
guilty adj.1.有罪的,犯了錯誤的。2.自覺有罪的,內疚的。...


“not one!“ said winston with a sort of guilty haste . “一個也沒有!”溫斯頓有些心虛似的急忙說。

The high court had nothing to gain by declaring him guilty . 高等法庭如果宣判他有罪會一無所獲。

He must at once plead guilty to the charge brought against him . 他應該對提出來的指控立即認罪。

He read through her eager defiance to the guilty truth . 他從她迫切的反抗里看出了她犯罪的事實。

Goodwin is found guilty . 古德溫被判有罪。

Prisoner at the bar , do you plead guilty or not guilty ? 接受審訊的刑事被告,你認罪不認罪?

I felt very guilty about that . 我感到很不安。

An expression of guilty confusion crossed his face . 他的臉上露出一種自覺有愧的慌亂神情。

The defendant pleaded not guilty . 被告自稱無罪。

My client's plea is still the same-not guilty . 我的當事人的抗辯仍未改變--他是無罪的。

I will asseverate my conviction that she is guilty . 我堅持有罪判決,因為她是有罪的。

He is obviously guilty -- it is an open-and-shut case . 他顯然有罪此案昭然若揭。

He pleaded that he was not guilty . 他申辯自己無罪。

In the eyes of the law, aziz was not yet guilty . 從法律角度看,阿濟茲還構不上犯罪。

She nodded, feeling guilty . 她點點頭,心里深感慚愧。

The judge found the thief guilty . 法官判決小偷有罪。

He was guilty of assault and battery . 他犯了毆打罪。

Upon my soul i am not guilty . 憑良心,我實在沒有罪。

She was found guilty of murder . 她被證實犯了謀殺罪。