
guardsman n.(pl. -men)1.衛兵,哨兵。2.〔英國〕禁衛...


Napoleon walked to and fro before the tent , looked at the fires , listened to the tramp , and passed by a tall guardsman in a fur cap , a sentinel at his tent , who drew himself up like a black post on seeing the emperor . the latter stood still , facing him 拿破侖在收篷前走了走,看看火光,細聽一下腳步聲,他從一個高個子的衛兵面前走過,這個戴著毛皮帽的衛兵在他的帳篷前站崗,他一看見皇帝就把身子挺得像根黑柱子,拿破侖在他面前站住了。

The guardsmen told rostov about their march and how they had been fted in russia , in poland , and abroad . they talked of the sayings and doings of their commander , the grand duke , and told anecdotes of his kind - heartedness and his irascibility 這兩名近衛軍軍人把他們出征的情形講給羅斯托夫聽,講到他們在俄國波蘭,在國外受到殷勤的招待,講到他們的指揮官大公的言行,講到他仁慈而又急躁的趣聞。

Guardsman lee williams , 18 , of the desert rats “ royal scots dragoon guards battle group , found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were “ lighter and more comfortable “ than the british footwear 18歲的李威廉是英國“沙漠之鼠“蘇格蘭皇家近衛團衛兵。他在一個廢棄的兵營里撿了雙嶄新的靴子,跟自己的英國戰靴比起來,他覺得新鞋“又輕巧又舒適。

Guardsman williams , accepted that his footwear problems would not prevent him fighting effectively , but said that he was disappointed that he was having to wear iraqi boots 威廉說這些困難并不影響他英勇作戰,唯一使他感到遺憾的是他不得不換上伊拉克士兵的靴子。

“ the watchmen who make the rounds in the city found me , they struck me and wounded me ; the guardsmen of the walls took away my shawl from me 歌5 : 7城中巡邏看守的人遇見我、打了我、傷了我看守城墻的人奪去我的披肩。

Last year , coast guardsmen seized more than eight hundred thousand kilograms of marijuana and almost four thousand kilograms of cocaine 去年,海岸警衛隊隊員查獲80多萬公斤大麻,將近4000公斤的可卡因。

Ok , i know the lieutenant . what can i do for you , guardsman valleroy 好吧,我認識那少尉。我能為你做什么,守衛瓦羅瑞?

A company of guardsmen swung past 一隊衛兵整齊地跑過去。

I am guardsman valleroy , adjutant to lt . mumphreys 我是守衛瓦羅瑞,馬姆利少尉的副官。

I encountered an even more impressive corps of royal guardsmen wearing baggy scarlet and green uniforms and wielding swords . 我遇到的是一隊更加壯觀的皇家衛隊,他們身穿深紅間綠的肥大軍裝,佩帶長劍。

Two guardsmen took to their heels in one direction and the loungers in the other . 警衛朝一個方向拔腳溜走,那些流浪漢朝另一個方向逃之夭夭。