
gust n.1.陣風;一陣狂風。2.(雨、火、煙、雹、聲音等)突...


Swirling whirling gust of wind , blowing it higher away 盤繞急轉風的陣風,更高離開吹它。

A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver all over 一陣突如其來的冷風吹得我渾身直哆嗦。

The canada miss is our gust professor 這位加拿大女土是我們的客座教授。

You feel an unexpected gust of wind fill the tunnel 你無預警的感覺到一陣風充滿著隧道。

Continuous and discrete gust responses of elastic missiles 彈性導彈的連續與離散陣風響應

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof 一陣大風把床從屋頂上刮了下來。

A gust of chilly autumn wind is blowing from the north 一陣冷颼颼的秋風從北方吹來。

The wind will gust up to 40 miles an hour 陣風勁吹,時速將達每小時四十英里。

Her profuse skirt bosomed out with the gusts 她的寬大的裙子被風吹得鼓鼓的。

A gust of overpowering rage swept over him 不知不覺,他兇狠可怕地吼了一聲。

Wind gust information launched by the hong kong observatory 香港天文臺推出陣風資料

A gust of wind blew the flickering candle out 一陣風把閃爍不定的蠟燭吹熄了。

A gust of wind dispersed the smoke from the stove 一陣風把爐子里產生的煙吹散了。

A gust of wind swirled bits of paper away down the street 一陣風把紙片沿街刮去。

The leading edge of the cool air is called the gust front 冷空氣的前端稱為颮鋒。

A gust of a laughter came from one of the tables 從一張桌子上傳來一陣大笑聲。

The front edge of the high winds is called gust front 大風的前緣名為颮鋒。

The foremost edge of gusts is known as the gust front 陣風的最前沿被稱為颮鋒。

Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody . 那些天花板上懸掛下來隨風飄動的形狀奇特的雕塑品,人們早已十分熟悉。