
gunite n.噴槍,水泥槍〔G-〕 古耐特〔一種噴槍或水泥槍商標〕...


Based on the close analysis of the influence factors of the vertical bearing capacity , circular aperture extension theory is employed to establish the computing formulas for the pile vertical stress and the foundation vertical bearing capacity , respectively . moreover , with analyzing the features of the calculation parameters such as materials of gunite mortar , jet pressure , diameter of the jet pipe , pile length , pile layout , a design theory for chemical churning pile composite foundation is proposed . then , the variation of the pipe deformation with loads , the deformation coordination of pile and soil are studied 在此基礎上深入探討了旋噴樁的樁土受力特性及其復合地基的加固機理,從影響旋噴樁復合地基豎向承載力的因素入手,基于圓孔擴張理論給出了樁體豎向應力及旋噴樁復合地基的豎向承載力計算公式;通過對噴射漿液、噴射壓力選取、噴射直徑估算、樁長及樁位設計等各種計算參數的深入分析和研究,提出了一套相應的旋噴樁復合地基設計計算方法;通過計算分析,深入探討了旋噴樁復合地基變形隨荷載變化規律、樁和樁間土變形協調關系、樁土應力比及復合地基壓縮模量的確定,并提出相應的設計方法和修正參數;此外,結合工程應用,對旋噴樁復合地基的施工技術及其現場質量檢測方法進行了較全面的探討。

Gunite concrete lining 噴射混凝土襯砌

Experimental study of the high - strength fibre - reinforced plasticized gunite concrete 高強增塑噴射纖維混凝土試驗研究

Repairs were made by cleaning out the breaks and filling with gunite . 曾將裂縫中的碎塊清理并往裂縫噴槳進行修理。