為他們服務。

Hong kong is a unique meeting place for east and west , blending chinese heritage , british colonial influences , high - tech modernity and cantonese gusto 香港是一個中西合璧的城市,既保留傳統的中國文化,又深受英國殖民地時代的影響,同時也是高科技的現代化城市。

These fish attack their feed with gusto . this scene also provides parents with a vivid picture they can use to teach their children , don ' t be a picky eater 魚兒們興奮的吃著它們的“食物” 。這也正好給家長一個教育小朋友的機會,吃飯要和魚兒一樣,不要挑食哦!

Nothing mare clearly suggests the blithe commercial gusto of our culture than this transformation of a fearful superstition into a cheery business transaction 我們把可怕的迷信變成了愉快的商業交易,沒有什么比這更明白地表明我們文化中的令人愉快的商業熱情。

It is a very practical system which focuses on violence of action , intention , and spiritual readiness to face death and life with a similar gusto and want for victory 這是一個非常實用的系統,著重于有效的暴力、目標、和一心求勝,視生死如等閑的精神準備。

They could volunteer in various cdac s programmes such as kidsread programme , supervised homework group , club gusto and parents development programme 他們可以在華助會各項活動如兒童啟蒙閱讀計劃功課督導小組club gusto和家長學習計劃當義工。