
guava n.【植物;植物學】番石榴,芭樂。


According to the planting and growing situations of guava in the mountain land of changtai county , from the aspects of variety characteristic , garden land selection , site preparation , application , field planting , top application , pruning and retaining fruits , pest control , protecting the fruit with putting covers over it , plucking and packing , and so on , this paper summarized the high - yield cultural technology of guava in the mountain land , and raised the proceedings should be noticed during the planting and producing 摘要根據珍珠番石榴在長泰縣山地種植生產情況,從品種特徵、園地選擇、整地、施肥、定植、施追肥、修剪留果、病蟲害防治、套袋護果、采收包裝等方面總結了珍珠番石榴在山地的高產栽培技術,并提出種植生產中應注意的事項。

No meat was given to the dog even when it refused vegetarian food and it just fasted . three shock treatments later , her puppy developed a very good appetite and now eats almost anything . in addition to its main staple of sweet corn and cheese , it also loves bean sprouts , vegetable stalks , peanuts , pine nuts , guavas , tomatoes , pears , custard apples and other sweet fruits 11 .原本肉食的動物改為素食時,如果遇到任何障礙,你可以循序漸進,逐日減少肉食量,增加其它素食品不過,福爾摩沙永和市的陳小姐則對她的愛犬采取震撼教育法,當它拒食時亦不提供任何肉品,讓它自然斷食,如此反覆三次后,她的小狗便胃口大開,幾乎什么都吃,除了乳酪玉米等主食外,舉凡芽菜蔬菜梗花生松子等堅果芭樂蕃茄水梨釋迦等各種甜味水果無一不愛。

To welcome the arrival of fall , an enchanting array of healthy asian drinks is now available at la fontana of royal plaza hotel . this heart - warming selection of tea is nourishing both to the mind and body : warm autumn korean ginger honey tea , sweetheart korean ginseng honey tea , rose garden rose tea with red date , princess aloe vera green tea with aloe vera , guava angel citron tea with guava juice and snow white almond tea with vanilla powder 帝京酒店彩云軒于這個秋天帶來多款滋養身心的健康特飲,最適宜于天氣乾燥的日子享用,為您安神保健,包括暖暖秋意蜜糖姜茶甜在心頭蜜糖?茶玫麗情濃紅棗玫瑰花茶健寧公主蘆薈綠茶石榴仙子柑桔石榴茶及白雪飛花云呢拿杏仁茶。

The company health care tea of main production management have : the burdock root tea , guava fruit tea , the burdock root bag make tea , the guava bag makes tea , wrings a blue bag to make tea a series of and natural health care tea of etc . 公司主要生產經營的保健茶有:牛蒡茶番石榴果茶牛蒡袋泡茶番石榴袋泡茶絞股藍袋泡茶等一系列天然保健茶,其它一些高級茶葉正在研發當中,絕對能滿足您不同的需求,讓您滿意。

The vitamin c found in guava might be a particularly effective antioxidant against heart disease . studies show it raises good hdl cholesterol , and it helps prevent bad ldl cholesterol from becoming oxidized and turning into artery - clogging plaques 此外,還因含豐富維生素c而備受人們青睞,它可以及時地補充人體對維生素c的需要量,能有效地避免由于維生素c缺乏而引起的疾病。

Year after year , sister lai has achieved phenomenal success with jewelry designs due to her spiritual insights , drawing inspiration from the plain world of nature for her themes , such as guavas , peanuts , spiders and leaves 1998年她推出的鉆石設計作品,獲得de beers國際鉆飾競賽入圍佳作。每年賴師姊都以修行的靈性成長融入珠寶設計,屢屢獲得人們的驚嘆。

Like in the days to come we often stop where people sell exotic vegetables and fruits ( buddhist head , melons , bananas , guava , fon - lon cactus fruit , sweet potatoes , taro . . . ) which we eat on the spot 如同接下來的幾天一樣,我們經常會在路邊販賣異國情調的蔬菜、水果,如釋迦、西瓜、香蕉、芭樂、火龍果、地瓜、芋頭等攤子上停下來,直接在那享受美食。

A recent study proves that it could lower blood sugar . it is a natural way to help prevent diabetes . in china , the leaves of guava are also used for digestive problems , particularly diarrhea 這個瞬間受人重視的神奇植物,它的果實不僅對糖尿病,同時對高血壓也有驚人的效果,因此它可說是成人病的克星,更是生命不可或缺的植物。

The results showed that the guava sprout extract could inhibit six species of the bacteria at the concentrations of 1g / ml , and also decrease spontaneous contractions of rabbit small intestine at the concentrations of 10mg / ml 結果表明:提取物能抑制大腸桿菌等6種病原菌生長;降低家兔十二指腸、空腸、回腸等三腸段收縮張力。

Soluble fiber softens and forms a gel that binds cholesterol and carries it out of the body . the vitamin c found in guava might be a particularly effective antioxidant against heart disease 大多數輕度糖尿病人可經飲用番石榴果茶來控制血糖,而嚴重糖尿病人可藥療結合食療,當血糖得到良好控制后即可逐漸減少藥物的用量

Guava is a good source of lycopene . this carotenoid , which gives many plant foods their red or pink coloring , may help prevent cancer , as well as boost heart health 不僅如此,番石榴還廣泛應用于食品加工業,主要目的就是為了增加食品維生素c的含量,使食品的營養得以強化和提高。

Firm and delicate : the vitamin in the guava could supply enough nutrition for the skin , make them delicate and tender 緊實細膩:紅石榴中的多種維生素補充肌膚足夠的營養,改善肌膚松弛,全面收緊肌膚,增加肌膚彈性,讓肌膚真正實現緊致細膩,柔軟嫩滑。

Lngredients : made with fresh guava fruit cut into cubes and roasted with high heat , no preservatives or artificial colorings are added 本產品主要成份是純新鮮番石榴果,經機械切粒后烘干,加上高溫烘焙及科學處理制成,不含任何防腐及任何素。

We took him home , dried him with a hair dryer and then fed him milk each day . soon he was able to hold a guava by himself and chew on it with gusto 我們把他帶回家用吹風機幫它吹乾,每天喂它喝牛奶,很快地它就會自己抓著芭樂咬得很起勁。

Mango is very lazy and he just gets a tan all day everyday . guava likes to hang out in the water near the filter . they really like their routines 芒果超懶每天只會躺在臺子上曬太陽。芭樂喜歡在過濾器附近徘徊。每天都一樣,日子真好過呢

“ the basket was full of all kinds of fruit - apples , guavas , grapes . why did master single out the mango that i dread ? 果籃中水梨蘋果蕃石榴葡萄等等,圍得圓圓滿滿,師父為何獨獨鍾情我視為畏途的芒果?

Fig . 2 . effect of temperature on fruit rot development of guava inoculated with botryodiplodia theobromae after 7 days of incubation 圖三、溫度對四種病原所引起的番石榴果腐病病勢進展之影響。

[ ingredients ] pumpkin root , mulberry leaf , jade bamboo , guava leaf , balsam pear , reed root , honeysuckle , tieguanyin tea etc 南瓜根、桑葉、玉竹、番石榴葉、苦瓜、蘆根、金銀花、鐵觀音等。

Some fruits also cannot ascend as they too originated in the pleiades including guava , peaches , and nectarines 一些水果同樣不能提升,因為它們也來自昂宿星,這包括:番石榴、桃子和油桃。