gullible adj.容易受騙的,容易上當的,輕信的。adv.-bly...
adj. 容易受騙的,容易上當的,輕信的。 adv. -bly “an ignorant gullible person“ 中文翻譯: 毛道凡夫“gullichsen“ 中文翻譯: 古利克森“gullibility“ 中文翻譯: n. 易受欺騙。 “gullick, david“ 中文翻譯: 古利克,戴維“gullia“ 中文翻譯: 古利亞“gullicksen“ 中文翻譯: 古利克森“gulli“ 中文翻譯: 格利; 古利“gullickson“ 中文翻譯: 格利克森“gullhusa“ 中文翻譯: 居爾胡紹“gullicksson“ 中文翻譯: 古利克松“gullholmen“ 中文翻譯: 古爾霍爾門
gullish |
It seems so blindingly obvious to me that organic food and farming is the way forward ? the only way forward , in fact ? that it hardly seems worth saying it , except that i am because i still come across people who think that organic foods are for gullible hippies 事實上,有機食品和耕作是前進的唯一途徑看起來很明顯對我如此的盲目,以致除下我,它幾乎不值得一提,因為我仍然遇見人們認為有機食物是騙人的嬉皮士。 |
Low - rent broadway producer max bialystock zero mostel and his high - strung accountant , leo bloom gene wilder , discover that , with the help of a few gullible investors , they can make more money on a flop than on a hit 百老匯九流監制和窮會計想出一條財路,就是開一部爛到絕的音樂劇,零票房之后,便可將集資金額袋袋平安,從中賺個盤滿缽滿。 |
Idiots mostly . idiots got confused . but finch did not seem so much like an idiot as merely gullible . perhaps he was just lonely and starved for affection 而所謂的有些人大多是白癡。白癡才會被搞混呢。但芬奇不太像一個白癡,倒更像是一個輕易受騙的人。這可能是因為他倍感孤獨、渴望得到他人理睬的緣故吧。 |
Some dishonest people will find young people who are particularly vulnerable , such as those who are shy , gullible or with low self - esteem , to targets for illegal activities 有些不法之徒會找一些較有可能受害的人,例如一些較容易害羞輕易相信別人或自尊心較弱的青少年作為不法活動的對象。 |
Neither is true of course , but two centuries after the tradition began , media outlets still try to dupe the gullible in an unofficial yearly competition 歐洲媒體在愚人節這天開玩笑的傳統,已經延續了二百年之久,各家媒體在這場年度非正式競賽中“大顯身手” ,專整那些容易上當受騙的人。 |
The naive and gullible xu xian , and the clever and witty xu shi lin are both played by none other than the gifted actress cecilia yip 天真與易受騙的許仙,聰明與能言善道的許仕林都是由葉童這個具有天賦的女演員所扮演的。 |
You are not gullible or prone to pursue glamorous , superficial interests . you have a sincere and sober attitude 你不太會輕易地去追求一些具有迷惑力的、膚淺的東西。你有真誠、清醒、理智、不浮夸的態度。 |
Fake advertising cheats consumers and , in some serious cases , threatens gullible people ‘ s lives 虛假廣告欺騙消費者,而且嚴重地對輕信廣告的人們的生命構成威脅。 |
The point is not that end users are gullible or can be distracted with shiny decorations 關鍵并不在于最終用戶容易受騙或者可以被光鮮的“裝飾”轉移注意力。 |
You ' re so gullible . - yeah 你真容易上當是 |
Shady financiers had no difficulty in finding gullible customers 聲譽不佳的金融業主要找到輕信的顧客是沒有困難的。 |
This allows for a variety of deceptions for gullible victims 這是用來為了將多種的欺騙方法用在易受騙的受害者身上。 |
The innocents abroad caricaturizes the gullible american tourist 《傻瓜國外旅行記》 ,諷刺了輕易上當的美國游客。 |
- you ' re so gullible . - yeah 你真容易騙。是。 |
See , that ' s how gullible you are 看,你就是那么容易受騙 |
Did you know the word “ gullible “ isn ' t in the dictionary 你知不知道字典里沒有“易受騙的”這個詞? |
He must have been pretty gullible to fall for that old trick 他準是有點兒傻,才落入那慣用的圈套。 |
Easily duped or deceived ; gullible 易受騙的容易被人欺騙或欺辱的 |
Disposed to believe too readily ; gullible 太容易相信的;易受騙的 |