
gunk n.〔俚語〕油膩物,膠黏物質,濃糊狀物質。adj.-y

gunk hole

If you peer inside a used catalytic converter , nothing looks salvageable , much less valuable . but some of the gray gunk in there hides three expensive precious metals 如果你仔細看看用過的觸媒轉換器里面,似乎沒有什么可以回收利用,也不值錢。其實里面的一些灰色的泥狀物中就藏著三種昂貴的稀有金屬。

Some scientists now think that each time you work out , the postexercise boost in hdl may help sweep your blood vessels clear of some of the artery ? clogging gunk 一些科學家現在認為每次鍛煉后高濃度脂蛋白的增加可以使你血管中一些阻塞動脈的粘性物質得以清除。

In the past few years , he says , a sandy bottom has given way to green gunk and his visitors refuse to swim in it anymore 他說在幾年前池底已經布滿了綠色的油膩物質,他的客人再也不在里面游泳了。

I sat down in some gunk at the mall and now i can ' t get it out of my clothes 我在購物中心里坐到了一些粘東西上,現在我沒辦法兒把它從衣服上弄掉。

They stick a tube down your throat and just suck out all the gunk and bile 他們用一支管子伸進你喉嚨里然后抽干所有粘液膽汁之類的

Mr . gunk has really been piling it on 臟先生給我的工作量很大

Mr . gunk , please , you ' re making it nervous 臟先生,別,你會嚇著他

I ' m gonna get a job and i ' m gonna help dad pay back mr . gunk 我要幫爸爸還清欠臟先生的錢