
gusher n.1.迸出物。2.噴油井。3.容易動感情的人;滔滔不絕...


We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas 我們力圖避免那種有關噴油井的陳舊的,不切實際的計劃,這種計劃浪費油和天然氣。

We endeavour to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas 我們盡量避免使用陳舊天真的噴井方法,那樣會浪費石油和天然氣。

What a gusher 知道有什么涌出嗎

Good lord , it ' s a gusher 天啊,好多血

We endeavor to avoid the old , romantic idea of a gusher , which wastes oil and gas . 我們力圖避免那種有關噴油井的陳舊的,不切實際的計劃,這種計劃浪費油和天然氣。

We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher . 我們力圖避免那種有關噴油井的陳舊的、不切實際的計劃。

We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher . 我們力求避免那種陳舊的,富有浪漫色彩的噴油方式。

The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher . 石油會沿著鋼管上涌,如同自噴井那樣噴射出來。